The GodFather Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ VERSIUNEA IN ROMANA ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Urmand ideea lui @REVAN de anul trecut, a venit vremea sa pornim urmatoarea editie, asadar, bine ati venit la GALA CsBlackDevil 2020 unde puteti nominaliza membrii, serverele & staff-ul in diferite categorii. Castigatorii nominalizati de voi vor primii mega premii, depinzand de categoria castigata. Mai jos aveti cateva reguli simple de care trebuie sa tineti cont: Toata lumea poate nominaliza pe oricine, nimeni nu este exclus si nimeni nu este obligat sa aleaga pe cineva sa fie votat! Nu va puteti vota singuri! Nominalizarea nickname-ului tau trebuie sa vina de la altcineva. Nominalizarile in categorii gresite vor fi anulate (ex: Eu sa fiu votat la Best GFX iar @vagabond. la Best VGR) Nu trebuie neaparat sa completati toate categoriile, daca nu aveti pe cine sa puneti la o categorie anume, puteti scrie " - " sau pur si simplu lasati liber. Nu aveti sa faceti 2 sau mai multe reply-uri. Se va lua in considerare primul reply. Aveti voie sa votati o persoana la mai multe categorii. Vom lua la cunostinta doar prima persoana nominalizata la o categorie, in cazul in care taggezi mai multe. Sa inceapa nominalizarile! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NOMINALIZARI STAFF (Emblema de profil) Administrator of the Year ➤ Global Moderator of the Year ➤ Moderator of the Year ➤ NOMINALIZARI PROIECTE (Emblema de profil + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ Gambler of the Year ➤ Dealer Of the Year ➤ Journalist of the Year ➤ Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ NOMINALIZARI MANAGERI (Emblema de profil + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ NOMINALIZARI GRUPE SPECIALE (Emblema de profil + 2500 CSBD Points) Cel mai vechi Ex-Staff ➤ Best V.I.P. ➤ NOMINALIZARI TEAMSPEAK 3 (Iconita TS3 speciala + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ Cel mai activ TS3 user ➤ Userul care a cerut cel mai mult grad ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ The best TS3 Administrator ➤ Cel mai AFK user ➤ NOMINALIZARI SERVERE (Semnatura speciala cu numele serverului) Server of the Year ➤ Cel mai activ (32/32) server ➤ Cel mai tare Zombie server ➤ Cel mai tare Classic server ➤ Cel mai tare Respawn server ➤ NOMINALIZARI MEMBRII (2000 CSBD Points) Cel mai activ membru CsBlackDevil (+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the Year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ Visatorul la grade ➤ Spammer of the Year ➤ Cel mai social membru ➤ Cel mai frumos membru ➤ Cel mai apreciat membru ➤ Cel mai enervant membru ➤ Cel mai iubit membru ➤ Cel mai bogat membru ➤ Membrul care a ajutat cel mai mult ➤ Membrul cu cele mai bune topicuri/posturi ➤ Cel mai prietenos membru ➤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Gala CsBlackDevil 2020 se va termina pe 28 Decembrie 2020 iar rezultatele vor fi calculate & premiile livrate tuturor in prima saptamana din 2021. Va multumim ca ati fost si inca sunteti alaturi de noi! Cu drag, CSBD Staff. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ENGLISH VERSION ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Following @REVAN's idea from last year, it's time we start the next edition. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to GALA CsBlackDevil 2020 where you can nominate our members, servers & staff in different categories. The nominated winners will recieve great prizes, depending on the category they are nominated. Below you will find some simple rules you will have to remember: Everybody can nominate anyone, nobody is excluded in voting and no one is forced to choose someone to vote. You cannot vote yourself! Your nomenee must be from someone else. The nominations in the wrong categories will be canceled. (ex: Me being GFX of the Year and @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Gambler of the Year) You are not forced to nominate a member in all categories, you can leave it blank or just type " - " You are not allowed to make 2 or more replies with nominations. The first reply will be considered You are allowed to vote one person on more categories We will consider only the first person nominated, in case you nominate more members in one category. Let the nominations begin! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ Global Moderator of the Year ➤ Moderator of the Year ➤ PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ Gambler of the Year ➤ Dealer Of the Year ➤ Journalist of the Year ➤ Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ Best V.I.P. ➤ TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ The most active TS3 user ➤ The user who asked the most for rank ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ The best Administrator ➤ The most AFK user ➤ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ The most active (32/32) server ➤ The best Zombie server ➤ The best Classic server ➤ The best Respawn server ➤ MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ The member who dreams about ranks ➤ Spammer of the Year ➤ The most social member ➤ The most beautiful member ➤ The most appreciated member ➤ The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ The richest member ➤ The member who helped the most ➤ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ The friendliest member ➤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Gala CsBlackDevil 2020 will end on December 28, 2020 and the results & all the awards delivered will happen in the first week of 2021. Thank you all for being with us, and still here! With love, CSBD Staff. 19 1
Revo Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather @myCro Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong @YaKoMoS PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @Adriana @REVAN @Nexy Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @vagabond. Journalist of the Year ➤ @Qween @-Apex @HiTLeR. Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @Seuong @#Steeven.™ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @YaKoMoS Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ @HiTLeR. @-Apex MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @BMW e63 Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @El L0rd Best V.I.P. ➤ @亗 GRAVEN 亗 TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - The most active TS3 user ➤ @The GodFather @HellFir3 The user who asked the most for rank ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love @The GodFather @myCro The best Administrator ➤ @Seuong @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ The most AFK user ➤ - SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ RSX The most active (32/32) server ➤ THUNDERZM The best Zombie server ➤ THUGLIFEZM The best Classic server ➤ CS The best Respawn server ➤ RSX MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ @Seuong Banned of the year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ - The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Seuong Spammer of the Year ➤ @-Dark The most social member ➤ @Loenex The most beautiful member ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers The most appreciated member ➤ @myCro The most annoying member ➤ - The most beloved member ➤- The richest member ➤ @The GodFather @Seuong The member who helped the most ➤ @The GodFather @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @Seuong The friendliest member ➤ @亗 GRAVEN 亗 7
King_of_lion Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 Administrator of the Year ➤ @myCro @Mr.Love @Roselina ♣ flowers @The GodFather @-Dark Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong @-Apex @YaKoMoS @Hossam Taibi PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @ROVEN @Lord Edward Gambler of the Year ➤ - Dealer Of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 Journalist of the Year ➤ @T͟Hē GHōST' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @Ru-gAL.™ @#Steeven.™ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @-Dark Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Agent 47' MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @[D]ROSEL ♚♚♚ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Lock流 Best V.I.P. ➤ @Loenex TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT The most active TS3 user ➤ @T͟Hē GHōST' @Revo 324 The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @AraGoN ™ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Amaranth❤️ @myCro @The GodFather The best Administrator ➤ @-Dark @axelxcapo The most AFK user ➤ @BMW e63 xd SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ HIGHLIFEZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM The best Zombie server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM The best Classic server ➤ - The best Respawn server ➤ RSX MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ - all Banned of the year ➤ @#DEXTER @Ntgthegamer Loser of the year ➤ @Ntgthegamer The member who dreams about ranks ➤ - Spammer of the Year ➤ - The most social member ➤- The most beautiful member ➤ @T͟Hē GHōST' The most appreciated member ➤ @Loenex The most annoying member ➤ @Loenex The most beloved member ➤ @Loenex & @AL_MAOT The richest member ➤ :0 The member who helped the most ➤ - The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @Loenex The friendliest member ➤ @AL_MAOT
-MPBilegt Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 Administrator of the Year ➤ @myCro @axelxcapo Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Moderator of the Year ➤ @-Apex @Seuong PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @Adriana Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @vagabond. @Revo 324 Journalist of the Year ➤ @-Apex @Shyloo Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ @Seuong VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @YaKoMoS @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ @-Apex MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @BMW e63 @J[A]V[E]D! Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤- SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤- Best V.I.P. ➤- TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤- The most active TS3 user ➤ @The GodFather The user who asked the most for rank ➤- The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love @The GodFather @myCro The best Administrator ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro The most AFK user ➤- SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ RSX-Respawn The most active (32/32) server ➤ RSX, ThunderZm The best Zombie server ➤ - The best Classic server ➤ CS The best Respawn server ➤ RSX MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Banned of the year ➤- Loser of the year ➤- The member who dreams about ranks ➤- Spammer of the Year ➤- The most social member ➤ @Dr@g0n The most beautiful member ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers The most appreciated member ➤- The most annoying member ➤- The most beloved member ➤- The richest member ➤- The member who helped the most ➤ @-Apex @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @The GodFather The member with the best topics/posts ➤- The friendliest member ➤ @Loenex 6 2
HiTLeR Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 Administrator of the Year ➤ @myCro @Roselina ♣ flowers @Mr.Love Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ @Ru-gAL.™ @#Steeven.™ @Qween Moderator of the Year ➤ @-Apex @Hossam Taibi @YaKoMoS @Shyloo PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT @vagabond. Journalist of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ @-Apex Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @#Steeven.™ @Ru-gAL.™ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Loenex @Shyloo Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 @AL_MAOT MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @InfiNitY-™ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @#PREDATOR Best V.I.P. ➤ @aRbi~ TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @S9OUL. The most active TS3 user ➤ @zenel.ko1 The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @Loenex The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @The GodFather @Roselina ♣ flowers The best Administrator ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ The most AFK user ➤ @HellFir3 SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ RSX-Respawn The most active (32/32) server ➤ The best Zombie server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM The best Classic server ➤ CS The best Respawn server ➤ RSX MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Loenex Banned of the year ➤ @#DEXTER Loser of the year ➤ @-Dark The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Loenex Spammer of the Year ➤ @Loenex The most social member ➤ @SKYFALL The most beautiful member ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers The most appreciated member ➤ @Revo 324 The most annoying member ➤ - The most beloved member ➤ - The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ @AL_MAOT The member with the best topics/posts ➤- The friendliest member ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ @-Apex @Hossam Taibi @YaKoMoS @AL_MAOT @Shyloo @SKYFALL @Loenex 9
S9OUL. Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @-Dark Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @HiTLeR. Moderator of the Year ➤ @-Apex @YaKoMoS PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion Gambler of the Year ➤ @InfiNitY-™ Dealer Of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT Journalist of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @Loenex VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Shyloo @ROVEN Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @-INTOX-™ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @El L0rd Best V.I.P. ➤ @Loenex TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - The most active TS3 user ➤ @The GodFather The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @Loenex The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @The GodFather The best Administrator ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The most AFK user ➤ - SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ - The most active (32/32) server ➤ - The best Zombie server ➤ ThunderZM The best Classic server ➤ - The best Respawn server ➤ - MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member (+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @S9OUL. Banned of the year ➤ @#DEXTER Loser of the year ➤ @-Dark The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Loenex Spammer of the Year ➤ @Loenex The most social member ➤ - The most beautiful member ➤ - The most appreciated member ➤ - The most annoying member ➤ - The most beloved member ➤ @AL_MAOT The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ @AL_MAOT @Loenex The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The friendliest member ➤ @AL_MAOT @HiTLeR. @Loenex @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ 3
AL_MAOT Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @vagabond. Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Hossam Taibi PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion Gambler of the Year ➤ - Dealer Of the Year ➤ @vagabond. Journalist of the Year ➤ @-Apex Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @HiTLeR. VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Loenex Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @SKYFALL Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @#PREDATOR Best V.I.P. ➤ @@LeX TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @S9OUL. The most active TS3 user ➤ @pulse.exe The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @Loenex The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @The GodFather The best Administrator ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The most AFK user ➤ @Ru-gAL.™ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ RSX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM >> ULTIMATE RESPAWN The most active (32/32) server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM The best Zombie server ➤ THUNDERZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM [ZP 6.2] The best Classic server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM The best Respawn server ➤ RSX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM >> ULTIMATE RESPAWN MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @YaKoMoS Banned of the year ➤ @#DEXTER Loser of the year ➤ @-Dark The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Loenex Spammer of the Year ➤ @Loenex The most social member ➤ @The GodFather The most beautiful member ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers The most appreciated member ➤ @XZoro™ The most annoying member ➤ - The most beloved member ➤ @XZoro™ The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ @HellFir3 The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The friendliest member ➤ @XZoro™ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @vagabond. @HiTLeR. @Loenex @S9OUL. @King_of_lion @Ru-gAL.™ @#Steeven.™ @@LeX @BeeNoXz @jijii @HellFir3 @myCro @T͟Hē GHōST' @nanelu @YaKoMoS @Shyloo @-Apex @Hossam Taibi @Zegna @Naomi @EvN @-Dark @Agent 47' 7 1
Agent47 Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather @myCro @axelxcapo Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ @HiTLeR. Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong @YaKoMoS PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @King_of_lion Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @vagabond. Journalist of the Year ➤ @Loenex @XZoro™ Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @Seuong @#Steeven.™ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @Loenex @XZoro™ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 @XZoro™ MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @InfiNitY-™ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @#PREDATOR Best V.I.P. ➤ @aRbi~ TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @S9OUL. The most active TS3 user ➤ @AL_MAOT The user who asked the most for rank ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @The GodFather The best Administrator ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ @HiTLeR. @Hossam Taibi @-Apex The most AFK user ➤ @pulse.exe SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ HIGHLIFEZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM The best Zombie server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM The best Classic server ➤ CS The best Respawn server ➤ RSX.RESPAWN MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Loenex Banned of the year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ - The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @AL_MAOT Spammer of the Year ➤ - The most social member ➤ @SKYFALL The most beautiful member ➤ @Qween @Roselina ♣ flowers The most appreciated member ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The most annoying member ➤ - The most beloved member ➤ - The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ - The friendliest member ➤ @XZoro™ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @HiTLeR. @-Apex @ZaYYnNNn @Hossam Taibi @Loenex @AL_MAOT @SKYFALL @S9OUL. 6 1
FNX Magokiler Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @axelxcapo Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @#Steeven.™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong @-Apex PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion Gambler of the Year ➤ Dealer Of the Year ➤ @-Apex Journalist of the Year ➤ @Loenex Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @Seuong VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @BMW e63 Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ Best V.I.P. ➤ @Vinicius™ TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @Dean Ambrose™ The most active TS3 user ➤ @King_of_lion The user who asked the most for rank ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ The best Administrator ➤ @axelxcapo @Seuong @-Dark The most AFK user ➤ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ STREETZM The most active (32/32) server ➤STREETZM The best Zombie server ➤STREETZM The best Classic server ➤? The best Respawn server ➤? MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ @-Dark The member who dreams about ranks ➤ Spammer of the Year ➤ The most social member ➤ The most beautiful member ➤ The most appreciated member ➤ The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ The richest member ➤ The member who helped the most ➤ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @axelxcapo The friendliest member ➤ @axelxcapo @King_of_lion @Dean Ambrose™ @Vinicius™ @Bluefox21 @XxforussxX 4 1
Polito Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 Administrator of the Year ➤ @axelxcapo @myCro @Roselina ♣ flowers Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Ru-gAL.™ @#Steeven.™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion @ROVEN Gambler of the Year ➤ Dealer Of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 @AL_MAOT @Seuong Journalist of the Year ➤ Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @#Steeven.™ @Ru-gAL.™ @Seuong @axelxcapo VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @Ru-gAL.™ @ Ciprian ✔ @Dante ღ @axelxcapo Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Lunix I Best V.I.P. ➤ @Loenex TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ The most active TS3 user ➤ The user who asked the most for rank ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love @The GodFather @myCro @Roselina ♣ flowers The best Administrator ➤ @#Steeven.™ @Ru-gAL.™ @-Dark @axelxcapo @SKYFALL @Seuong The most AFK user ➤ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ The most active (32/32) server ➤ The best Zombie server ➤darklifezm / Streetzm / Highlifezm / zmoldschool / newlifezm The best Classic server ➤ The best Respawn server ➤ MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @-LosT Banned of the year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ @-Dark The member who dreams about ranks ➤ Spammer of the Year ➤ The most social member ➤ The most beautiful member ➤ The most appreciated member ➤ The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ The friendliest member ➤ @Loenex 3 1
DANI S. @ FUN Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 NOMINALIZARI STAFF (Emblema de profil) Administrator of the Year ➤ @Mr.Love @Roselina ♣ flowers @The GodFather @vagabond. Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @#Steeven.™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @SKYFALL NOMINALIZARI PROIECTE (Emblema de profil + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @ROVEN Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @vagabond. Journalist of the Year ➤ @Agent 47' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ - Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ - NOMINALIZARI MANAGERI (Emblema de profil + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @BMW e63 Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - NOMINALIZARI GRUPE SPECIALE (Emblema de profil + 2500 CSBD Points) Cel mai vechi Ex-Staff ➤ @#PREDATOR Best V.I.P. ➤ @Ares NOMINALIZARI TEAMSPEAK 3 (Iconita TS3 speciala + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @Dean Ambrose™ Cel mai activ TS3 user ➤ @King_of_lion Userul care a cerut cel mai mult grad ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love The best TS3 Administrator ➤ @vagabond. Cel mai AFK user ➤ - NOMINALIZARI SERVERE (Semnatura speciala cu numele serverului) Server of the Year ➤ RSX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Cel mai activ (32/32) server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Cel mai tare Zombie server ➤ THUNDERZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Cel mai tare Classic server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Cel mai tare Respawn server ➤ RSX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM NOMINALIZARI MEMBRII (2000 CSBD Points) Cel mai activ membru CsBlackDevil (+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Loenex Banned of the Year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ - Visatorul la grade ➤ @BulaNikeSSS Spammer of the Year ➤ - Cel mai social membru ➤ @vagabond. @Mr.Love @Roselina ♣ flowers Cel mai frumos membru ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers Cel mai apreciat membru ➤ @XZoro™ Cel mai enervant membru ➤ @#nuţu.XD Cel mai iubit membru ➤ @Mr.Love Cel mai bogat membru ➤ - Membrul care a ajutat cel mai mult ➤ @Amaranth Membrul cu cele mai bune topicuri/posturi ➤ - Cel mai prietenos membru ➤ - 6 1
THē-GHōST Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @-Dark @The GodFather Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ @HiTLeR. @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Moderator of the Year ➤ @-Apex @Adriana @SKYFALL PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion @ROVEN Gambler of the Year ➤ - Dealer Of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 Journalist of the Year ➤ @[Ty]M@g0k1l3r Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Loenex Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @HiTLeR. MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @Dante ღ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤- SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Lock流 Best V.I.P. ➤ @KingLV CSBD TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @S9OUL. The most active TS3 user ➤ @AL_MAOT The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @Loenex The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @myCro @The GodFather @Roselina ♣ flowers The best Administrator ➤ @XZoro™ @axelxcapo @#Steeven.™ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @HiTLeR. The most AFK user ➤ @HellFir3 SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ NEWLIFEZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ NEWLIFEZM The best Zombie server ➤ NEWLIFEZM The best Classic server ➤ CS The best Respawn server ➤ RSX.RESPAWN MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Loenex Banned of the year ➤ @#DEXTER Loser of the year ➤ - The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Loenex Spammer of the Year ➤- The most social member ➤ @-Apex The most beautiful member ➤ @Revo 324 The most appreciated member ➤ @pulse.exe The most annoying member ➤- The most beloved member ➤ @Agent 47' The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ @pulse.exe The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The friendliest member ➤ @XZoro™ @AL_MAOT @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @Loenex @HiTLeR. @-Apex @pulse.exe @King_of_lion @Agent 47' @ROVEN 10 1
Aysha Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 NOMINALIZARI STAFF (Emblema de profil) Administrator of the Year ➤ @myCro, @Mr.Love Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Ru-gAL.™, @#Steeven.™, @XZoro™,@Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Adriana NOMINALIZARI PROIECTE (Emblema de profil + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Adriana, @Lord Edward Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @vagabond. Journalist of the Year ➤ @Qween, @Agent 47' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @Ru-gAL.™, @#Steeven.™, @axelxcapo, @Seuong VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @HiTLeR. NOMINALIZARI MANAGERI (Emblema de profil + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @#nuţu.XD, @Tsuby ™, @DANI S. @ FUN Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - NOMINALIZARI GRUPE SPECIALE (Emblema de profil + 2500 CSBD Points) Cel mai vechi Ex-Staff ➤ @pulse.exe, @REVAN Best V.I.P. ➤ @Ares NOMINALIZARI TEAMSPEAK 3 (Iconita TS3 speciala + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - Cel mai activ TS3 user ➤ - Userul care a cerut cel mai mult grad ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love The best TS3 Administrator ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @HiTLeR. Cel mai AFK user ➤- NOMINALIZARI SERVERE (Semnatura speciala cu numele serverului) Server of the Year ➤ HIGHLIFEZM Cel mai activ (32/32) server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM Cel mai tare Zombie server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM Cel mai tare Classic server ➤ CS Cel mai tare Respawn server ➤ RSX NOMINALIZARI MEMBRII (2000 CSBD Points) Cel mai activ membru CsBlackDevil (+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Loenex Banned of the Year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ - Visatorul la grade ➤ - Spammer of the Year ➤ - Cel mai social membru ➤ - Cel mai frumos membru ➤ @ZuZuLiNa, @Qween Cel mai apreciat membru ➤ - Cel mai enervant membru ➤ @#nuţu.XD🤭 Cel mai iubit membru ➤ - Cel mai bogat membru ➤ - Membrul care a ajutat cel mai mult ➤ - Membrul cu cele mai bune topicuri/posturi ➤ - Cel mai prietenos membru ➤ - 13 1
Drosel Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @-Dark @The GodFather @axelxcapo Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Moderator of the Year ➤ @-Apex @Seuong PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion @ROVEN @T͟Hē GHōST Gambler of the Year ➤ - Dealer Of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 Journalist of the Year ➤ @[Ty]M@g0k1l3r Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Loenex Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @HiTLeR. MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤- SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @[N]audy @growndex. Best V.I.P. ➤ @REVAN TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @S9OUL. The most active TS3 user ➤ @Seuong @BMW e63 The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @Seuong The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @myCro @The GodFather @Roselina ♣ flowers @Mr.Love The best Administrator ➤ @XZoro™ @axelxcapo @#Steeven.™ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @HiTLeR. @Seuong @growndex. The most AFK user ➤ - SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ STREETZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ STREETZM The best Zombie server ➤ STREETZM The best Classic server ➤ CS The best Respawn server ➤ RSX.RESPAWN MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @BMW e63 Banned of the year ➤ @Akrapovic; Loser of the year ➤ - The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Seuong Spammer of the Year ➤- The most social member ➤ @Seuong The most beautiful member ➤ - The most appreciated member ➤@Seuong The most annoying member ➤- The most beloved member ➤ - The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ @Seuong The member with the best topics/posts ➤ The friendliest member ➤ @Studentul @T͟Hē GHōST @-Dark @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @King_of_lion @ROVEN @BMW e63 @axelxcapo @Seuong 3 2
_Happy boy Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 Administrator of the Year ➤ @myCro Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @HiTLeR. @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ Moderator of the Year @Mindsphere. @Hossam Taibi @-Apex NOMINALIZARI PROIECTE (Emblema de profil + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @T͟Hē GHōST' @myCro @King_of_lion Gambler of the Year ➤ @vagabond. Dealer Of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT Journalist of the Year ➤ @HiTLeR. Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @S9OUL. VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Hossam Taibi NOMINALIZARI MANAGERI (Emblema de profil + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @SKYFALL Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - NOMINALIZARI GRUPE SPECIALE (Emblema de profil + 2500 CSBD Points) Cel mai vechi Ex-Staff ➤ @Mr.Sebby Best V.I.P. ➤ @Hossam Taibi NOMINALIZARI TEAMSPEAK 3 (Iconita TS3 speciala + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @S9OUL. The most active TS3 use : @[Ty]M@g0k1l3r The user who asked the most for rank ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @The GodFather The best Administrator ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @HiTLeR. @XZoro™ @Hossam Taibi @-Apex The most AFK user ➤ @XZoro™ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ Newlifezm The most active (32/32) server ➤ THUNDERZM The best Zombie server ➤ Newlifezm The best Classic server ➤ cs The best Respawn server ➤ RSX.RESPAWN MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @AL_MAOT Banned of the year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ - The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Mindsphere. Spammer of the Year ➤ - The most social member ➤ @AL_MAOT @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @HiTLeR. @XZoro™ The most beautiful member ➤ @AL_MAOT @S9OUL. The most appreciated member ➤ The most annoying member ➤ - The most beloved member ➤ - The richest member ➤ maybe @HiTLeR. The member who helped the most ➤ @HiTLeR. @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ - The friendliest member ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @King_of_lion @vagabond. @The GodFather @-Apex @XZoro™ @HiTLeR. @AL_MAOT @S9OUL. @#Steeven.™ @Dante ღ @axelxcapo @Roselina ♣ flowers @myCro @Qween @Mindsphere. @T͟Hē GHōST' 7 1 1
J[A]V[E]D! Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @myCro @Roselina ♣ flowers Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @ XZoro ™ @-Apex Moderator of the Year ➤ @YaKoMoS @Shyloo PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @ROVEN Gambler of the Year ➤ @ aRbi ~ Dealer Of the Year ➤ - Journalist of the Year ➤ @Agent 47' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @ROSTOM VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ - Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @-GloW MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @rusha^^ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @SoRrY. @Ghost95V @Javed @ CSBD Best V.I.P. ➤ @Dark-ImmoRtal^ TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - The most active TS3 user ➤ @.-AdiiLo-. The user who asked the most for rank ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love The best Administrator ➤ @myCro @Roselina ♣ flowers The most AFK user ➤ @HellFir3 SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ ZmOldSchool The most active (32/32) server ➤ ZmOldSchool The best Zombie server ➤ ZmOldSchool The best Classic server ➤ - The best Respawn server ➤ - MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @XZoro Banned of the year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ - The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Shyloo Spammer of the Year ➤ The most social member ➤ The most beautiful member ➤ The most appreciated member ➤ The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ @.-AdiiLo-. The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @ The friendliest member ➤ @YaKoMoS 4
S e u o n g Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather @axelxcapo @-Dark Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Ru-gAL.™ Moderator of the Year ➤ - PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Y A S H™ Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 Journalist of the Year ➤ @-Dark Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ - VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ - Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ - MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @[D]ROSEL ♚♚♚ @Dean Ambrose™ @BMW e63 Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Loading Best V.I.P. ➤ @Vinicius™ TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - The most active TS3 user ➤ @Mr.Sebby The user who asked the most for rank ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @The GodFather The best Administrator ➤ @axelxcapo The most AFK user ➤ - SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ StreetZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ - The best Zombie server ➤ Street ZM The best Classic server ➤ - The best Respawn server ➤ RSX MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ - Banned of the year ➤ @Akrapovic; Loser of the year ➤ @AL_MAOT The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @AL_MAOT Spammer of the Year ➤ - The most social member ➤ - The most beautiful member ➤ @big valu The most appreciated member ➤ @The GodFather The most annoying member ➤ - The most beloved member ➤ - The richest member ➤ @Revo 324 The member who helped the most ➤ @The GodFather The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @axelxcapo The friendliest member ➤ - 5 1 1
ROVEN Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @axelxcapo @The GodFather @-Dark @myCro @Roselina ♣ flowers Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @ XZoro ™ @Ru-gAL.™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @YaKoMoS @Shyloo @-Apex @Seuong @Adriana PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion @Lord Edward Gambler of the Year ➤ Dealer Of the Year ➤ - @Revo 324 Journalist of the Year ➤ @Agent 47' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @S9OUL. VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @-GloW MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @BMW e63 @NaSeR. @Dean Ambrose™ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Loading @d3v0uTT™ @-DarkJesús- @[N]audy @Verox Best V.I.P. ➤ @REVAN TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - The most active TS3 user ➤ @The GodFather The user who asked the most for rank ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love The best Administrator ➤ @myCro @axelxcapo The most AFK user ➤ @HellFir3 SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ StreetZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ NewlifeZM The best Zombie server ➤ StreetZM The best Classic server ➤ - The best Respawn server ➤ - MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Banned of the year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ - The member who dreams about ranks ➤ Spammer of the Year ➤ The most social member ➤ The most beautiful member ➤ The most appreciated member ➤ The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @ The friendliest member ➤ @King_of_lion 7
Hossam Taibi Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers @myCro Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ @HiTLeR. @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Moderator of the Year ➤ @-Apex PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @King_of_lion Gambler of the Year ➤ - Dealer Of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT Journalist of the Year ➤ @Loenex @-Apex Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @HiTLeR. Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @.-AdiiLo-. Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Twix# Best V.I.P. ➤ @Loenex TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - The most active TS3 user ➤ @HiTLeR. The user who asked the most for rank ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers ❤️ The best Administrator ➤ The most AFK user ➤ @XZoro™ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ ZMOLDSCHOOL OLD The most active (32/32) server ➤ THUNDERZM The best Zombie server ➤ ZMOLDSCHOOL OLD The best Classic server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL The best Respawn server ➤ RSX MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ @-Apex The member who dreams about ranks ➤ no body Spammer of the Year ➤ @Loenex The most social member ➤ @SKYFALL The most beautiful member ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers @Qween @ZuZuLiNa The most appreciated member ➤ - The most annoying member ➤ - The most beloved member ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers The richest member ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The member who helped the most ➤ - The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The friendliest member ➤- 7 1
-Apex Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers @-Dark Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @Qween @HiTLeR. @XZoro™ @#Steeven.™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Hossam Taibi PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Gambler of the Year ➤ @aRbi~ Dealer Of the Year ➤ @Loenex Journalist of the Year ➤ @YaKoMoS @Qween Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @#Steeven.™ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Hossam Taibi @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @.-AdiiLo-. Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @robila @#PREDATOR Best V.I.P. ➤ @Hossam Taibi @Loenex TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @Vevo The most active TS3 user ➤ @HiTLeR. The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @Agent 47' The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @myCro @Roselina ♣ flowers The best Administrator ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @Amaranth The most AFK user ➤ @XZoro™ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ ThunderZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ ThunderZM The best Zombie server ➤ ThunderZM The best Classic server ➤ RSX Respawn The best Respawn server ➤ RSX Respawn MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @#Steeven.™ @HiTLeR. Banned of the year ➤ @Bandolero - Loser of the year ➤ @Shyloo The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Shyloo Spammer of the Year ➤ @ShauryH The most social member ➤ @SKYFALL The most beautiful member ➤ @Qween @Roselina ♣ flowers The most appreciated member ➤ @Sethhh. @Amaranth @robila The most annoying member ➤ @AL_MAOT @Agent 47' The most beloved member ➤ @myCro The richest member ➤ @Seuong The member who helped the most ➤ @XZoro™ @robila @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @-Dark The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The friendliest member ➤ @Loenex 8 1
LycaNiaN Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 NOMINALIZARI STAFF (Emblema de profil) Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather and @Amaranth Global Moderator of the Year ➤ Moderator of the Year ➤ NOMINALIZARI PROIECTE (Emblema de profil + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Lord Edward Gambler of the Year ➤ Dealer Of the Year ➤ Journalist of the Year ➤ Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ NOMINALIZARI MANAGERI (Emblema de profil + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @Amaranth Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ NOMINALIZARI GRUPE SPECIALE (Emblema de profil + 2500 CSBD Points) Cel mai vechi Ex-Staff ➤ @Supremache Best V.I.P. ➤ NOMINALIZARI TEAMSPEAK 3 (Iconita TS3 speciala + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ Cel mai activ TS3 user ➤ Userul care a cerut cel mai mult grad ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Amaranth The best TS3 Administrator ➤ Cel mai AFK user ➤ ALL STAFF MEMBERS NOMINALIZARI SERVERE (Semnatura speciala cu numele serverului) Server of the Year ➤ CS Cel mai activ (32/32) server ➤ CS Cel mai tare Zombie server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM Cel mai tare Classic server ➤ CS Cel mai tare Respawn server ➤ RESPAWN NOMINALIZARI MEMBRII (2000 CSBD Points) Cel mai activ membru CsBlackDevil (+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the Year ➤ Dexter Loser of the year @Culea Visatorul la grade ➤ @ShauryH Spammer of the Year ➤ Cel mai social membru ➤ @Mr.Love Cel mai frumos membru ➤ @Amaranth Cel mai apreciat membru ➤ Cel mai enervant membru ➤ @Amaranth Cel mai iubit membru ➤ @Amnez!cu Cel mai bogat membru ➤ @Mr.Love Membrul care a ajutat cel mai mult ➤ @The GodFather Membrul cu cele mai bune topicuri/posturi ➤ Cel mai prietenos membru ➤ ......? 1 1
G R 4 V E N ⵣ Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @XZoro™ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong @YaKoMoS PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @Revo 324 Journalist of the Year ➤ Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @JaEgArN @K (No Sound)'' Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Lunix I Best V.I.P. ➤ TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ The most active TS3 user ➤ The user who asked the most for rank ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @The GodFather The best Administrator ➤ The most AFK user ➤ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ The most active (32/32) server ➤ The best Zombie server ➤ The best Classic server ➤ The best Respawn server ➤ MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ The member who dreams about ranks ➤ Spammer of the Year ➤ The most social member ➤ @QeLi The most beautiful member ➤ The most appreciated member ➤ @K (No Sound)'' The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ @Technodrone The richest member ➤ @Revo 324 The member who helped the most ➤ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ The friendliest member ➤ @Abdollahシ 5 1
shVury Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Global Moderator of the Year ➤- Moderator of the Year ➤ @-Apex PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤- Gambler of the Year ➤ @aRbi~ Dealer Of the Year ➤ @-LosT Journalist of the Year ➤ @-Apex Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @robila VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤- Devil Harmony of the Year ➤- MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @Amaranth Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤- SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Kleo Best V.I.P. ➤ @PlayRageQuit TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ The most active TS3 user ➤ @The GodFather The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @Loenex The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Amaranth The best Administrator ➤ @InfiNitY-™ The most AFK user ➤ @The GodFather SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ CS.BLACKDEVIL.COM The most active (32/32) server ➤ CS.BLACKDEVIL.COM The best Zombie server ➤ HIGHLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM The best Classic server ➤ CS.BLACKDEVIL.COM The best Respawn server ➤ RSX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ @-Apex The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Loenex Spammer of the Year ➤ @LycaNiaN The most social member ➤ The most beautiful member ➤ @GRC21 The most appreciated member ➤ @The GodFather The most annoying member ➤ @Loenex The most beloved member ➤ The richest member ➤ @aRbi~ The member who helped the most ➤ @The GodFather The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @The GodFather The friendliest member ➤ @Mindsphere. 4 1 1
Mindsphere. Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather, @myCro, @Roselina ♣ flowers. Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @XZoro™, @HiTLeR., @Qween. Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong, @-Apex. PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Y A S H™. Gambler of the Year ➤ Dealer Of the Year ➤ Journalist of the Year ➤ @Qween, @-Apex. Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @XZoro™ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @XZoro™ MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @Mr.Sebby Best V.I.P. ➤ @#PREDATOR, @Ares. TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ The most active TS3 user ➤ @The GodFather, @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ The user who asked the most for rank ➤ @Loenex The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love, @Amaranth. The best Administrator ➤ @Mr.Love, @-Dark, @Roselina ♣ flowers, @myCro, @axelxcapo The most AFK user ➤ @The GodFather SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM The most active (32/32) server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM The best Zombie server ➤ ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com The best Classic server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM The best Respawn server ➤ RSX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Loenex Spammer of the Year ➤ @toxskullv_1 The most social member ➤ The most beautiful member ➤ @Qween, @ZuZuLiNa, @Roselina ♣ flowers The most appreciated member ➤ @The GodFather, @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @XZoro™, @myCro, @Roselina ♣ flowers The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ The richest member ➤ The member who helped the most ➤ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ The friendliest member ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @XZoro™, @myCro, @Roselina ♣ flowers, @Mr.Love, @-Apex, @HiTLeR., @The GodFather, @axelxcapo, @Mr.Sebby, @Loenex, @Ares. 7 1 1
QeLi Posted November 28, 2020 Posted November 28, 2020 Administrator of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @XZoro Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year --- Gambler of the Year ➤ @aRbi~ Dealer Of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT Journalist of the Year ➤ @Agent 47' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @#Steeven.™ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @Hossam Taibi MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @J[A]V[E]D! Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ --- SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @growndex. Best V.I.P. ➤ @aRbi~ TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @Loenex The most active TS3 user ➤ @ROSTOM The user who asked the most for rank ➤ --- The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ --- The best Administrator ➤ @axelxcapo The most AFK user ➤ @Dante ღ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ Dyon my fav ❤ The most active (32/32) server ➤ cs classic The best Zombie server ➤ ZMOLDSCHOOL The best Classic server ➤ Cs The best Respawn server ➤ Dyon MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @AL_MAOT Banned of the year ➤--- Loser of the year ➤ @N I N J A x) 🤣 The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @Shyloo Spammer of the Year ➤ Oh defenitly @N I N J A x) The most social member ➤ @YaKoMoS The most beautiful member ➤ @-Dark 😂 The most appreciated member ➤ @rusha^^ The most annoying member ➤ --- The most beloved member ➤ @Nekko(Ervy) The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ @Mikaella The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @#PREDATOR The friendliest member ➤ @J[A]V[E]D! @[Paul] @Clutcher 6 3
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