Everything posted by Mr.Love
Mo^JReM just scored 100% on your quiz: Presidents Quiz
28 minutes agoMo^JReM just scored 90% on your quiz: Geography Quiz One
30 minutes agoMo^JReM
- JOINED - 40 minutes ago
My Score 100/100
My Time 44 seconds
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@Mr.Love New Quizzes?
The QUIZZ was reseted. You can play it again here:
The first QUIZZ is ready! Let's see...who will win the biggest reward!
Trying to add a QUIZZ...so fucking awesome! Ready in some minutes the first 10 question.
Hello zombies,
These days I was very bussy but from the next week I will start to focus on the QUIZZESS. 100% you will like it.
Salutare zombalai,
Am fost destul de ocupat in ultimul timp, probabil si vremea urata de afara a avut norma ei de influenta iar putinul timp liber l-am petrecut pe csgo. Daca nu de maine, cu siguranta de saptamana viitoare voi incepe sa configurez QUIZZESS. Destul de interesanta aplicatia...zic eu. O sa va ajute sa castigati cat mai multe puncte si in plus mai invatat una-alta. Sa nu vorbeasca lumea ca nu ne dezvoltam cultura generala stand pe CSBD tot timpul. ?
Pana atunci...vise placute. Astazi devreme la somn...maine zi de munca ❤️ Noapte bunaaaaaa!
P.S: urmarind statisticile celor doua servere banate..observ ca exista viata si fara gt.com :)))) deci SE POATE!
@Stendhal, poti face o propunere pe forum sau chiar vorbi direct cu Growndex. El este developerul BOT-ului. ?
DOWNLOAD platform seems to work very well. I'm very pleased! Congratulations to those responsible!
Platforma DOWNLOAD pare să meargă foarte bine. Sunt foarte multumit! Felicitări celor responsabili!
Reply with "I'm a zombie member cuz' I'm online all the night" and you can win 300 points.
A small giveaway just for first 5 replies! GOOOOOOOOOOOO
Reply with "I'm a zombie member cuz' I'm online all the night" and you can win 300 points.
A small giveaway just for first 5 replies! GOOOOOOOOOOOO
We're making some surprises this week...:)))
EPIC! with @growndex. @SKYFALL @Supremache