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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. Quote

    Mo^JReM just scored 100% on your quiz: Presidents Quiz 
    28 minutes ago

    Mo^JReM just scored 90% on your quiz: Geography Quiz One 
    30 minutes ago


    • CONTENT COUNT  - 2
    • JOINED  - 40 minutes ago


    My Score 100/100

    My Time 44 seconds


    steve carell lol GIF

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. [X]pErT-
    3. a r t h u r
    4. NewBie?


      They must have thought the points were more valuable than gold. =D

  2. RO Nu am mers pana la capat cu verificarile dar din cate am observat toti cei care au votat 1/2/3 in POLL nu au reusit sa treaca baremul de 0% sau sunt turisti pe forumul nostru. ? Personal sunt fan QUIZZES. Chiar ii spuneam unui prieten ca este a2a cea mai tare aplicatie dupa MEMBERS SHOP. O sa incerc pe cat se poate sa o dezvolt si bineinteles sa va ofer cat mai multe sanse de a va mari portofelul cu puncte. 130 members have voted - MAGNIFIC! Sunteti super tari! Adi [ ak Mr.Love ] - administrator CsBlackDevil Community

    1. notify.png
    2. donations.png
    3. ip.png
    4. ip.png


    Don't try to break the rules. We are not idiots and we can see so fast all these multiple accounts.

    All these accounts will be banned!


  4. Hello, Let's see how much do you like QUIZZES! Your vote matter!

    1. Karadza.


      Good bye csblackdevil i will miss that ?

    2. bolfosu


      Started On Finalizat Durată timp Grade Feedback
      06/08/19 11:10 AM 06/08/19 11:13 AM 00:02:42 86/100 Esti uimitor, Einstein!
  6. Check my last topic! ❤️


  7. One more QUIZZ xD


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.Love


      My wife is geography teacher ?

  8. The QUIZZ was reseted. You can play it again here:


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sokaku




    3. sokaku


      give me Ftp server


  9. Trying to add a QUIZZ...so fucking awesome! Ready in some minutes the first 10 question.

  10. EN

    Hello zombies,

    These days I was very bussy but from the next week I will start to focus on the QUIZZESS. 100% you will like it.



    Salutare zombalai,

    Am fost destul de ocupat in ultimul timp, probabil si vremea urata de afara a avut norma ei de influenta iar putinul timp liber l-am petrecut pe csgo. Daca nu de maine, cu siguranta de saptamana viitoare voi incepe sa configurez QUIZZESS. Destul de interesanta aplicatia...zic eu. O sa va ajute sa castigati cat mai multe puncte si in plus mai invatat una-alta. Sa nu vorbeasca lumea ca nu ne dezvoltam cultura generala stand pe CSBD tot timpul. ?

    Pana atunci...vise placute. Astazi devreme la somn...maine zi de munca ❤️  Noapte bunaaaaaa!


    P.S: urmarind statisticile celor doua servere banate..observ ca exista viata si fara gt.com :)))) deci SE POATE!

    busy cat GIF

    1. gEoLgAu-


      se poate frate inca cit de mult se poate , asteptam cu nerabdare aplicatie

    2. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Poate schimbați si voi durata de 12 ore reward de coins pe ts, gen la o ora sa dea ... 

    3. Mr.Love


      @Stendhal, poti face o propunere pe forum sau chiar vorbi direct cu Growndex. El este developerul BOT-ului. ? 

  11. Serverul a fost deschis sub denumirea: ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.Com Il puteti gasi aici! TC
  12. Howdy,

    DOWNLOAD  platform seems to work very well. I'm very pleased! Congratulations to those responsible!



    Platforma DOWNLOAD pare să meargă foarte bine. Sunt foarte multumit! Felicitări celor responsabili!

    happy best gif GIF

  13. Reply with "I'm a zombie member cuz' I'm online all the night" and you can win 300 points.


    A small giveaway just for first 5 replies! GOOOOOOOOOOOO

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      I'm a zombie member cuz' I'm online all the nigh

    3. #AyM3N


      I'm a zombie member cuz' I'm online all the nigh

    4. [N]audy


      I'm a zombie Ex staff   cuz' I'm online all the nigh  e.e

  14. Reply with "I'm a zombie member cuz' I'm online all the night" and you can win 300 points.


    A small giveaway just for first 5 replies! GOOOOOOOOOOOO

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. --Alien--
    3. Lunix I

      Lunix I

      we are feos :v

    4. Playboy™


      I'm a zombie member cuz' I'm online all the night

  15. 02 : 39 AM....Working to DOWNLOADS with @growndex. & @Supremache

    As I said: SUPRISES!

    tired zzz GIF

  16. Music is the sound of life and that which keeps the world spinning. Spike - Salcâmii
  17. In my childhood he was my superhero with Hardy Brothers or John Cena. Unfortunetly many athletes use drugs...so this kind of athletes are not my models right now.

    1. b_350_20_ffad41_e98100_000000_591f11.png@EMMA
    2. b_350_20_ffad41_e98100_000000_591f11.png @SKYFALL
    3. b_350_20_ffad41_e98100_000000_591f11.png @*NewLife-Ciprian*


    Together everything is possible!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SKYFALL


      Multumim frumos pentru urarile de bine . Tin la randul meu sa felicit activitatea celorlalte servere de pe aceasta comunitate , dedicarea si in ultimul rand RESPECTUL reciproc pe care ni-l purtam . Keep up CSBD !

  19. Check it! Maybe is what you want!


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