Everything posted by Mr.Love
Hristos a inviat!
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Ops, I am too Young to watch this :V
@Stranger (MOIZ) hehehhee
I have a better idea for you:
Make the video with your friends and you can win:
- VIP for 60 days
- 2500 points
You must be with 4-5 friends in the video and you must say these words:
- Hello!
- We are from....[city/country]
- Happy birthday CsBlackdevil!
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@Suarez will be great! For 30 guys in a video you will receive an important reward. Dont attach any flags. Just say the words in the video.
80 % from the members who sent the VIDEO are from PALESTINE! Congratulations guys! You're the best!
Any video from South America??? :)))
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In the next 2-3 days @DAIZEROONE
@Mr.Love are you going to just keep the videos or going to post them? I hope you don't!
Do you want to receive VIP and 1000 points? Check my topic!
Do you watch GAME OF THRONES? Let's see how many GOT FANS we have here!
01:30:12> "Mr.Love": Rank
Banned by Supremache - ticket #8209
<01:30:29> "Mr.Love": We need to speak with Supremache
<01:30:36> "Freak": ok
<01:30:39> "Mr.Love": about what happened in that ticket
<01:30:44> "[! Angrry.exe] ! Angrry.exe": supremache want coco 15
<01:30:47> "Mr.Love": about which was the reason
<01:30:49> "#REII™": why i can use my big rhino
<01:30:51> "Mr.Love": ahahahaha
<01:30:52> "Mr.Love": COCO
<01:30:54> "[! Angrry.exe] ! Angrry.exe": hhhhhhhhhhhh
<01:30:54> "Mr.Love": =)))))))))))) -
This boy....genius!
We are wroking to the resolution of the index. If you met some errors with members profile please report them here. Thanks!
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@Mr.Love Bathrooms She did Some of you ???
Hello my awesome members,
From Monday we will start some surprises:
- 2 new applications with new ways to win points ( i made some tests yesterday with one of them but because of no time it is temporary disabled )
- some changes in forums categories.
- in the near future I am thinking to add a new theme.
But for the moment a small trip in Italy is great :))) I will share with you some photos from Milano ?
Stay close and dont forget: from Monday we will start the real developement of this community!
Let's make CSBD great again!
This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
Good morning, friends! / Buenos dias, amigos! / صباح الخير يا اصدقاء! / Bonjour les amis!
Few minutes ago I resolved the problem of points.
Tonight i will make some announcement about the last changes.
Sorry for these problems!
Are you a fan GOT? Share your opinon about this lovely trailer ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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@Legends ♛ Vikings Better.
Who receive that error from members profile when you CANNT see the details? ( points, online since, country flag etc. )
Pam, pam! Guess who is here?
- AWP | Asiimov for just 200 points in the CSBD POINTS SHOP