Everything posted by Mr.Love
Total Members -
Imi poti spune pe care din cele 5 conturi il folosesti? Toate au ip-ul tau.
Today is the GLOBAL MEETING!
20 : 30 RO HOUR
We are waiting for you
Astazi se va desfasura inca o editie de GLOBAL MEETING
orele 20 : 30.
Va așteptăm in numar cat mai mare pentru ca avem multe premii de oferit.
<19:14:20> "SOPHIEsticatu'": salut
<19:14:25> "SOPHIEsticatu'": te pot intreba ceva?
<19:16:33> Chat partner has closed the conversation -
NEW CHRISTMAS MEDALS HERE = >>>> https://csblackdevil.com/forums/membersshop/items/?catID=23
Good mornin'
That moment when you see 1 million members mentioned you in 1 million topics.
Thanks zombies! The zombie boss is happy!
Mai multe servere KROND sunt in acest moment picate. Am anuntat mai departe, asteptam sa se remedieze problema.
Multumesc pentru intelegere!
Several KROND servers are currently down. We sent a ticket to the company and we are waiting for the problem to be fixed.
NEW! Medals for PUBLIC SERVERS with just 50 points. If you want a medals for your own server, you can send a ticket on SUPPORT with it.
NOU!! Medalii pentru Serverele Publice cu doar 50 puncte. Daca doriti ca si serverul vostru sa aiba o medalie trimiteti un tichet catre SUPPORT cu medalia.
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@PranKk. send me a photo and I can do it.
Multumesc pentru atentie! 153 membrii au votat in ultimulul POLL. Ma bucur foarte tare de rezultat, dar mai mult ma bucur de participarea voastra.
Este cel mai important intr-o comunitatate ca fiecare membru sa se implice activ si sa-si spuna parerea, astfel noi putem sa oferim un mediu cat mai atractiv pentru toti.
Thank you for your attention. 153 members have voted in the last POLL. I am happy to see a good feedback from you, but more than all I am happy to see your involvement.
It is most important in a community for each member to be actively involved and express their opinion, so we can provide an environment that is as attractive to everyone as possible.
Avem membrii cu domiciuliul in CLUJ ? Am o intrebare pentru ei.
( lasati reply )
Facem scandal prin casa cum de au votat NU la POLL cativa membrii. Nevasta-mea imi raspunde ca cica nu va puteti concentra din cauza sunetului.
Dar stati draga relaxati! :))))))))))
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Dont change the light, dont change the colours, dont add nothing more on this photo. Just cut it on dimensions 1920 x 140.
Lets see if you can create a good banner from it.
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Hi guys! here is a higher resolution picture I found so you can work better!