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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. Points amount is back in your profile!

    Think About It Reaction GIF by Identity


  2. video games boredom GIF


    Hundreds of RedAlert2 hours????!!

    Let's pass to WORLD WAR Z 😄


    Relaxing and working...



  4. For these who want to play RED ALERT 2 online with us, you can buy a key from here:

    https://www.cdkeys.com/command-and-conquer-the-ultimate-edition-pc = 4,39 euros

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.Love


      Nu-ti trebuie pc bun. Este un joc de prin 1999 :))

    3. Askor lml
    4. Mr.Sebby


      Tot nu te lasi? :)))

  5. Pai nu sunt domne mai scumpe, sunt chiar acelasi pret iar acolo am siguranta ca nu iau teapa. Nu ti se pare logic?
  6. You can see your DEVIL COINS in the sidebar!


    1. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕


      Aveam și eu vreo 9k de devil coins, acum am 4, nu e problemă, doar am zis asa ca fapt divers. 

    2. *Ir0n m4N*

      *Ir0n m4N*

      Thank you for your efforts to make the site better  🌹🌹

  7. AK47 + AWP Mortis = 8 euro paypal. P.S: Niciodata nu o sa poti vinde skinuri cu 100 % bani gheata din pretul afisat pe market. Iar in cazul in care cineva iti va da 100 % din pretul de pe market, cu siguranta este bolnav mintal. ( scuza-mi expresia )
  8. This is a poll for members to see their feedback about Profile Song and Profile Video. Which is the best? So let's rain with votes!
  9. BANK is ready to use for all CSBD Members!


    Cost to deposit - 0 % for VIPS

                                       - 10 % for members


    Monthly points - 50 points for VIPS

                           - 20 for members


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. walker™


      anyway i don't care for points healthy is important

      good job at update i really like it now 

    3. King_of_lion
    4. Lucky-chan


      We not scammed with Casino, we only want to make devil coins for giveaways to everyone who need devil coins = share for everyone 😄 . Also chance to get alot of devil coins or not = depend on lucks or bad lucks on betting, sometimes you lost everything you have got 😕 But it can be called scammed, i don't know hihi :v


       Anyway, i really like your update and i would like if you can add total time online stats in profile 🙂 So that we can know who online the most on the forum

  10. To show the Country Flag in your profile go to the ACCOUNT SETTINGS - COUNTRY and hit SAVE button.

    1. walker™


      i want to change my flag i have make a ticket months ago and it's not solved 

  11. Report all errors here:



    1. LosT贼


      We see some thing white when scroll down ? 

    2. NewBie?


      Yep, white line

    3. QeLi


      Also i cant see the dc 

      For example if i go to my profile or some elses profile i doont se devil coins there 

  12. RO In ceea ce priveste proiectele desfasurate pe comunitatea noastra, cu siguranta nu ducem lipsa. Insa curiozitatea mea ca administrator ar fi cati dintre voi sunteti implicati sau sunteti indragostiti de unul dintre ele? Votati! ============================ EN Regarding the projects carried out in our community, we certainly do not miss it. But my curiosity as an administrator would be how many of you are involved or in love with one of them? VOTE!
  13. WORLD WAR Z with @HellFir3, @Amaranth, @Mr.Sebby


    1. LosT贼


      Go to the lobby ! )))

    2. QeLi


      Nice gaming setup ?

    3. IGR - GOLD



  15. New MEDAL:   RELAX FAN - especially for RELAX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM players ?



  16. GTA V €29.99 FREE - Sale ends 5/21/2020 at 6:00 PM


    Click image to download



  17. 5 DEVELISH MEDALS for first 5 members who reply here!

    lets go GIF by Miles Brown

  18. 20200510_212040.jpg

    Working to some updates!

    Less than 24 hours remaining...stay tuned!



  19. Ti-am sters contul creat cu steamul. Pentru a integra profilul de steam pe acest cont va trebui sa urmezi pasii de mai jos:
  20. Request rejected If we talk about "future moderator based on activity and developement of CSBD", I am looking forward older members of our community who proved that they are loyals and love our forum. If I remind you negotiated with me about price of one server. Even if the price was very small you decide to pay it and save that server. It could be an helpfull gesture. TC
  21. 123123123.png



    Old but gold...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gerardo Larreal.

      Gerardo Larreal.


      happy 8 years xd

    3. ragen


      soon i will make me to  8 years ,but on 2021  ? :))) 

    4. [N]audy


      I can get 8 years in 2024 sad for me ? 

  22. His account was permanently banned! Unban tax = 50 euros. TC
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