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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. Listen me my friend. If you really want ban I can bann you permanently.

    This is not a joke. This forum is not a joke.




    LIKE & FOLLOW!!!




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crimson :x

      Crimson :x

      nowhere noway:



    3. Capital Bra

      Capital Bra

      done i subscribe it 


    Day & night...



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SaLaH.
    3. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      take ur time homie

    4. Viceroy


      I would suggest you to play witcher 1 2 and 3

      Also watch the series


    I need something better...

    WhatsApp Image 2020-01-22 at 02.24.27.jpeg

  5. Today I banned more than 5 ts3 south-american users for advertisement. ( Golden / akrapovici / nike / classic and many others )

    They will be banned in forum too.


    1 unban = 20 euros

    Paypal address: ady_csbd@yahoo.com

  6. Vă rugăm citiți cu atenție! Este permisă publicarea unui topic pe aceasta categorie la fiecare 24 de ore. Titlul topicului trebuie să conțină o idee clară pentru a evita publicarea aceluiași subiect hardware de 2 ori. Topicul nu trebuie sa conțina doar un videoclip, ci si o scurtă descriere , un rezumat sau o concluzie care să explice despre ce este vorba. Topicurile de pe aceasta categorie vor fi închise de moderatori după 24/ 48 ore. Toate topicurile ce incalca regulamentul de mai sus sau pe cel general vor fi ascunse/ sterse de catre moderatori.
  7. Software Software, commonly known as programs or apps, consists of all the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. These instructions come from a software developer in the form that will be accepted by the platform (operating system + CPU) that they are based on. For example, a program that is designed for the Windows operating system will only work for that specific operating system. Compatibility of software will vary as the design of the software and the operating system differ. Software that is designed for Windows XP may experience a compatibility issue when running under Windows 2000 or NT. System software: Helps run the computer hardware and computer system itself. System software includes operating systems, device drivers, diagnostic tools and more. System software is almost always pre-installed on your computer. Application software: Allows users to accomplish one or more tasks. It includes word processing, web browsing and almost any other task for which you might install software. (Some application software is pre-installed on most computer systems.) Software is generally created (written) in a high-level programming language, one that is (more or less) readable by people. These high-level instructions are converted into "machine language" instructions, represented in binary code, before the hardware can "run the code". When you install software, it is generally already in this machine language, binary, form. Software What is Software
  8. Vă rugăm citiți cu atenție! Este permisă publicarea unui topic pe aceasta categorie la fiecare 24 de ore. Titlul topicului trebuie să conțină o idee clară pentru a evita publicarea aceluiași subiect hardware de 2 ori. Topicul nu trebuie sa conțina doar un videoclip, ci si o scurtă descriere , un rezumat sau o concluzie care să explice despre ce este vorba. Topicurile de pe aceasta categorie vor fi închise de moderatori după 24/ 48 ore. Toate topicurile ce incalca regulamentul de mai sus sau pe cel general vor fi ascunse/ sterse de catre moderatori.
  9. White wine, music, electricity & let's work!

    working homer simpson GIF

  10. WhatsApp Image 2020-01-15 at 17.44.20.jpeg


    Will be a looooong night.....a very very very long night! ?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Jultxxxyes


      Run Run ???? CSBD XD

    3. YaKoMoS


      ah you bought the item as you told me ?

    4. #DEXTER


      Need for speed :v 

  11. Name: StreetZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Address: Port: 27015 Average (past month): 3 https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Server host 12 euro + adddons deal. For offers send me PM or reply here.
  12. Who can send me some contact details of @Studentul ?

    1. jayden™


      in his info his Skype is: 



    2. Mr.Love
  13. Name: WalkingDead.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Browse: Counter Strike 1.6 Servers Address: Port: 27015 Game Server Rank: 981st (85th Percentile) Highest (past month): 544th Lowest (past month): 2201st Current Players: 2 / 32 Average (past month): 10 Host 12 euros + addons zp6.2 ( we can deal the price )
  14. Ti-ai facut alt cont draga?

    1. BaiatuCuFrunze


      Desigur, cont uri îmi fac fără număr, vezi ca mai am 2 

    2. Mr.Love


      Bun, bun.

      Maine mai sunt la serviciu si apoi am timp de tine, "fara numar".

    3. robila
  15. Who can send me a topic with all commands from ZP 6.2 ( mods etc )

    1. #Speed
    2. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      zp_giveap   ammos
      zp_avs     assassin vs sniper
      zp_lnj       armageddon mod

      only this xD

    3. hamzashah
    1. #DEXTER


       you are the old man here :v 

      what a description ??

    2. NewBie?


      Pokemons and Digimons would to be nice as medals. ??

  16. Craciun fericit!

    Merry Christmass!



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    New activities for you: INTERVIEW


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