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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. <21:13:44> "-Supremache NEW PC": sefuleee
    <21:13:46> "-Supremache NEW PC": am facut rost de pc
    <21:14:00> "-Supremache NEW PC": ne jucam go every day, every night
    <21:14:04> "-Supremache NEW PC": ma las de scoala



    happy best gif GIF

  2. Who was online?  300 Users were Online in the last 24 hours

    aubrey plaza clapping GIF by Team Coco

  3. Over 130 members voted in the last poll. Thank you! IPDownloads is on my list now. Thank you for your activity!
  4. EN I was thinking to buy IPDownloads for our forum but before that I am interested to know your opinion. The price is 75$. ================ RO Ma gandeam sa cumpar IPDownloads pentru forumul nostru dar mai intai as vrea sa aud parerea voastra. Pretul este 75$ si nu ar fi un impediment dar este necesara implicarea voastra in dezvoltarea aplicatiei. Astept cu mare drag voturile voastre dar si o parere intr-un reply mai jos. Thanks! Adi [ ak Mr.Love ] - administrator of CsBlackDevil Community
  5. Good morning TEAMMMMM ?

    Who love my new avatar? ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Listening RADIO on our teamspeak server: TS3.CsBlackDevil.Com. Come with me!

    dance bird GIF by Tatiana

  7. Ma bucur ca impreuna cu Madalina v-ati alaturat echipei noastre. Sper sa va simtiti cat mai bine aici pentru ca mereu vom incerca sa pastram o atmosfera cat mai relaxanta.
  8. Quote

    <14:30:41> "Ciprian": irina te ai mai gandit iesim la intalnire?
    <14:31:14> "Ciprian": tot mareata te ti ..


    Va dati seama ca vorbeste cu BOTUL de muzica? :)))))))))

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gEoLgAu-


      ahahahhaha :D:D:D

    3. Mr.Sebby
    4. bolfosu


      eu i-am zis serile trecute ca e nevasta-mea =))))))

  9. Dont forget to support our community with CLICKS on advertisements!

    More clicks = More applications = more points = more happiness!


  10. Pregatim si instruim noii membrii ai staff-ului CsBlackDevil! Ready for the future! P.S: Thanks @SKYFALL for the photo!
  11. RESET WARNING POINTS - 30 packs available with just 250 points!


    RESET WARNING POINTS - 30 pachete disponibile la doar 250 puncte!



  12. New BETS on CASINO:



    Check it and win points!

    1. -RoKzZz_


      Thx.... Adi

    2. Mr.Ànimal™


      Bettings. Are not good you cann have good and nice loss in it

  13. All GIFTS were delivered! Thank you!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lonut gfx
    3. Stranger ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

      Stranger ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

      I was hoping that you will be putting 100 Points mystery boxes on the shop :V but still thanks!

    4. [MC]Ronin[MC]
  14. Who knows the password from GLOBAL MEETING???

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

       love CSBD 7 years more!

    3. Mohamed.


      I Love CSBD 8 years more

    4. -RoKzZz_


       love CSBD 7 years more!

      from-Your Biggest Fan Adi

  15. Today is the GLOBAL MEETING on ts3!

    We are waiting for you with some surprises! Add your friends there!

  16. We are trying to find new OWNER for STREETZM!


  17. Server Summary Name: StreetZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Address: Port: 27015 Status: Alive Server Manager: misterlove (claim server) Game Server Rank: 8562nd Current Players: 27 / 32 Average (past month): 18 Server host: 12 euro/month Addons Zombie Plague 6.2 included ( inclus )
  18. EN

    Good morning sunshine! Tomorrow will be the meeting. Are you anxious? Me yes! So, come with your friends tomorrow at 21 PM on the teamspeak and win some money!



    Buna dimineata rasarit de soare! Maine va fi sedinta!Sunteti nerabdatori? Eu da! Deci va asteptam maine impreuna cu prietenii vostri la ora 21 pe serverul de teamspeak!

  19. 1 Mai 2012 - Sa ne amintim cum am pasit in gaming =>

    La multi ani CSBLACKDEVIL!


    Nu uitati pe 3 Mai ( Vineri ) GLOBAL MEETING pe teamspeak TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM - BIRTHDAY PARTY!

  20. Nico wasnt removed because he made a wrong step. He was removed just because he requested that. So CALM DOWN!


  21. Lasa-ma ca mi s-a rupt cablul la acceleratie intr-o zi de vara. Am mers mai bine de 5 km cu 10km/h pe avarii. :)))) Se uita lumea ca la circ :))) Nu toti ne-am nascut mecanici.
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