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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/85436-mrbm/content/page/2/?all_activity=1 Activity in GAmes...it is too much for me! Rejected!
  2. Your activity is good as my staff said. Don't think that I didn't see that half of your content is in the games category. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/53719-fazznoth/content/page/16/?all_activity=1 and more pages.... I will accept you but my eyes are on you.
  3. Salutare Cronos, Din discutiile (scurte intr-adevar) pe care le-am avut imi pari un baiat inteligent si matur asa cum reiese din cererea ta insa verificandu-ti profilul observ ca toata activitatea ta este concentrata asupra serverului, nimic in afara lui (iar acesta este un lucru benefic doar serverului) Spune-mi, te rog, cu ce mi-ai putea fi de folos? In ce directie m-as putea baza pe tine?
  4. Hello Mahnoor, I will not talk about your activity in our forum cuz I cannt find contra arguments, but in exchange we both know what happened last month. For the moment we need some silence. Rejected! /TC
  5. joined 16 junary 3 posts No more words... /TC
  6. By 3 years with us designer constant activity no spamm Accepted! /TC
  7. Hello Moltres, I checked your statistics and I can see that you just restarted your activity ( begins with 25 january ) after a 3 month break. For the moment your request is rejected! Waiting for you with a new request next time! /TC
  8. Hello Apocalipse, Thank you for applying to our staff. As I can see you're not registered in our community by many time ago, and also I found some discontinuity in your activity. For the moment your request is rejected! TC
  9. Request accepted! https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/6976-trey/content/?type=forums_topic&change_section=1
  10. Salutare Ionut, Ma bucur ca ai aplicat pentru un loc in staff-ul nostru. Spun asta ca imi doresc sa am langa mine oameni maturi iar daca mai sunt si romani cu atat mai bine. Chiar daca esti activ doar pe categoria serverului tau nu ar fi fost o problema pentru mine insa trebuie sa iau in considerare 1 lucru: "Describe yourself(at least 50 words): First of all, i am rule man, anyone that knows me, cannot say different." - Cazusem de acord de vreo doua ori sa stam de vorba la un ceai, care intre timp s-a racit. Tind sa cred ca I am not so sure about "I am a rule man". So...ne mai cunoastem si vedem pe viitor.
  11. One more account and I personally ban you 🙂

    banning super mario GIF

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. -Alexa-
    3. -Alexa-


      Te qi ropt me pidhe ty re fis qire maqedonas jua qi the vdekmit jua qi great e fisit 


    4. Mr.Talha


      @-Alexa- You will ban Soon. Don't use abuse languages .

  12. No more words....

    +5 warn points

    - removed from GFX

    - removed from Devil Harmony

    - removed from ts3

    Very soon banned....I feel it.



    1. Mr.Love


      <17:11:11> "[Suarez] Suarez": nobody gives a fuck
      <17:11:12> "[Suarez] Suarez": .
      <17:11:21> "[Suarez] Suarez": ban me i dont give a fuck
      <17:11:26> Your chat partner has disconnected.

  13. Puteti sa-mi recomandati un program bun de editat video?

    Can you recommend me a good video editing program?

    Mad The Internet GIF by MOODMAN

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Master_Kill


      Mobizen 🤫🥴

    3. Mohamed Nasser

      Mohamed Nasser

      adobe premiere pro cc (for pc)

      VN (for android)


    4. DiavoL.
  14. epSL2U8.png




  15. Good morning, friends!

    How you start your day?

    Snow White Coffee GIF

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. @LeX


      Cam asa e la mine :))

      💉 🍽️🍵🚬🛏️💤

    3. aRbi~



      used to do it everyday so its easy , routine😋

    4. TreY


      gym is one thing i do besides eat sleep play repeat

      so yeah my motivation is to not see an obese me @Mr.Love

  16. Bored...

    What game are you playing now?

    Bored David Boreanaz GIF

  17. When they have ranks in teamspeak, but they cannt give ranks to their friends because of no permissions...

    My reactions...

    Happy Dance GIF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [M]anuel


       the face of  @-Dark knowing that he will never see this messageto see that he will never see this message



      <19:18:54> "Mr.Love" added a "#Dark". to the "Server Admin" server group.

    3. Dark


      not even in your dreams you can have it xd

    4. #Wittels-
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