Everything posted by pulse.exe
Hello, I placed manually your likes on 0 because of the accounts you've been using to give yourself likes. Next time you will get this account banned. Thank you! ?
Salut, pentru cine e roman, vedeti ca se da pe emag licenta de Windows 10 Pro aproape moca (30 lei, ceva de genul era parca) so, go for it! E reducere 97% de la 10 milioane la 30 de lei adica pls.
I'm really glad that my topics are helping members with different things, it cheers me up when I read a PM like this:
Journalists Project was a successful one, thank you guys for all the contribution you've made for me, for you, for us! The work of Journalists belongs now to Moderators. ?
I'm sorry but it was like 3rd time I told you about fightings and spamming where you don't have to. You are not listening and you always do what you want. This is a community where you work with colleagues in team. Good luck and thank you for your services! Maybe you'll get it back when you'll deserve it again.
Who else is waiting for the season 3 of Stranger Things or the season 5 of Black Mirror? ?
We are searching again for new colleagues, if you want to take a part of our coolest team, we are waiting you with a request here:
When you feel lucky but.. "<00:14:56> "CSBD Guard": In your wallet now you have: 2.0 coins"