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Everything posted by pulse.exe

  1. Salut, pentru a achizitiona un server te rog frumos sa citesti cu atentie urmatoarele lucruri: Payment method: - Western Union - Money gram - Bank Transfer Contact @Mr.Love 24/24 - Ts.CsBlackDevil.Com ! Love_csblackdevil Love_cs16
  2. Made a tutorial for how to recover your Steam account and a model for reporting a Seller/Buyer from our community. You might give it a try and read them: 


  3. Sorry HICHEM but you said you have a lot of money to pay for your unban ? why don't you buy it then?

  4. Congrats, you got yourself with 0 likes due to your 123124 accounts! ? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pulse.exe


      Banned, you still use accounts for likes ? 

    3. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      I was ready to tell you ?

  5. About the improvements at World of Games category, click here: 


  6. As @Mr.Love said, the last plugin named FORUM MODERATORS is not anymore compatible with our IPBoard version. We are waiting for an update. Topic Closed.
  7. Journalist Team is posted ? thank you for design @REII™ 


  8. Rules for posting at World of Games: 


  9. Recruitments closed, journalists are chosen, check here: 


  10. You're the first white one ? Welcome!

    1. Blackfire


      thx bruh for chance . this is big pleasure and honor to me to work with you and help journalists team to getting better


      interested scrutiny GIF

  11. I am searching for Journalists, anybody interested? Check this topic: 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [X]pErT-


      Good Luck  To All I Am In Fail?

    3. pulse.exe


      Make topics and I will check your activity!

    4. [X]pErT-
  12. Now that the Journalist grade is added in forum & ts3, the categories from World of Games will be edited 100% tomorrow by me and @REVAN. I'll search for Journalists from now.

  13. 237 Users were Online in the last 24 hours ?

    roc nation king GIF by Mozart La Para

  14. The Journalist grade will be added again, it will be just like in 2015. We will have a team like Designers have, I'll manage the team until I'll find a good leader. Start posting at Game Reviews!

    season 1 reporter GIF by truTV’s Adam Ruins Everything

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sokaku
    3. sokaku


      I can post posts in game reviews just choose me a leader !

  15. Welcome back! ?

  16. tomorrow mefjus live ❤️ can't wait 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pulse.exe


      you wish ? 

    3. Equin0x
    4. Blackfire


      dude i wait for this fk** live before a week .tomorow is best moment in my entire life if i miss it i better die xd

  17. 8Ball Competition is closed again because of the lack of interest from members and members are still saying "we miss old competitions like 8ball and music battles" ? 

  18. party at my office everyone invited ? 2gwOJAq.png

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. #Drennn.


      have nice meeting on that channel ❤️❤️

    3. Blackfire
    4. #DEXTER


      what a luck i was absent ? 

  19. 1:07, @Mr.Love when he sees a proposal about Discord.


    1. REVAN


      Cred ca ii place lu love melodia

    2. pulse.exe


      deja o are in playlist

    3. Verox
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