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Status Updates posted by Mr.Love

  1. No more words....

    +5 warn points

    - removed from GFX

    - removed from Devil Harmony

    - removed from ts3

    Very soon banned....I feel it.



    1. Mr.Love


      <17:11:11> "[Suarez] Suarez": nobody gives a fuck
      <17:11:12> "[Suarez] Suarez": .
      <17:11:21> "[Suarez] Suarez": ban me i dont give a fuck
      <17:11:26> Your chat partner has disconnected.

  2. Puteti sa-mi recomandati un program bun de editat video?

    Can you recommend me a good video editing program?

    Mad The Internet GIF by MOODMAN

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Master_Kill


      Mobizen 🤫🥴

    3. Mohamed Nasser

      Mohamed Nasser

      adobe premiere pro cc (for pc)

      VN (for android)


    4. DiavoL.
  3. Good morning, friends!

    How you start your day?

    Snow White Coffee GIF

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. @LeX


      Cam asa e la mine :))

      💉 🍽️🍵🚬🛏️💤

    3. aRbi~



      used to do it everyday so its easy , routine😋

    4. TreY


      gym is one thing i do besides eat sleep play repeat

      so yeah my motivation is to not see an obese me @Mr.Love

  4. Bored...

    What game are you playing now?

    Bored David Boreanaz GIF

  5. When they have ranks in teamspeak, but they cannt give ranks to their friends because of no permissions...

    My reactions...

    Happy Dance GIF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [M]anuel


       the face of  @-Dark knowing that he will never see this messageto see that he will never see this message



      <19:18:54> "Mr.Love" added a "#Dark". to the "Server Admin" server group.

    3. Dark


      not even in your dreams you can have it xd

    4. #Wittels-

    If you want to be banned, just try me.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shyloo


      it's so hard to gain loyalty staff

    3. Askor lml

      Askor lml

      Interesting, theory and if you are afraid to show your face, do not do that nonsense

    4. E̶l̶s̶y̶d̶e̶o̶n̶ッ


      well with all due respect I am not afraid and I am not an idiot as you think but I will not say anything more I will just watch the csbd as it goes up or down.

  7. Tomorrow I will go back home.

    Be ready for some updates and new rules.

    I see that if I am a good guy, you start to make jokes with me.


    1. [M]anuel


      Remember that not everyone knows how to differentiate between (Friendship / Work / And Respect)

  8. When girls are visiting your forum profile, but you are married.

    Doctor Who Reaction GIF

    @Aysha & @Drama queen



  9. 5th/64 

    CSBD2 - secondary team!

    Happy to be placed in top 5 on the first CSGO Competition this autumn!







  10. thief GIF

    1. SKYFALL
    2. SKYFALL
    3. ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      Bă îmi este dor de clipele frumoase care era o data, chiar daca uneori era raimea aceia care servar este mai bun, chiar daca ne mai certam trecea timpul altfel au fost multe momente frumoase aici si uneori sa fim seriosi cu toti ca love ne intelegea si ne ajuta l am pus in o spatamna sa reinstaleze newlifezm de 20 de ori se mai supara  mai imi ținea teorie dar o facea pana la urma.. love era tipul de om bani ca bani dar nu suporta tradarea si spun asta finca eu am fost clientul lui 2 ani de zile daca vruiam eu sa ii las ceva acolo de bine daca nu nu dar nu au fost probleme gen sa ii platesc si sa se faca ca uita sau eu la fel ne am inteles 

      Deci aici nu e vorba de bani pt ca in 2019 streetzm a renuntat la sv lui love sa vina cu toti la mn, si love a pierdut o plata lunara de la profesorul si icet.. daca era vorba de bani putea sa ii baneze pe toti atunci sa nu vina la mn, dar love le a spus doar atata daca va certati si nu va intelegeti cu ciprian si ciprian imi spune sa va scot gradele eu asa fac... deci aici a fost vorba de tradarea toata lumea a fost cu ochi sa copie addonas original si sa isi faca o comumitate si sa fure membri de aici nu i frumos...

      Totusi mie dor de toti si de tradatori si de prieteni mie dor sa fim toti cum eram o data sa mai ma cert cu skfall sa mai stric sv sa il stresez pe.love :))) nu il stricam intentionat doar mi se parea mie ca trb imbunatatit 

  11. Angrry.exe™ - unbanned because of no proofs.

    Sorry for the inconveniences.

  12. Untitled.png


    Thinking to some changes....

    Cartoon Thinking GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Angrry.exe™


      Battle like  old to get rank  VIP !

    3. .Naruto.


      !!! I"m Agree with your Idea & opinion Mr.Love Because All Help & Like your Hard Worker That's CSBD Community Will Become The Most Enjoy About The World !!!



      Im Out Amy Poehler GIF by FOX TV

    4. King_of_lion
  13. My computer got bored of me today....

    So good night!

    Next days I have some surprises for you!

    goal GIF by Dr. Donna Thomas Rodgers

  14. Salutare tuturor!

    Astazi am ajuns la o intelegere cu @Amaranth pentru a conduce impreuna serverul HighLifeZm.CsBlackDevil.Com [ip - ] ce ruleaza addonsul Zombie Plague 6.2

    Va asteptam si pe voi!


    Hi all! Today I reached an agreement with @Amaranth to lead together the server HighLifeZm.CsBlackDevil.Com [ip -], running the addons Zombie Plague 6.2 We are waiting for you too!




    1. Angrry.exe™


      • Server needs some boost .... server wakes up more. I hope you make a request boost  for this. Perhaps there is someone who wants to support you in this server
  15. WhatsApp Image 2021-10-06 at 23.16.30.jpeg


    #Squid Game

  16. Work in progress....


    WhatsApp Image 2021-09-04 at 11.38.18.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vagabondl.


      punem un bilet 2-3 meciuri ? 

    3. Mr.Love


      Punem domne :)))))))

    4. Sxynix


       i thought you was reading book bruh 😞 

  17. INFO! If you want to change your forum nickname:


    • VIP => Can change display name  - UNLIMITED!
    • ADMINISTRATORS => Can change display name  - UNLIMITED!


    • Developers =>Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Devil Harmony => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Ex Staff => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • GFX Designers => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Girls => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Global Moderators => Can change display name 1  times every 30 days
    • Guardians of Gaming => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Journalists => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Manager CS 1.6 => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Manager CS:GO => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Members => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days
    • Moderators=> Can change display name 1  times every  60 days
    • VGame Reviewers=> Can change display name 1  times every  90 days


    1. Sxynix


      what about memebers 🥲 @Mr.Love

    2. MERNIZ


      @C Y B E RMembers => Can change display name 1  times every  90 days

    3. Mr.Love


      If you have a different opinion you can reply here.


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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