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  1. v1, effect and text

    1. Zeus™


      No se si regresaré pero que bueno que te gusto el cover jajaja ❤️

    2. Dark


      ya guarde el cover, si es que llego al admin, igual si no llegare lo pondré ante de retirarme xd 

  3. v1, text and affects.
  4. The Government has given the green light to the latest Emergency Decree No. 098-2020 in 'El Peruano' which sets out the conditions for the collection of the second Universal Family Bonus, whose work will also fall into the hands of the Banco de la Nación. The financial entity will be in charge of opening the accounts where Peruvians who have reached the age of majority collect the subsidy money. This account, called the DNI Account, will be delivered to the beneficiaries free of charge and it will be digital and individualized. In addition, all the details of the opening process have been provided and also the steps to follow to achieve it. Account number linked to the recipient's DNI This DNI Account will be linked to the beneficiary's DNI and will be opened without the need for a prior acceptance of the latter. Reniec will be responsible for validating the identity of the natural person who will receive the benefit. People must proceed with the previous activation when using it. It is essential to provide personal data Reniec will ask the Banco de la Nación for all the personal data of the beneficiary: name and surname, ID, address, data related to the bank account, email and cell phone number.
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  5. Reason: I see that you are very interested in the project, you have activity in foroum and in TeamSpeak3, please continue doing activity on the channel. Welcome to the "Journalist" family
  6. DH2, because it has a good tone of music and the video, it is beautiful and the lyrics of the song, one of the best music I heard
  7. v1, text and blur
  8. Game Informations : Developer: Austin Walker Platforms: PC Initial release date: March 27, 2015 at 1:56PM PDT It's been about four months since I've spent quality time in the world of Thedas--nearly 70 hours' worth of it. This week's content release for Dragon Age: Inquisition, Jaws of Hakkon, may have jump started my engine, reminding me what I love most about the core game: the sense of wonder, the thematic richness, a fantastic sense of place and personality. The new adventure becomes available in the second act of the game, taking your Inquisitor to the Frostback Basin, the foothills and valley near the mountain range at the southern end of Thedas. You've been called in to provide support for an archaeological survey of the region that is searching for the final resting place of the world's last Inquisitor, Ameridan. While piecing together the mystery of Ameridan, you'll have to navigate the region's complex geography and even more complex sociopolitical relationships. The Frostback Basin is a deceptively big zone. What seems easily conquerable on the map screen is actually a sizable and intricate mix of environments. Foothills open up into plateaus, which feature deep, dangerous pits. A lakeshore runs into the bubbling, muddy shallows of the basin, and those turn into misty swamplands and damp jungles. It's all brought to life with vibrant color and fresh ambient sounds. The Frostback Basin feels distinct from the game's other zones, and it's mostly a joy to explore. I say "mostly," because sometimes it feels like BioWare is trying to stretch out the available content in Jaws of Hakkon. Over the course of eight hours in the Frostback Basin, five different missions make you "follow the trail" across territory you've already explored thoroughly in the course of doing other missions. Most egregious is a mission that sends you around to flip a number of switches scattered across the northern half of the zone. For the previous six hours of play, these switches had been visible but inactive, and I knew that they'd send me back eventually. They did. This decision is particularly strange because Hakkon doesn't need to be stretched in any way. The Frostback Basin is packed with all of the elements that made me love Inquisition to begin with: smart characterization, interesting combat encounters, and carefully written lore. The Frostback Basin is home to two rival tribes of the Avvar, a human society that briefly pops up early on in Inquisition. The development of these groups (and of the region's history in general) is the high point of Hakkon, and you'll get the most out of this DLC if you dig into the lore about these people and their culture and religion. Dragon Age has always been at its best when the stories it tells are multifaceted and mysterious, and the same is true here: Religious iconography blurs together; magical traditions are at once remarkably similar and fundamentally different; and the final, "true" history is often left unknown. Best of all, the Avvar work to break apart the classic binaries that show up throughout the Dragon Age series. They share the Elven relationship to nature, but are human. They're human, but don't belong to any of the major political powers. They're deeply spiritual, but also incredibly practical. They have a strict system to govern the use of magic, but use terms and concepts to explain the magical world that are entirely different than those used by the Templars and Circle of Mages. All of this works to complicate the world of Thedas by providing yet another potential perspective to consider. This makes it extra frustrating that so little of Jaws of Hakkon shares the cinematic sheen of the rest of Inquisition. Most other zones in the world of Thedas have a mix of two different sorts of quests. Firstly, there are the little, MMOG-style missions you complete for this or that character: kill ten bears, or recover a missing satchel, or perform some other small task. Secondly, there are the major story missions that take you out of the third-person perspective and into a cutscene view, where dramatic music supports characters who emote and animate as the plot unfolds. In Hakkon, only the very beginning and very end of the main questline offer this second sort of storytelling. Throughout the rest of my eight hours, I watched as world-shaking information was delivered without any pomp or luster. If you told me last week that this would bother me, I'd tell you that you'd be absolutely wrong. But here I am, missing the intimate close-ups and the sweeping vistas. (Maybe this shouldn't be be surprising: Imagine an episode of Game of Thrones that never shows the detail of a character's face.) Over the course of the previous 70 hours, Dragon Age: Inquisition had quietly taught me to expect a certain rhythm: I'd meander around a zone until I was ready to commit to one of the many "big" story events. There was a sort of storytelling grammar at work, and by reducing the use of that grammar, Hakkon rarely feels as substantial as it should. Thankfully, the final hour or so of Hakkon does utilize those storytelling tools to great effect, and it joins them with some new, unique mechanics in a series of major combat encounters that build momentum and velocity until an explosive climax. Though I wish that Jaws of Hakkon was less bloated, and though I miss the cinematic flair of the rest of Dragon Age: Inquisition, I know that in a month I'll have forgotten these quibbles. Instead, I'll remember my time spent in Frostback Basin fondly. I'll remember the sharp wit of Svarah Sun-Hair, the leader of the local Avvar clan. I'll remember the holy symbols that blur the line between competing faiths. I'll remember the mist and the mountains and the sun's light through the trees. I'll remember confronting legendary foes, and the time I got to spend with some of my favorite characters in video games. System Requirements CPU: Info CPU SPEED: AMD six core CPU @ 3.2 GHz, Intel quad core CPU @ 3.0 GHz RAM: 8 GB OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit VIDEO CARD: 2 GB, AMD Radeon HD 7870 or R9 270, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 PIXEL SHADER: 5.0 VERTEX SHADER: 5.0 FREE DISK SPACE: 26 GB DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 2 GB
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  9. new interview with mr @Seuong =)) 

  10. Hello Manager CS 1.6 of the servers, the topic of GOS for activity in their servers is open, we hope that the Manager Cs 1.6 of each server will register to enter the GOG members.




    Manager ThunderZm: @SKYFALL, @JaEgArN, @-VaLeN

    Manager HiglifeZm: @Amaranth, @InfiNitY-™

    Manager ZMOLDSCHOOL: @myCro ?, @Roselina ♣ flowers, @aRbi~, @XZoro™

    Manager PerfectZm: @-LosT ?, @#Loenex


  11. Avatar free xd


    I hope you like it ❤️ 



  12. pending for 3 days. reason: I must see more of your activity in our TeamSpeak3 and get to know you more.
  13. Accepted!
  14. PENDING... OF 2 DAYS. REASON: I need to see your activity in TeamSpeak3 in the "Journalist" channel, if I don't see your activity, this request will be rejected.
  15. 118616795_603375453877449_8411386702222771189_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=b96e70&_nc_ohc=Yy9-MOz6WAEAX8m5mxP&_nc_ht=scontent.flim10-1.fna&tp=6&oh=1f41298b2edf7e85ba3013cafc67a3eb&oe=5F6FD7E6


    Goodbye, dear Chadwick Boseman, eternal King of Wakanda.?

  16. Game Informations : Developer: Brett Todd Platforms: PC Initial release date: April 29, 2015 at 5:53PM PDT Some games are just likable. Take The Weaponographist, for instance. This top-down dungeon crawler doesn't do anything in an obviously outstanding way. At a glance, you've got a standard, forgettable, dumb Gauntlet clone: nothing more, and nothing less. But the game's speedy pace, stiff challenges, wide variety of monsters and weapons, weapon and skill gimmicks, and loads of old-school cartoon charm hook you. I started off the game yawning. I wrapped things up many hours later with aching wrists (you absolutely need a gamepad here, so don't even bother trying the keyboard option) and a smile on my face. A big part of the game's appeal is its refusal to take anything seriously. In the solo campaign (there are no multiplayer options other than the ability to check your timed scores online against other players), you play Doug McGrave, a demon-slaying stud in shining armor. As he's wandering around the countryside in the opening cutscene looking for new challenges and new sources of filthy lucre, he encounters a witch who pleads for help stamping out a demon infestation. She's broke, though, so Dougie isn't interested--at least, not until she whips out a vitality- and weapon-withering curse that soon convinces him that he should try slaying evildoers for charity. All of this is played as a send-up of the traditional role-playing epic, with Doug looking like a cartoon superhero right down to his big, bumper-like chin. The visuals have been taken straight from an old-time cartoon. Both the cutscenes and the in-game graphics come off like lost clips from the Hanna-Barbera shows that aired on Saturday mornings in the 70s. The audio is just a shade smoother than the bleeps and bloops of the 16-bit era, giving the game even more retro allure. Visuals and sound combine to set a light, carefree mood that adds a lot to the overall experience of exploring underground dungeons and murdering all the inhabitants. The writers don't try too hard, either, so you don't have to deal with groan-worthy puns or the obnoxious, unfunny joking too common in games. Gameplay isn't quite as enjoyable as the setting and story, but it's close. The Weaponographist sticks to the traditional hack-and-slash RPG formula. Doug ventures into multiple dungeon levels (called depths), each loaded with numerous close-quarter rooms that serve as battle arenas. A couple of save points can be found in each depth, letting you save progress midway through and then again before the concluding boss battle. Rooms generally work as follows: You walk in, the door closes, you don't get out until you kill dozens of creeps. Monsters are played for laughs, as with the overall cartoonish visuals. The wide-ranging rogues gallery consists of demons in all manner of weird forms. There are lions with whips dressed as circus lion trainers, leprechauns with deadly yo-yos, dark elf archers, Ents with slingshots, and more. Each depth features a handful of new creatures with new weapons. All the weapons can be picked up and used against the bad guys, which livens things up as you proceed deeper and deeper into the underground labyrinth of evil. It's all more than a bit surreal, but the creatures are too broadly drawn and colorful to be outright creepy. Art direction that was slightly more adult would have made this a disturbing, nightmarish experience. As noted above, the witch's curse decreased the durability of Doug's weapons and his skills as a warrior. So every sword, whip, machine gun, spear, and so forth comes with a lifespan that ticks down on a meter on the lower left side of the screen. When your weapon crumbles, you're stuck duking it out with your armored fists, making it imperative to scrounge something else as soon as possible. Magic weapons can be equipped to launch powerhouse attacks. Rings of fire can be summoned up with the magic staves left behind by slain wizards, for example, and the tubas dropped by marching-band goons can be used to fire Death Star-like laser blasts. Speed is of the essence as well. Doug's curse makes him get weaker whenever he isn't killing monsters, with his strength shown on a combo bar. Slack off on the murderousness, and the bar quickly starts to empty. When it completely runs out, Doug starts losing experience. So it is imperative to get on and stay on a roll where you are constantly killing foes. Do this, and Doug gets into a rhythm where he is regularly leveling up and staying just ahead of the increasingly tougher mobs of bad guys that stock each new dungeon chamber. Fall behind on the slaying, and everything quickly gets tougher and tougher, with the end result being that you become overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies. Both elements have a big effect on combat, turning it into a fitting blend of speed and strategy. Constantly running and killing is key to everything, although you must also be careful about what weapon you pick up. Some just don't work very well against certain foes, and others are wildly underpowered or a poor fit when dealing with numbers of enemies. The chainsaw, for instance, is practically worthless in swarms of monsters due to how slowly you maneuver it. On the other hand, weapons like the zippy whip are almost too powerful given how fast you can deal out damage while racing around. A bit of luck is involved here, too, because you can get stuck in some rooms without a good weapon for so long that you might as well just lie down and die. Enemy buffs that speed up monsters or cause balls of death-dealing slime to bounce around rooms can also pop up, making life even tougher. A combination of these apparently random special effects and crap weapons can end Doug's dungeon delving in a hurry, even if you keep up your combo meter. When your weapon crumbles, you're stuck duking it out with your armored fists. The action gets repetitive, however. Combat involves doing the same thing over and over again while slightly adjusting your approach to deal with different types of enemies. Depths are tough in the early going, meaning that you have to replay rooms on a regular basis. I found that I had to die a number of times in the first rooms of each depth to trigger a respawn back in the village hub, where I could spend the demon goo acquired from vanquished foes on buffs for weapons, magic gear, and so forth. I had to build Doug up in this way in pretty much every depth, having to die on at least three or four occasions before I was tough enough to start overwhelming the opposition. Be prepared for a fair amount of grinding. Despite its reliance on a familiar formula and some repetition, The Weaponographist is a dumb, fun arcade romp due to its quick pace and interesting concepts governing weapon use and skills. This is one of those friendly games that just about anyone would enjoy picking up for short play sessions every now and again, especially those who like their dungeon crawlers tinged with a sense of humor and a retro flavor System Requirements OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1. Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent. Memory: 2 GB RAM. Graphics: 1GB, OpenGL 1.5+ DirectX: Version 9.0c. Storage: 1 GB available space.
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  17. The Government issued a supreme decree this Friday (Supreme Decree No. 146-2020) that extends the state of emergency until September 30, 2020 due to the serious circumstances that affect the life of the Nation as a result of COVID-19. The standard also incorporates four regions in the quarantine focused in its entirety: Cusco, Moquegua, Puno and Tacna. Until before the issuance of this norm, only some provinces of these regions were considered (Supreme Decree No. 139 - 2020). Thus, in Cusco the focused quarantine only applied in the provinces of Cusco, Anta, Canchis, Espinar, La Convencion and Quispicanchis. In Moquegua, it applied in the provinces of Mariscal Nieto and Ilo; in Puno, in the provinces of Puno and San Roman; while in Tacna, only in the province of Tacna. With the rule in question, now all the provinces of these four regions are covered. The norm provides for mandatory social isolation (quarantine) in the aforementioned provinces and regions, and specifies that the movement of people is allowed only for the provision and access to essential services and goods, as well as for the provision of services of economic activities authorized upon the entry into force of this supreme decree. Similarly, the Government issued another supreme decree (DN ° 027-2020) that extends the declaration of sanitary emergency from September 8, 2020 for a period of 90 calendar days, that is, until the first days of December.
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  18. Working with PDFs can be tricky, especially if you're trying to merge multiple documents together. Maybe you're constructing a portfolio, or maybe you just want to reduce file clutter. Whatever the reason, it can be confusing to keep lots of documents straight, but it's also tricky to figure out how to bring them together. One of the most po[CENSORED]r tools for combining PDFs is Adobe Acrobat, but that software will cost you at least $13 a month for a subscription. Luckily, there are a few other ways you can combine PDFs for free, no matter what type of computer you're using. How to combine PDFs on Windows If you're using Windows, you'll need a third-party app to help you combine PDFs. We tested a few, and found a solid option in PDF Merger & Splitter by AnywaySoft. It's available through the Microsoft Store for free. At the time of this writing, it had 4.8 stars and 222 reviews. Here's how to merge PDFs with this app: Open the app, and choose Merge or Split. If you just need to merge two documents without changing the order of any pages, choose Merge. Click Add PDFs, and select however many you want to merge. You have the option to move them up or down, or sort by name. You can also preview what the merged documents will look like. Once your documents are in order, hit Merge, and name and save the new merged PDF. If you want to customize your merger a bit more, such as by changing the order of pages or only adding in certain parts of each PDF, you'll have to split them first. To do that, select Split when the app opens. Choose which individual pages or page ranges you want to pull out. You can save them as one PDF, or as individual PDFs. How to combine PDFs on Mac On Mac, you can combine PDFs with a built-in tool found in Preview, according to Apple Support. Here's how to combine two PDFs: Open a PDF in Preview. Go to View > Thumbnails. You'll see page thumbnails in the sidebar. Select the thumbnail for the page where you want to insert the other document. Click Edit > Insert > Page from File (if the Page from File selection is dimmed so you can't click it, make sure that the file you have open is a PDF. Some encrypted PDF documents can't be merged, according to Apple. Check the permissions of a PDF by choosing Tools > Show Inspector, then click the lock icon).Select the PDF you want to add, and click Open. Choose File > Export as PDF to save. And here's how to combine parts of one PDF with another PDF: Open the PDFs you want to combine in Preview. In each document, choose View > Thumbnails. You'll see page thumbnails in the sidebar. Press and hold the Command key, and select the page thumbnails that you want to add to the other document. Let go of the Command key. Drag the selected thumbnails to the sidebar of the other PDF, and release where you want them to go. (If you have macOS Sierra or earlier, drag the thumbnails directly into a thumbnail in the other PDF.) You can rotate, delete and reorder pages from the thumbnail section, too. Now that you've mastered combining all of your PDFs, make sure to check out other hidden Mac tips and secret Windows 10 tips, and how to download Windows 10 and Microsoft Office apps for free.
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  19. Reason: I see the comments of my colleagues and your activity, you lack a lot and a little performance on your part, you need more activity in the forum and in TeamSpeak3, I never saw you ... but if you were active in ts3, you have a long way to go to be a moderator in csbd, but do not lose hope that these 30 days, you can improve your activity and come with a new request
  20. Slack filed an antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft in the European Union on Wednesday. The workplace messaging company said Microsoft linking its Teams collaboration software to its Office programs violates competition law. Microsoft forces people using Office to install Teams, stops them from removing it and won't let the software work with some of its rivals' programs, Slack alleged. It wants the EU to make Microsoft offer Teams on its own, not just in bundles with Office. "We're confident that we win on the merits of our product, but we can't ignore illegal behavior that deprives customers of access to the tools and solutions they want," Jonathan Prince, Slack's vice president of communications and policy, said in a release. "Slack threatens Microsoft's hold on business email, the cornerstone of Office, which means Slack threatens Microsoft's lock on enterprise software." Read more: Europe is so not done regulating Google and other US tech giants Microsoft noted that Teams was created to combine the ability to collaborate with the ability to connect via video. "With COVID-19, the market has embraced Teams in record numbers while Slack suffered from its absence of video-conferencing," a Microsoft spokesperson said in an emailed statement. "We're committed to offering customers not only the best of new innovation, but a wide variety of choice in how they purchase and use the product. We look forward to providing additional information to the European Commission and answering any questions they may have." A European Commission spokesperson confirmed that it received the complaint. News of the lawsuit was reported earlier by The Wall Street Journal. In recent weeks, the EU has launched antitrust probes into developers of smart home products, Google's deal with Fitbit, Apple Pay and the App Store and Amazon's treatment of third-party sellers.
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  21. Nvidia has confirmed the design of the RTX 30-series. Alluding to much of what has been spotted in multiple leaks over the past few months, Nvidia's latest video titled 'The Remarkable Art & Science of Graphics Card Design' offers our first glimpse of the Nvidia Ampere graphics cards. The video, embedded above, shows Nvidia's engineers explaining the procedure of designing effective cooling solutions for graphics cards, with a supporting post on the Nvidia blog. It also focuses on what needs to be done in order to improve upon past designs, such as the RTX 20-series Founders Editions, with the latest Ampere generation graphics cards. "In order to achieve this perfect airflow, we have to remove the constraints we had before," David Haley, thermal architect at Nvidia, explains. "We have to change the PCB. We have to move the fans. We need to change the software stack that's controlling the fans. "As we move forward," Haley continues, "we're taking a holistic approach because making a GPU isn't all about the thermal solution. It's about bringing all the pieces of the product together: considering thermal design, mechanical design, electrical design, with industrial design tying it all together to unleash the full potential of the GPU with an obsessive focus on keeping the system cool and quiet." And for a brief moment at the very end, a glimpse of the Nvidia Ampere GPU design. This split-second of footage tallies with previously leaked images of the RTX 30-series Founders Edition. It may be that we see some alterations between that which was previously spewed fourth from the depths of the web and the final shipping product, yet it appears as though the dual omni-directional fans (not directly pictured), sizeable heatsinks, and cut-out PCB have all made it into the final look. AIBs are not expected to follow suit with third-party GPU designs. Nvidia lists a few key upgrades with the FE Ampere cooler over its predecessors, and it promises these aren't just for show, either. These include a leaf spring mechanical brace and the new 12-pin power connector (adapter will be included). Both of which are intended to reduce size, increase cooling potential and airflow, and shift the design away from important components to maintain operational efficiency.
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  22. The president of the Council of Ministers, Walter Martos, announced that the Executive Power has been coordinating with the mayors of the country a massive control campaign in discos, bars, markets and places where there is an agglomeration of people, with the support of the Police and the Armed Forces . In statements to the press from Lurín, he indicated that said operation will also have the support of the Government's supervisory bodies, such as the National Superintendence of Labor Inspection (Sunafil) and the Urban Transport Authority (ATU). “We are coordinating with the mayors to carry out a massive control campaign in discos, bars, markets and places where there is an agglomeration of people with the support of the Police and the Armed Forces. This operation will begin shortly and will be carried out at the national level, ”he said. "The vast majority of mayors have had low collection due to this economic crisis and they do not have a large number of auditors, that is why we are uniting the Police and the Armed Forces, as well as the government oversight bodies, such as Sunafil, ATU" added. Noting that so far no decision has been made on Prohibition, the Prime Minister announced that this week an advertising campaign will also be launched aimed at people between 18 and 30 years old, in order to raise awareness about the risk of who attend social gatherings in the current context of pandemic. “Unfortunately, most of those who come are infected and carry the virus to their homes where there are vulnerable people and those are the ones who are reaching the hospitals. We have to do integrated work in the Government at all levels ”, he emphasized. "We also have to do work together with the po[CENSORED]tion itself, which has to internalize that we are in a pandemic and until the vaccine arrives and the person is not immunized, they are susceptible to being infected," he added. Finally, Martos urged the po[CENSORED]tion to respect the restriction measures dictated by the Executive, such as social distancing, hand washing and the use of masks. "We have to assume this responsibility all citizens of all ages," he said.
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  23. Unfortunately, my mother's brothers have the covid-19 virus, I have my doubts because my mother went with them and came to my house ...

    I hope everything is fine, today, tomorrow or the next week, I will do the test if I have or not ... I hope that God no wants and thanks to my friends who supported me ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ru-gAL.™


      Vrg Marico, Cuidate 

    3. King_of_lion


      God willing, your mother will be cured, God willing, I hope that you take care of yourself and her also and he will heal her, God willing . ?

    4. Dr.Drako


      Fuerzas hermano, se que saldrán de esta, yo tambien lo he pasado en mi casa con mi familia y es feo,’pero con la ayuda de Dios podemos salir adelante, pues contar conmigo cualquier cosa, fuerzas ?

  24. 27 / 08 /2020


    ALL RIP!!! Bye 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. shVury


      Take care bro..

    3. aRbi~


      Wish u all the best man ??

    4. Dark


      thanks brother. ❤️ 

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