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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Hello @King_of_lion, your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that i like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because of the hollydays season and us(the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more. Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  2. Hello @#LiNeX , i will be simple with you, sadly you are not our kind of personality we are looking for, Please return with a new request after a longer period of time. Thank you,
  3. Hello @Ðragøñ Släýer, i will be simple with you, sadly you are not our kind of personality we are looking for, Please return with a new request after a longer period of time. Thank you,
  4. Hello @#Steeven.™ , your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that i like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because of the hollydays season and us(the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more. From me you have: PRO Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  5. a4a66ba5-4a7c-4db9-91c5-2bab97576525.jpg


    He was trying to get into a river, but got too scared.


  6. #newtrack


  7. Voting v1 due to having a more clear style of the text and image.
  8. When someone is nice with you and treats you how he can, you should respect his efforts and not telling others they are the only nice ones.


    C'est la vie.

  9. As said, try to recover the lost time as it won't be fair for you to get something when others have worked hard. And about the thing 'i was in staff administrator/gmod/mod and i retired and now i am back', its ok, its normal, but take in consideration that in your absence someone else worked in your place, now you have to work too. Return after 30 days with a new request.
  10. Well done for the moderator!


    Lots of love ♥ ♥

    1. The Ga[M]er.

      The Ga[M]er.

      well i want to thank you for the support , im great that we reach this place for the moment ?


    I may change the music profile as it seems innapropriate to this context, um... 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 𝕋𝔢Ҝ𝔼


      you have to support everyone?

    3. myCro


      zmold and newlife are better than thunder ^^ @#LiNeX

    4. 𝕋𝔢Ҝ𝔼


       Correction @myCro ?  we are all the same   we are all family

  12. Hello, today is a special day, a day like every day we have with YOU, this server means a lot for us and by having YOU we become more special and we are greatful for that! Thank YOU, YOU are AWESOME and you diserve all the love in this world! And i mean it! #i am not trolling
  13. Regarding as a follow up to @robila investigation based on your IPs i have investigated(from ACP) the used devices on your account, and are the next ones: The next accounts have been permanently banned for multi-account: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/77454-alex009/ https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/79992-infinity_storm/ https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/80590-vasile/ https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/80439-nilan/ https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/80120-smallville/ You may escape as a regular user, but when it comes to becoming a staff member, it is harder. R e j e c t e d
  14. + Rejected. Return with a new request after 30 days.
  15. Return(after at least 30 days) with a request when you will read the forum rules and see what mistakes(repetitive) you did in this topic. Rejected.
  16. They even have a category and rank now!

  17. Have anyone seen The Boys? What rate would you give to it?


    ps: i am downloading it via torrent because i can't afford cable tv, netflix, hbo go and amazon prime :s

    ps2: new profile sound track, #sundayvibe



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #LiNeX


      yah i have watched it , its actually really good , its action / comedy / superhero movie .. i hope you like it cuz i really do and iam waiting for season 2 ... hope it will be up soon 


      ps : there is 18+ moments x))


      Edit : i rate it 95/100 



    3. myCro


      @#LiNeX 4 September 2020 season 2 ♥

    4. [A]Sweety^ x CSBD

      [A]Sweety^ x CSBD

      free movies full max my netflix+leonflix

      no buy no money in free movies

  18. Today is a big day, those who registered for Music Contest Edition #2 must be on TS in Music Contest at 19 RO time (07:00 PM). You must be present who replied in that topic, if you are not going to be there, you will be on blacklist for 1 week!


    More informations you can find out here:

    I wish you good luck to everyone who participated! See you at 19 RO time (07:00 PM) with the best song/music you have. We all love Music! Music is our life! ♥

    1. Mindsphere.


      Thank you so much! ❤️❤️ ? ? 

  19. Everyone can do posts just for quantity and us(the administration) thrive for something better. I want to know what else you could come up to do as Moderator, please give us an idea of forum development for which you will have to take care(and if you don't handle well you get retrograded).
  20. Rejected. Return with a new request after 3 months.
  21. ZMOLDSCHOOL Competition: 



    Register now!

    1. LosT贼


      Good Luck ❤️ 

    2. iTzNordin


      hi Bro You can Give me Admin about i have many Experience For Admin 

      My FB: -

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