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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Imi pare rau, dar sa stii ca aplicatia ta mi-a placut cel mai mult si chiar am ramas uimit cu mai multi colegi din staff, uite cum o sa procedam, o sa facem ceva special pentru ca ai potential. Voi fi sincer, nu ai cum sa iei moderator doar pentru activitatea de pana acum, nu este corect fata de altii care muncesc mult mai mult, este ca pe server, ia UP cineva care sta 2 ore pe zi, iar ala care sta 7 ore, este lasat acolo... nu este in regula, dar o sa ramai IN PENDING pana pe data de 30 iunie, dupa data de 30 iunie trebuie sa incepi sa fi activ pe categoriile forumului si mai tarziu tragem o concluzie.
  2. Hello, your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that i like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because of the hollydays season and us(the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more. From me you have: PRO Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  3. 36/50 words Return in 30 days with a new request when you meet all of our requirements.
  4. How would you describe our community? If there were to recommend our community to someone, what would you say to him/her/them? Where would you see our community after 5 years?
  5. Hello, your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that i like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because of the hollydays season and us(the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more. From me you have: PRO Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  6. Please return with a request when your situation will get better.
  7. Thank you for your request @xDkramsik ! Sadly you do not meet our requirements. Please return after 30 days with a new request.
  8. Hello, your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that i like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because of the hollydays season and us(the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more. From me you have: PRO Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  9. Make sure to get registred to this AOTW edition: 


  10. image.png


    After 3 hours of getting the situation in check, after i got home from work, i am going to eat, watch a movie and relax ☺️, please do not insult me during the following period but i will asume it and hope we will get unbanned.


    Love you all.

    Happy birthday zmoldschool!

    1. Mr.BaZzAr


      because that today i cant join  on server?

    2. Nikhel Nice

      Nikhel Nice

      add my wishes to zmoldschool @myCro ?

  11. Fixed: Immunity admins weren't receiveing kick Server is going to kick automatly every AFKs after 90(+1) seconds in order to grant the plugin time to do the work of messages: [AFK Kicker] You have 15 seconds to move or you will be kicked for being AFK [AFK Kicker] You have 10 seconds to move or you will be kicked for being AFK [AFK Kicker] You have 5 seconds to move or you will be kicked for being AFK Kicked by Console: "You were kicked for being AFK longer than 90 seconds" Kicked :"You were kicked for being AFK longer than 90 seconds" They are getting permanently banned. This method is considered FAKE and we can receive permanent BAN(not unranked but BAN). Do not use it!
  12. As of today we received an awesome gift for our server as getting NR due to AFKs, From this moment we have introduced a plugin that will kick all of the AFKs from our server, making room to real players and fair players for a fair enviroment. We are sorry we had to resume to such a harsh method but enough is enough, as i permanently banned some of you in the past and proved not eficient and i cannot ban the entire staff ( https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/330732-bots-instead-of-admins-prohibied/ ) Functionality: Players who reach 90 seconds of Away From Keyboard will receive warnings from 15 seconds before they are kicked. They will be notified why they were kicked. The chat will receive notifications about their kicks: [AFK Kicker] Spawn was kicked for being AFK longer than 90 seconds [AFK Kicker] MoNsTeR was kicked for being AFK longer than 90 seconds [AFK Kicker] MCBRUDA was kicked for being AFK longer than 90 seconds [AFK Kicker] N1ght[m]ar3` was kicked for being AFK longer than 90 seconds A player is determined to be AFK by simply checking if he has moved since he spawned. Players are only counted as AFK when they are alive. BONUS: - Due to tehnical reasons i have claimed ownership of the server in gametracker.com too, as Hellfir3 was the owner before and i need to have it in order to request unban. Is our fault that we closed our eyes, now we have to do something about it. Thank you
  13. Announcement about V.I.P plugin avalaible on ZMOLDSCHOOL & NEWLIFEZM, the plugin does not support nick-names that contains symbol:        `


    So we are not going to add accesses with names containing such symbol/special symbols. So please go simple, it is more elegant that way.

  14. admin menu can facilitate abusing from an admin afks are not a problem because in this way our server is in top 10.
  15. vote v1 for the creavity into the work made, a really interesant avatar
  16. Hello miq, are you going to respect this topic? 


    1. miQ*.ҳ̸Ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ̸Ҳ


      i m bit busy these days will sort my things out and end this giveaway

    2. myCro


      @miQ*.ҳ̸Ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ̸Ҳ what is the status? I knew you as a serious person.

  17. Well, you did a record for the fastest removal on zmold ??

  18. Thank you for your request @Locka流! We are interested in people that could help us but you do not meet our requirements. Please return after 30 days with a new request. Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  19. I am sexy, but this theme is questionable if its sexier than me

    1. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      hehe both sexy no dought xD

    2. Dark



      that is my phrase :)))))

  20. You are all doing a great job! Love u ♥
  21. So many shitty reactions.


    pun intended



      Come to Canada . And I will show you what's is shitty reactions for real ???

    2. myCro


      Come to Romania and you will see how is to have them in real life.

  22. Hello my little magic friends which i love!

    Check out ZMOLDSCHOOL new awesome rank that has an awesome design for which i worked a lot because i totally planned to do it this way and i lost nothing! Plus some staff changes, a few.


  23. Salut Fabian, Inainte de toate iti multumesc pentru aceasta aplicatie si am sa te tratez asa cum o fac cu toata lumea. Din pacate nu indeplinesti cerintele noastre si trebuie sa descoperi mai multe lucruri care tin de comunitate, asadar te invit pe unul din servere unde ai obiectiv sa te integrezi in acel colectiv, iar peste o perioada poti incepe activitatea pe categoriile forumului, posturi de tot felul, cauta regulile si invata cum functioneaza totul deoarece drept viitor Moderator aceste aspecte sunt elementare(integritate, potential social, respectul regulilor, activitate). Toti au fost candva copii, asadar distreaza-te pe aici si in viitor, cine stie, poate ajungi Administrator. Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
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