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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Hello, don't bump your request anymore, you will just get a negative response faster(i solutioned requests just for the first bump, this is already the second or third time at you). We know about you and you have to wait. You do everything just for the sake of rank? then you won't get it.
  2. Hello, your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that i like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because us(the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more. From me you have: PRO Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  3. Salut Cristian, Vad ca ai exact 200 de posturi, minimul nostru cerut pentru a face o aplicatie de Moderator ceea ce ma face sa cred ca ai muncit putin pentru continutul tau in asa fel incat sa ajungi acolo. Detinerea unui server implica sa stii ce este responsabilitatea, sa stii cum o echipa este definita si sa stii ca trebuie sa muncesti pentru tot, in special in CSGO unde fiecare jucator conteaza, am dreptate? Spune-mi, te rog, am vazut ca ai postat in 25 Aprilie stiri si mai multe genuri de topicuri relevante Devil Club, dar este o problema, toata lumea considera acceptabil obtinerea unui rank de moderator facand astfel de continut, hm, asta este discutabil, chestia este ca drept Moderator trebuie sa vi cu idei de dezvoltare si intrebarile mele pentru tine sunt: Cum ai face ca userii sa fie mai interesati in topicurile din devil club? Cum ai putea obtine mai multe vizualizari? Cat de des te uiti pe stirile postate in comunitate? Da-mi 3 exemple de topicuri care te-au ajutat. === Hello Cristian, I see that you have exactly 200 posts, our minimum requirement for making an Moderator application which really makes me belive you worked a little bit on your content in order to get there. Having a server implies you know what responsability is, you know how a team is defined and that you have to work for everything, especially in CSGO where every player counts, am i right? Please, tell me, i saw that you posted on 25 April news and more kinds of topics Devil Club related, but there is a problem, everyone consider acceptable getting a moderator rank by doing such content, hm, this is debatable, the thing is that as a Moderator you have to come up with ideas of development so my questions for you are: How would you make the users more interested in the topics from devil club? How could you obtain more views? How often do you watch the news posted in the community? Give me 3 examples of topics that helped you.
  4. Seems like our "applican't" doesn't want to answer, maybe he perceived your answer as an insult or i don't know or maybe couldn't be active anymore. Thank you for your request @MasterKid™ ! We are interested in people that could help us but you do not meet our requirements. Please return after 30 days with a new request when we hope you will be active and find yourself a project(the fact that you HAD a server can't be defined as a reason for you to obttain a administrative rank). Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project if you want something new Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  5. Hello, you received Girls rank.

    1. Adriana



      It's just the beginning, I'm going for more. Tyyyy!

    2. jayden™


      wheres mine =( ?

    3. [N]audy


      Ver para creer :V 

  6. I solve everything


  7. Account banned. Please use only @zenel.ko1

  8. Account banned. Please use only @zenel.ko1

  9. Hello, please describe us in detail: What you do to develop Journalists project and what results you have What you do to develop your server and what results you have Come up with some ideas for community development that would help us bring new users.
  10. Thank you for your request @eXeCuToR ! We are interested in people that could help us but you do not meet our requirements. Please return after 60 days with a new request. Suplimentary: your activity isn't enough for Moderator Suplimentary x2: having a bad behavior would never be in line with our requirements. Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project if you want something new Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  11. The tradition of Free points goes on:


  12. voting v1 for more creativity and originality.
  13. myCro

    Salut Alberto, daca acesta este numele tau real,

    Te rog sa te controlezi mai mult si sa folosesti un limbaj mai acceptabil, crede-ma ca stiu cum este sa te consideri nervos de actiunile celorlalti, dar incearca sa iti gasesti linistea pentru ca pana la urma este numai un joc in care exista mii de servere, gaseste-ti locul, distreaza-te.


    O zi minunata iti urez.

  14. my avatar is nicer than yours fam'

    1. REVAN


      In what dream?

    2. myCro


      What an ugly ass avatar you have, omfg...

  15. 200 posts(done based on proper content) proper content stands for posts made inside projects categories not at Fun & Entertainment
  16. what a man..


    <20:19:12> "#XZoro": I will go for 10 min ma love 
    <20:19:13> "#XZoro": cya
    <20:19:17> "myCro": alright
    <20:19:18> "myCro": 
    <20:19:20> "myCro": ♥
    <20:19:23> "#XZoro": I love u
    <20:19:24> "#XZoro": hahah
    <20:19:27> "myCro": love you too bby
    <20:19:35> "#XZoro": ♥

  17. Let's clarify something:


    I won't ever be disturbed by a message, for anything in the world. We are here to have fun with eachother, i am in the rank that i am to help and support each of you. Noone should be left in seen or without response/explication.


  18. #newtrack


    1. Nikhel Nice

      Nikhel Nice

       ? #doja cat - boss btch 

  19. Wish you all the health in the world.
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