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Everything posted by myCro

  1. vote v1, text used in a more creative way
  2. Become one of us!

  3. For a banned ip i can offer you 40 euros for the server. Contact me if interested. Later edit: If you want to negociate, i really am willing to do it in private.
  4. Vote ended! v1: 19 votes v2: 1 votes Winner: v1! @#Groot. @Ret-H@CKer
  5. vote v2 because of the abstract style and colors.
  6. Vote your favourite team!


  7. Resping, nu am astazi starea necesara.
  8. hy oya, contact rose via PM if you want us to change the permissions of Helper rank, don't post in that topic for announcements.


    And empty your inbox, cant send PM

  9. We are welcoming a new initiative solely focused on creating something fresh and entertaining! Link: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/12752-movies-tv-series-night/ 

  10. I will not extend this battle too far and i will carefully warn you not to use others works, i can recognise well enough others style and was way to big of a gap between your gallery and this creation... Battle canceled. Someone responsabile of this category may take any action necesary.
  11. Accepted. I don't really belive you can't limit the work time.. i will do just my best to do it in a decent time, i will start in a few minutes.
  12. Being 23 years old means you have a way of living, i can't really belive 10-20 euros are a ton of money. Not to say having deep knowledge in Scripting implies you have taken some responsabilities from time to time by learning the game and investing(time and some money) in it. Consider that joining us won't ensure your full acces(to the server) in order to use your knowledge(you can't really obtain everything for free from the start). Even tho, i am looking forward for a collaboration with you, if Roselin accepts your request. As said, take in consideration we will try to be a strong server.
  13. ¤ Name[/nickname]: myCro ¤ Age: 21 ¤ Country: Romania ¤ Occupation: car parts administrator/manager, future engineer in automation and computer science(student at the moment) ¤ A short description about you: good, bad and original ¤ How did you found out Csblackdevil Community: brought with force by @Roselina ✾ ¤ Favorite games: League of Legends, War Thunder, CS 1.6, Rise Of Kingdoms(mobile), Draw It(mobile) ¤ Favorite server [community only]: played yesterday on EMMA(bcs of the map, cs_italy XD), i don't have a favourite one yet ¤ A picture of you: for 5 euros i can give one.
  14. vot v1, more of a pleasant composition.
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