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Everything posted by myCro

  1. A crown for kings and queens!


  2. #cleanorcheat?

    You got banned unfairly on a server? You consider yourself clean and want to convince that server administrative team that they are wrong?


    You have a colleague that cheats? You registred some gaming moments on a player and can't decide if it's clean or cheat?


    Post the .demo or video link here! NOW


  3. Salut, cererea ta a fost marcata drept in [Pending], te rog ia on considerare ca imi place aplicatia ta si acum mai departe o sa dureze ceva pentru un raspuns final datorita sarbatorilor si noi (administratia) avem de analizat activitatea ta de pe forum, cererea ta, istoricul tau. Considera ca am putea sa acceptam sau respingem in final, nu te considera acceptat, inca ai sa ne dovedesti multe. Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  4. Am cerut idei care sa revolutioneze comunitatea, asta inseamna sa fie ceva anume, am cerut sa depui efort. Pai si cu ce ne ajuta daca repeti ceva de care stim deja si nu am avut ce sa facem? Cum? ce anume sa facem? cum atragem oamenii care sa ofere suport tehnic? unde ii gasim daca nu ii avem? Hm, asta nu este rea. Atunci nu ai respectat ce am cerut. Ok. Astept raspuns la ce am spus mai sus.
  5. 1. After 1 BUMP 2. After 1 PM: 3. You can return after 30 days with a new request as you don't meet our standards Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  6. Mai intai sa invatam cum trebuie limba romana apoi sa ne laudam ca suntem foarte dedicati altor limbi. " Care categorie/proiect doresti sa ai sub responsabilitate?(alege din ACEASTA LISTA): Request DNS&Forum sau Suport Tickets" pentru acest raspuns as fi respins direct oricare alta aplicatie, dar de dragul depunerii de efort: @Kompact Te rog sa ne prezinti mai multe propuneri(sau una foarte mare) extrem de originale care sa revolutioneze comunitatea. Doresc sa fie scrise corect si coerent, fara graba Doresc sa fie asezate cat mai aspectuos si detaliile puse intr-un mod atractiv Doresc sa vad mult efort depus.
  7. Hello @- Antrax please present to us some of the topics you have posted that you consider are helpfull for the community, and give detalies why they are helpfull.
  8. myCro

    empty inbox please

  9. Own server of the project!

  10. Something something...




    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. myCro


      Won't happen how yako said ??

    3. YaKoMoS


      No problem. Sad Hulk Walk Goodbye GIF by Leroy Patterson

    4. Mr.SnaPeR"


      I know what is it about but wont spoil + stop spam three of you or spank >:V™

  11. Love the profile song! ♥

    1. robila


      I've 2, listen the other ? 

  12. image.png #devilwithin.


    ps: in this weekend i will respect the word given on the contest from last Sunday, i will select the best out of the 25 members.

    ps2: Toss a coin to your witcher.

  13. Este suficient acest raspuns.
  14. Let's do a contest, leave a reply here saying something funny and you can win:

    1. 50 Reputation points from me
    2. A follow from ME
    3. An personalized ANIMATED avatar [only if there are more than 10 participants]
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      ""I had a wonderful childhood, which is tough because it’s hard to adjust to a miserable adulthood"" Hope you not cry of Laughing xD ??? 

    3. Mr.SnaPeR"


      Take this joke 

      You are following me already because we are leaders of gays ? ? ?

    4. NewBie?


      No pen no gein.

  15. Salut, your moderator has been set on the: FURIEN server category.


    Enjoy your permissions and for any incovienence don't forget to contact us via SUPPORT.

  16. Accepted as global moderator. (being returned from Ex-Staff, having an impecable application, exemplary forum presence plus being a 10+ rate person)
  17. Salut, raportul nostru asupra a ceea ce poti rezolva in termen de aprox 30 zile sta in felul urmator: Ai mai multa grija la incalcarea regulamentului Fa-te mai remarcat pe ts3 Incearca sa faci si mai multa activitate inafara de proiectul GFX In ciuda activitatii incearca sa te faci mai remarcat in randul userilor, dar si a staff-ului Pro-uri pe care le-ai primit au fost pentru: Activitate generala buna Initiative aduse
  18. Thank you for your request! @dreen Sadly after carefully deliberation (1 forum voting and 1 ts3 meeting voting) we have concluded that you do not meet our requirments mainly because you are focusing too much on being active JUST on the newlife server category. You have to try to do more activity in more sections. Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  19. Thank you for your request! Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements. Return after 30 days with a new request. Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
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