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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Check out this announcement about Recruitments!


  2. Hello bad assers, how is your weekend going? Are you having a good time? ? Give me a five! 


    Which is your latest meme you saw?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. R e i

      R e i

      i am very fine bro you

      Happy I Like It GIF by swerk

    3. shVury


      happy kick back GIF by The Secret Life Of Pets

      Meh, my weekend start very very nice ?

      Relax and musichappy relax GIF

    4. Nikhel Nice

      Nikhel Nice

      Nothing To See Here GIF

      Nothing special -_-

  3. Hello, this category is going to be deactivated(no new request can be made) untill a future announcement about the Staff Recruitment is going to be made, all the remaining requests are going to be processed when the time comes(they will have priority) and after those are done, we are going to hide this sub-forum. Thank you for your attention
  4. Hello, i got that you are in a state of inactivity due to personal reasons, please return with a new request via application system when avalaible.
  5. Thank you for your request! Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements, please increase your activity inside your project. Return after 30 days with a new request. Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  6. What would you change to the community and why? Please give me a description of a staff member you have interacted lately
  7. Salut @SKYFALL, esti matur si administrezi un server, asta denota faptul ca ai dobandit o capabilitate ridicata in a lua decizii, in a acorda verdicte si in a controla o echipa, calitati pe care noi drept administratie le cautam, doar ca acestea trebuie sa le si pui in aplicare la nivel de categorie comunitara, nu doar a serverului propriu, imi cer scuze, dar a trecut o perioada de 3 saptamani de la aplicatia ta si inca nu ti-ai inceput activitatea in categoria unde doreai sa te implici. Multumesc frumos si te astept cu o noua cerere peste 30 de zile. Iti urez toate cele bune! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality Mentine-ti Creativitatea Recunoscand Originalitatea
  8. Thank you for your request! Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements. Return after 30 days with a new request. Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  9. Era pe 'verde' probabil si a uitat sa mai dea pe la noi, lol. Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  10. 6 days without answer Thank you for your request! Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements. Return after 30 days with a new request. Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  11. FB_IMG_1582227429472.jpg

    Are you an awp fan?


    1. R e i

      R e i

      are you ready?

  12. Battle a friend or foe at our Overwatch tournament!! GL & HF if you dare ... ?


    1. R e i

      R e i

      you should play hard to win itt

  13. My pupper just got his own avatar ?


    And on steam!


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. myCro


      @AIM_ShoT aw, dude, thats the sweetest thing i received as a compliment, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

      thank you

    3. AIM_ShoT


      i love puppies

    4. Nikhel Nice
  14. *** End of chat history <16:42:32> "Capital Bra": myCro <16:42:41> "myCro": my god <16:42:45> "myCro": i had 40 seconds <16:43:04> "Capital Bra": hahahah <16:43:06> "Capital Bra": brother <16:43:53> "myCro": ? <16:45:36> "Capital Bra": bro i will make request for moderator in csbd can you reply to me <16:46:28> "myCro": yes <16:46:31> "myCro": i can <16:46:54> "Capital Bra": ok bro i will make request and you will surprise me a accepted <16:48:16> "myCro": we will see <16:52:38> "Capital Bra": myCro <16:52:41> "Capital Bra": see req Let's begin: Last request: this is my first request From your last request has passed: almost 19 days.[if you repeat this mistake you will be warned and you will lose forum points] Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I am good boy. I am a joke person and funny person with all here .. I will help csblackdevil and all staff here on csbd i like all . And i love all my friends here In the last request you had 17 years, on 31 january, but you said you are born on 3 february, that means by now you should got to the age of 18 years, in this request you said 16 years, so you lie about this too. hank you for your request! Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements. Return after 30 days with a new request. Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  15. Hello, i read your post from Best nemesis and i wanted to invite you to check oldschoolzm.csblackdevil.com , real old school 6.0

    1. NewBie?


      Sounds good!, tomorow new day and we will dominante it. 

  16. myCro

    See you soon niggerIMG-20200201-WA0010.jpg

  17. official opening has happen, we wait you on the server! GL & HF


    1. Master_Kill


      Nice Good Loock ? 

    2. myCro


      Searching admins!


    3. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      Congratzz On Server

      pratik and wanted my Old & Gold friends ? they really good Managers ? 

      Nice Choice.


  18. Thank you for your request! Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements. Return after 30 days with a new request. Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  19. Can you find what you have not respect from the model? I give you a tip: is about describing yourself
  20. <11:12:36> "Rei": thank thanks you a lot <11:12:42> "Rei": if you accepted it <11:12:47> "Rei": i will give you so much points <11:12:48> "Rei": 1000 Trying to bribe the responsabile administrator ... not ok. *** End of chat history <10:50:49> "Rei": hello <10:50:53> "Rei": i make new reply <10:51:04> "myCro": ok <10:51:09> "Rei": and good luck <10:51:10> "Rei": bro <10:51:25> "myCro": tyvm <10:51:30> "Rei": you are the best <10:51:35> "Rei": you love homos xd <10:52:00> "Rei": bro i am sorry for everything <10:52:24> "Rei": and you are one who respond fast <10:52:27> "Rei": thats means you best <10:57:10> "Rei": <10:59:07> "myCro": tyvm <10:59:12> "Rei": will you be <10:59:15> "Rei": my best firend <10:59:26> "Rei": xd you want homos xd <10:59:38> "myCro": no <10:59:50> "Rei": ahahah <10:59:51> "Rei": okey <11:06:27> "Rei": bro <11:06:35> "Rei": will you accpepted my request <11:12:12> "Rei": <11:12:26> "myCro": yes yes Why would i accept your request after the pressure and questions in private?




    Now online. GL & HF!



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. myCro


      Tell your friends, we can't wait to see you all enjoy this!

    3. Nikhel Nice

      Nikhel Nice

      Lovely and GL Mycro ....

      Stephen A Smith GIF by NBA

    4. shVury
  22. Hmmm...



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. myCro


      Is for our server, why would i let anyone use it? ?

    3. [MC]Ronin[MC]
    4. Reus


      unbelievable sight 
      perfect one

  23. Thank you for your request! Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements. Don't do another request or you will get banned on this account too. Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  24. Check pm, now.

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