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Everything posted by myCro

  1. You will remain as an legends for the time being due to the great job(well recognised) you did.
  2. @Lucky-chan When you will ensure the activity of 4 projects on forum(gog, gamblers, devil harmony, devil memoir), doing Administrator stuff(taking care of the current staff team, taking care of their problems and taking care of Moderators section and monitoring the pending ones), taking care and paying for two servers AND ensure their tehnical part(none of the current team except for the daddy bosses knows the organise i keep with them via PMs to have our FTPs in order, keeping lists and tracks on all the projects) and taking care of the forum points system and further forum development I have a PM group with Gog, with Gamblers, with Zmoldschool general team, with Zmoldschool owners, with Newlife Daddy Bosses, i am in the facebook group and i get daily messages on whatsapp from all of the above. When YOU will handle this beside the fact that i have a full time job and i put my priority on it(this week i changed my workplace and now i have saturdays free, for the first time in 2 years), doing a university in automation and applied informatics and starting a driving school AND keeping a house in which i leave with @Roselina ♣ flowers for almost 9 months(we live by ourselves). When YOU will pay the server in advance even(not monthly), then you can come to me to ask for my activity. --- @ThheIncredibleHulk - you got suspended before the server attack for abusing. Anything else? I do not answered you in a bad way, because based on this drama i am the kind to swear. I told you in a nice way not to ask from me a rank and just wait, as long as you are a good guy(as others proved to be), you sure get there. But now, from now on, you are removed and free to go on another server. I do not accept to be threatened that you wont help us if you dont get a positive answer or the fact that you are thinking to go on another server. And for the others, for retirement please leave a reply here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/16193-absent-request/
  3. Happy Hours initiative started by @axelxcapo is now in full collaboration with GG Project.

    That means:

    - @Roselina ♣ flowers, @myCro ? & @axelxcapo are the coordonators of the project.

    - The category will be lead by the @axelxcapo and dedicated staff members(project leaders + chosen/designated moderators from GoG rank)


    More news soon.

  4. How to get blocked by me:


    1. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      can we see a short demo ?

  5. Start battles, win prizes! Vips, money and devil coins.


    Be on our ts3 channel!!


  6. pouting-face_1f621.png   robila reacted to a post in a topic: Updates & Upgrades/Downgrades 


    fk off ?

  7. image.png - Doing a little clean-up inside my inbox.




  8. A new, fresh batch of pure awesomeness! 

    Good luck!

    1. LosT贼


      Thanks ❤️ 

  9. The Medieval GFX Pass:

    thousands of DevilCoins, Real money and steam account game.

    1. LosT贼


      I will do my best ? 

  10. Hello, Guardiands of Gaming are recruting!

    We are doing a whole project restructuration and i count for your help. Are you interested? 


    Leave me an PM.




    1. Dark


      could I integrate again? 

    2. myCro


      Sure, leave me an PM as a reminder that you are interested and after tomorrow i will leave you an confirmation(as i am currently doing a meeting with the rest of the current team).

    3. jayden™
  11. Rejected without the possibility to return with a request for at least untill the end of this year.
  12. Hello @.-AdiiLo-., your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that we like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because us (the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more.
  13. #newtrack



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LosT贼


      Ugly, Old is great


    3. shVury


      nice song and avatar, but i have a question.


      how much $$$ for a gif avatar? ? 

    4. #LiNeX


      Old is gold. 

  14. You have to follow the big steps of someone who was once on your path but i am sure you will handle it well.



    1. #Em i[N]O'

      #Em i[N]O'

      Thank you ofc I will try to follow  his steps

  15. Your interviews are the proof of good work and inteligence, well done! Congrats!

    1. -Apex


      Thank you so Much, I'll present many many great works in the coming days ❤️ 

  16. 35/50 words Please return with a new request after 30 days.
  17. Hello @#Em i[N]O' , your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that we like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because of the holidays season and us (the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more.
  18. Guess some of your favourite music stars! 


  19. This is Sasha


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. walker™


      i have 2 dogs with the same name  and they are brothers

      the reason why they have the same name is that : years ago , i had just one of them and the day before they rob him 

      i saw him outside of my house and i asked my parents to go outside and take him but it was late and they told me that he will comeback .

      The next day i woke up and i was looking around and my dog wasn't here i heard that they had robbed him and my heart was broken.

      I started a course and while i was walking the road to go to the course i heard the dog barking and i was not sure if he was him . 

      after 1 month i got a new dog and he was his brother , and i called him the same name that his brother had before and it seems like i have the same dog.

      After a year some of my friends was walking on that road the dog was living and they found him and took the dog from that house .

      it was the best day of my life to meet with my dog again and i decided to take them both ? 


    3. myCro


      @W A L K E R ™ OMG! That is so beautifull! Do you have photos of them?

    4. walker™


      @myCro ? i don't have but i will take some soon and i will post the photos here ? 

  20. You are beautifull and i love you.

    Have an awesome day as you!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shVury


      You are so cute! Have a good day bro ❤️ 

    3. Dr@g0n


      you are so cute I love u bro have a niceday ? ?❤️ 

    4. HiTLeR


      u are ugly but i love u ? 

  21. Check out my photography: 

    Whats yours?



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