Everything posted by Mr.Love
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try this one : https://littlebigsnake.com/
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great job @Master_Kill helped me out a lot!
@Master_Kill Good job bro ,keep going !! ?
We will support you
"<01:02:33> "Blackfire": If you want shine like sun. First burn like sun
<01:02:39> Chat partner has closed the conversation" = philosopher, thinker, painter dead in the bath -
Back in bussiness after 24 hours
- 5 PMs on forum
- over 200 notifications on forum
- my whatsapp is burning
- some PMs on facebook
- afraid to check the steam also
He destroyed Highlifezm! ==>>>> Banned!
20 euros for unban!
Paypal: ady_csbd@yahoo.com
Dar cine esti tu draga de ai moderator?
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Nup, nu stiam si l-am schimbat pentru ca l-am vazut si pe @KinnG^ , daca e o problema ma intorc cu robila
@robila i just edited my nickname to my old one "KinnG^" I didn't used new nick,this is my old one.
Te asteptam sa ne vizitezi si serverul de teamspeak3 => TS3.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM
- suntem 263 oameni online
- poti interactiona mult mai rapid cu staff-ul comunitatii
- poti cunoaste foarte multi oameni
We are waiting for you on the teamspek 3 server = >> TS3.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM
- 263 users online
- yuo can interact with our community staff
- you can meet new friends
Buna dimineata,
Datorită unor probleme personale, Ares a hotărât sa renunte la rankul pe care il detinea.
Ii multumim frumos pe aceasta cale pentru tot efortul depus in dezvoltarea comunitatii dar si a proiectului sau.
Am invatat de la el ca prin voință se poate face orice.
Good morning,
Because of some personal problems, our friends Ares decided to leave the staff.
Thanks for all your efforts to developr oir community and more than all your project.
Good luck!
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@Ares Good luck with your life
@Ares Good loock ? i wish u the best ?
Server Nicknames: CSBD
Uptime:169 days 22 hours 26 minutes 17 secondsCurrent Clients:159 / 512
04 :00 AM - RO HOUR
GFX Applications are now open for everyone!
Click the link below:
EN: When you post a topic please respect the model!
RO: Cand postati un topic, va rog respectati modelul impus pe categoria respectiva!
GAMBLERS MEETING in 5 minutes ????
there is just 1 gamebler @Ntgthegamer
International staff-forum is invited to join in a small meeting on TS3.
Very fast. I will start in 1 minute.
Some zombie plague 6.0 fans here? I need some help in ts3 from you please!