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Everything posted by myCro

  1. myCro

    Congrats man. You are one of the very hard working people around here who really wished to get there and managed it. Sometimes you haven't been treated 100% fairly, but your work has been and always shall be recognised.


    You are now more than a leader.

    1. Dark


      very much thanks man , now improve my activity as administrator and think of more proposals for the help of TeamSpeak3 and The GoG project <3  

  2. Hello, we are recruiting for Gamblers Project, are you interested? Send an PM now: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/7108-the-godfather/

    1. Thunder Ninja
    2. LosT贼


      I just enter for listen song 😎 

    3. myCro


      @-LosT wait to see what i prepared for when i get home from work. 


      ETA: 2h


  3. Well f... done! ♥

    1. Ru-gAL.™


      🥺❤❤❤❤❤❤💪, Thank you very much 

  4. Congratsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    1. #Steeven.™


      @myCro Thank you very much for trusting me and for this opportunity! 🙈

  5. #newtrack


    Have a nice week 

  6. Win 5 euros, Devil Coins, Medals, even a game on Steam. More details here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/352686-the-medieval-gfx-pass-3/

  7. #newtrack


    Something soft for a good start of a week! Love you!

  8. If you encounter troubles with your passwords please leave me a PM with a new password. It may be because the old admins list has been affected because of what i have saw is that the server files were damaged but i had to save the lists (of admins) before back-up... so i saved something a bit damaged. Anyway, if doesn't work, send PM to me(or other daddy bosses) with a new pw.
  9. Nick: myCro Time: now Site: gt.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
  10. At the given time @Roselina ♣ flowers is installing a back-up from my laptop as i am away to my parents home. Anyway @Gerardo Larreal. was ready to do a installation of back-up in aproximative 1h when he was going to get home. Sadly the server will be offline for a total of 2h, but we will be back online, have no worries. For the following weeks only Daddy Bosses will have FTP.
  11. #newtrack


    For me the weekend has started(3 days ^^).

  12. #newtrack


    Good morning 😈

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. myCro


      @-Dark 7:30 here, lmao.


      Wish you a good night then, haha

    3. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-
    4. shVury
  13. After a speaking with @Seuong we came to a conclusion: 


    GG Project has opened 2 more battling servers, let the Frenzy of Battle continue!




    159906714449147576 (2).png

  14. <18:41:59> "#PREDATOR": Aight it's good to see ya here again
    <18:44:59> "#PREDATOR": Ah you probably AFK i just came to check around some stuff, Hope you're doing well  Stay safe my friend
    <18:46:32> Your chat partner has disconnected.


    Hy, i was wondering what are you up to and how are you doing, hope you are good and everything is well ♥

    1. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      I'm doing well brother , i was just checking around cuz i had some free times and sadly i you was AFK So ... 

  15. Let's see your league of legends profile: 


  16. Good mornin' 



    1. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      Gm Bro your new song is super cool in bass since i have a JBL headset i found its full effect 


    2. myCro


      @[Paul] i have already selected my 2nd track for tomorrow, i found it today, played it at maximum possible, low bass, good rithm 😈

  17. Nick: myCro Time: now Site: gt.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
  18. Nick: myCro Time: now Site: gt.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
  19. Please explain yourself: https://imgur.com/a/cKkoL6b
  20. Vote one of this amazing artworks! Under @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ supervision!


    1. R e i

      R e i

      haahahahah mycro if you pay me xd.a moderator and i will vote.I am joking i vote and good luck for the winner

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