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Everything posted by myCro

  1. For now, let the things settle as personally i grew tired of seeing continously drama. I will personally close the topic with the final mention of one of the first things said: We accuse publicy the current situation and we call for a change, we want a place for growth, not a war zone.
  2. It is our problem for which anyone can express his own oppinion without restrain. We don't live in dictatorship(even through mrlove expressed his ideologia of positive results of harsh methods of leadership disregarding the negative effects), the forum won't die to soon, but for what i have discussed with mrlove in private the lowest it can go(as long as he still makes profit out of the services) will be in a living-dead state, that meaning he will just keep it, online, with things somehow flowing, a shameful idea i consider. A picture out of my conversation with him of how he depicts the road for a result from point A to point B(he sees only 2 ways): The 3rd way i see due to the last period things that are happening:
  3. We, NEWLIFEZM, do not support nor sustain on any form the dramas of such kind: 


    We accuse publicy the current situation and we call for a change, we want a place for growth, not a war zone.


  4. Hello, regarding this topic NEWLIFEZM administration considers such acts(from both sides) childlish, disruptive, pure examples of proudness and we request in a public manner to stop because it affects our administration and public of players. We are not here to feel outside pressure, we want to focus on ourselves and not to be afraid of wars with floods, advertisment and all sorts of attacks, we are here to enjoy our work and to move forward with each day. What is happening? @Mr.Love you have to realise the difference of a leader and a boss, and lately you named yourself a 'boss' but take in consideration that every loser can obtain such a title, are you a loser? or the leader of a competitive community? I remember that the whole purpose of a community is to gather players and focus on those players, on those members, getting along, growing, having fun making memories, what memories are you building with your members? Sell the community, do one last big money hit and pass it on, announce it public if you feel the need of something else. Everyone else from thunderzm & close ones of it, because of the pressure you accumulated it up you wanted to have something new and yours? Well, ok, go on, do it quietly because you too should be ashamed of the fact that in a war the ones who lose the most are the innocent ones, our players who gather with their families and friends on our servers, teamspeak, forum. What do you give to them? Examples of hate? You all should be ashamed of yourselves. We are here for the long run and we will still stick as long as we can accept it, but work on yourselves, right now. --- Salut, in legatura cu acest topic Administratia NEWLIFEZM considera astfel de acte(din partea ambelor parti) copilaresti, perturbatoare, exemple pure de mandrie si cerem intr-o maniera publica oprirea deoarece ne afecteaza echipa administrativa si publicul de jucatori. Nu suntem aici sa simtim presiune din afara, vrem sa ne focusam pe noi insine si nu sa ne temem de razboaie cu flood, reclame si tot felul de atacuri, suntem aici sa ne bucuram de propria munca si sa avansam cu fiecare zi. Ce se intampla? @Mr.Love tu trebuie sa realizezi diferenta dintre un lider si un sef, si in ultima perioada te-ai numit un 'boss' dar ia in considerare ca fiecare fraier poate obtine un astfel de titlu, esti un fraier? sau liderul unei comunitati competitive? Imi amintesc ca singurul scop al unei comunitati este sa adune jucatori si sa se focuseze pe acesti jucatori, pe acesti membrii, sa se inteleaga, sa creasca, sa se distreze facand memorii, ce memorii iti construiesti cu membrii tai? Vinde comunitatea, da o ultima lovitura financiara si mergi mai departe, anunta public daca simti nevoia de altceva. Toti ceilalti de pe thunderzm & cei apropiati lor, datorita presiunii pe care ati acumulat-o ati vrut sa aveti ceva nou si al vostru? In regula, ok, mergeti mai departe, faceti-o in liniste pentru ca si voua ar trebuii sa va fie rusine de faptul ca intr-un razboi cei care pierd cel mai mult sunt cei inocenti, jucatorii nostrii care se aduna cu famiile lor si prietenii pe serverele noastre, teamspeak, forum. Ce le dati lor? Exemple de hate? Tuturor ar trebuii sa va fie rusine de voi insiva. Noi suntem aici pentru cursa lunga si o sa stam cat timp mai putem sa acceptam, dar lucrati la voi insiva, chiar acum.

    Daily, El Luciano and tayab please contact me to receive your prizes!


    3rd edition now rolling:


  6. 27 VIPs given away untill now! Have you claimed whats yours?



    Try this NEWLIFEZM giveaway too!


  7. NEWLIFEZM Giveaway!


  8. Already 17 VIPs given to players, TAKE WHATS YOURS THIS WEEKEND


  9. FREE VIP on NEWLIFEZM for 2 weeks!

    Request mandatory here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/16437-vip-request/


    You can request just untill Sunday aprox. 20:00 Romania TIME!

  10. #newtrack


    Here we go.

  11. A russian visits the US and they ask checkup questions at the airport





    "Nono, just visiting"

    1. shVury


      Did he had any bombs / firecrackers with him? 

  12. NEWLIFEZM top 15 has been restarted!


    Fight for your survival!

  13. I am back bitches, NEWLIFEZM. NOW.


    1. Sinan.47



    2. Kral


      Welcome back bro, nice to see you again ❤️

  14. #newtrack


    Some bass as a good bye for you ♥, love you !

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. QeLi


      GL  take care ❤️

    3. Sinan.47


      Good luck dude miss you 🥺

    4. Nikhel Nice

      Nikhel Nice

      Good luck mycro ❣️

  15. League of legends rank mode:




    ^^ win after win

  16. How many times have you been banned on this forum? How many accounts have you made on this forum overall? Would you have GFX as main rank or journalists?
  17. Vote v2, i like that is more creative made and colorful, even through all versions are nice.
  18. #newtrack

    Let's set the vibe of this year! Don't you dare to listen without headphones!

  19. Press that button and then post your topic
  20. Check out this awesome giveaway made by @badVENOM!


  21. #newtrack


    Happy Christmas and Happy hollydays! Love you much ♥ !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Merry christmas , wish you all the happy moments in your life ❤️ 


    3. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      Happy Christmas  ❤️ 

  22. #newtrack


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