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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Nick: myCro Time: yesterday Site: gametracker.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily Nick: myCro Time: now Site: gametracker.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
  2. 😈


    1. Z Ø D I A C

      Z Ø D I A C

      Yoo well played brother 

      what elo is this?

    2. myCro


      gold 😄

    3. Z Ø D I A C

      Z Ø D I A C

      @myCro i got  a smurf acc 

      im adc main 

      peak d1 

      we can duo if u want 🙂

  3. NEWLIFEZM TIME FOR GAMING ALL DAY, we wait you on the server this night!

    1. Mindsphere.





  4. Nick: myCro Time: now Site: gametracker.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
  5. Yo, would you like a design section on NEWLIFEZM? Where you can request unlimited things any time?



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. juppter.sp


      we go back to 2014 🤔

    3. myCro
    4. juppter.sp


      i find it fun to recreate the old days, count on me on that 🤗


  6. Hello, send me an PM with nick and password for VIP big package for one month on NEWLIFEZM

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hamza.


      ohh. @Crimson! wlh twa7shtk bro 


    3. Crimson!


      sahbi labas 3lik ❤️

    4. Hamza.


      lhamdolah ya khoya ❤️ 

  7. Look, i won't promise as we indeed had this in the past and some good results but on the tehnical side was creating us many troubles. I will note it as a work in progress and i will search people which can help us to create one without bugs and good on tehnical part.
  8. 3jYhuce.png


    enter newlifezm and do the 10 000th kill ^^

    1. King_of_lion


      hhhh, that was in past... but i forget to kill other one Before i were left 😄

      let it xDDD maybe it will be so beautiful with that :vv


      "forget to kill other one" 😂

  9. First wave of some new NEWLIFEZM upgrades:


  10. Nick: myCro Time: now Site: gametracker.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
  11. UPDATE 9:00 - SERVER IS NOW ONLINE Hello, regarding the situation of our server is it in the next way: - In the last 30 days our hosting service got us offline for a couple of hours for 2 times at a difference of 3 weeks; - After that the managers with FTP inserted their fingers in the server files and managed to get it offline for 2 times in 3 days for a total of combined offline time of 12h with 12h. NOW TODAY WAS THE [CENSORED] 3RD TIME WHEN THEY MANAGED IT. Right now the only FTP accesses for the following days will be owned by me and @Roselina ♣ flowers and at every few days we will give back some of the FTP, but it can take a few weeks. If any manager whises to do a staff change they have to send us an PM on forum or whatsapp and we will do it in their names. @Roselina ♣ flowers did a last months effort and managed to secure monthly boost in the past 2 months and right now we secured the 3rd already with almost 3 weeks before its expiration. I personally prefer to have no staff if it comes to be full of idiots, beggars who are just afk and when they get high rank they aren't capable of anything but only to harm the good part of the team and the server.
  12. Pro kicking 1 by 1 just to make room when its full for more consecutive minutes.
  13. NEWLIFEZM back online.

  14. Good morning, we are finally back online... we are sorry for the inconvienence.
  15. NEWLIFEZM OFFLINE, we are aware of the problem and we have announced our hosting representative.

    We will let you know when we are back online.


    It seems it's a bigger issue to multiple servers.


    Meanwhile you can enjoy our recommended servers:



  16. Hello, we are aware of the problem and we have announced our hosting representative. We will let you know when we are back online. It seems it's a bigger issue to multiple servers. Meanwhile you can enjoy our recommended servers:
  17. Always on NEWLIFE


  18. Always on NEWLIFE



    NEWLIFEZM Recommends!


  20. Hello, are you looking for something different and a change in your daily routine? Try the server of our dear colleagues : Become part of their great team as they are looking for staff too! Connect CSGO REMAKE CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Now this message runs continously on our server
  21. Rejected due to the fact that out of 15 votes 9 were pro and 6 somehow were open for it doesn't really make it an overwhelming desire for such a change. We shall see in the future.
  22. #newtrack


    Enjoy the weekend.

    Today quote:


    1. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      i like ur tracks xd   

  23. Check out my NEW avatar:


    1. S9OUL.



  24. This week recommended quote. Would you like me to post more of these?


    1. aRbi~


      Every morning 

      so i can wake up in a inspirational quote 😛 

    2. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      the best way for defense is offense 

      Courage the best way   

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