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Hello everyone...

i made this thread cuz i cant stay without showing this injustice and i want a Replay from my Players and Friends even a deccision from you

Most of you guys know me and know what an affort i made on Newlife

How i reacted to everyone

what deccision took to everyone

1.They Removed my Manager and FTP access cuz they couldnt stop that guy and announced that FTP acc will be removed from everyone (and that was a total lie)

2.i had Won the competition from @axelxcapo and my VIP was added to late exactly i addded myself on 18.07.2020 til 18.08.2020

This hacker destroyed/added/removed admins/tags/VIP and other things

3.They are adding new managers,admins give them FTP and other acc who really doesnt deserve i see new guys i could even see on forum before xD

4.Some of you guys know me way before those new ones Joined and i had a time where i had to leave the server for some personal probles and got moved to Legend

after my comeback they even removed that rank

i dont have anything against any newcomers but guys really??

At last i contacted @myCro ? and the answe i got is really disgusting(i know if he see's this will take any action buut i dont care)

im gonna show u some picture as proof of my effort and loyality to Newlife


This is my activity for the last 30 days (Never missed 1 day and almost of them are 1k-1.4k



That is the Top 10 list of players based on Activity (and you can see im leading with 3.47k hours played on Newlife)



This ins my nickname on GT (as you can see its only found on Newlife)



And this is the replay i got from myCro 



i think this thread is gonna be deleted but who care

most of players on newlife i can conntact via ts3 or forum or maybe private

i appreciate a replay from everyone even its negative to me


and i await from @myCro ? @linko and @Gerrardo Lareal an answer 

Before i left i had the rank of Daddy Boss+Manager+FTP and i think i deserve that but at last a replay froum you guys the players and my friend would be nice

im thinking of leaving Newlife and join another server where you get what you deserve and mos of them said they follow me


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Don't think that because you had that rank before, you will get it that easy, just by your return

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I will make my comment subjectively, because I understand it and you are right.
It is unfair for him, I think he deserves to return his rank and everything he had, for activity as you can see there is very good.
If this is going to be decided, I will give my vote so that you will have all access again.... but whatever coz like I said, it's just my opinion

  • I love it 2
Acum 8 minute, Ru-gAL.™ a spus:



Don't think that because you had that rank before, you will get it that easy, just by your return





                                                 ★ ★ ★ ★  CopyRight © @Ru-gAL.™★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 




i dont think that but at last that rank capo gave me 

im wondering why only me got those downgrase

i dont feel responsebility cuz one of your manager destroyed the server and you was not capable to get him 

Acum 1 minut, Seuong a spus:

I will make my comment subjectively, because I understand it and you are right.
It is unfair for him, I think he deserves to return his rank and everything he had, for activity as you can see there is very good.
If this is going to be decided, I will give my vote so that you will have all access again.... but whatever coz like I said, it's just my opinion

ty for your Replay

things i said up there arent anything against you or anyone who just joined the server 

contrariwise i welcome you and everyone who joins the server and offer is help for the sake of the server

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3 minutes ago, ThheIncredibleHulk said:

i dont think that but at last that rank capo gave me 

im wondering why only me got those downgrase

i dont feel responsebility cuz one of your manager destroyed the server and you was not capable to get him 




this is an internal problem, it should not be public.

At some point you were suspended due to an error, but it is not the case, the point is that the server was destroyed, before this you no longer had your access, so you should specifically talk to the person in charge.

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Chiar acum, Ru-gAL.™ a spus:

this is an internal problem, it should not be public.

At some point you were suspended due to an error, but it is not the case, the point is that the server was destroyed, before this you no longer had your access, so you should specifically talk to the person in charge.





                                                 ★ ★ ★ ★  CopyRight © @Ru-gAL.™★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 




i Had my access and the server got destoyed days before

thank god i have knowledge on IT 

i followed hes ID saved it and this guy still playing there

no one of the current magagers could do anything against him 

at last my research goes on an manager of Newlife on that ir ready to give my help only if i get a postive answer im satiesfied

and im not removed from an error cuz 

error meas my ingame acc is removed but Manager on forum?? thats absurde

13 minutes ago, ThheIncredibleHulk said:

i Had my access and the server got destoyed days before

thank god i have knowledge on IT 

i followed hes ID saved it and this guy still playing there

no one of the current magagers could do anything against him 

at last my research goes on an manager of Newlife on that ir ready to give my help only if i get a postive answer im satiesfied

and im not removed from an error cuz 

error meas my ingame acc is removed but Manager on forum?? thats absurde




@linko I want you to give your opinion here and that things are clear.

  • I love it 3
1 hour ago, ThheIncredibleHulk said:

Hello everyone...

i made this thread cuz i cant stay without showing this injustice and i want a Replay from my Players and Friends even a deccision from you

Most of you guys know me and know what an affort i made on Newlife

How i reacted to everyone

what deccision took to everyone

1.They Removed my Manager and FTP access cuz they couldnt stop that guy and announced that FTP acc will be removed from everyone (and that was a total lie)

2.i had Won the competition from @axelxcapo and my VIP was added to late exactly i addded myself on 18.07.2020 til 18.08.2020

This hacker destroyed/added/removed admins/tags/VIP and other things

3.They are adding new managers,admins give them FTP and other acc who really doesnt deserve i see new guys i could even see on forum before xD

4.Some of you guys know me way before those new ones Joined and i had a time where i had to leave the server for some personal probles and got moved to Legend

after my comeback they even removed that rank

i dont have anything against any newcomers but guys really??

At last i contacted @myCro ? and the answe i got is really disgusting(i know if he see's this will take any action buut i dont care)

im gonna show u some picture as proof of my effort and loyality to Newlife


This is my activity for the last 30 days (Never missed 1 day and almost of them are 1k-1.4k



That is the Top 10 list of players based on Activity (and you can see im leading with 3.47k hours played on Newlife)



This ins my nickname on GT (as you can see its only found on Newlife)



And this is the replay i got from myCro 



i think this thread is gonna be deleted but who care

most of players on newlife i can conntact via ts3 or forum or maybe private

i appreciate a replay from everyone even its negative to me


and i await from @myCro ? @linko and @Gerrardo Lareal an answer 

Before i left i had the rank of Daddy Boss+Manager+FTP and i think i deserve that but at last a replay froum you guys the players and my friend would be nice

im thinking of leaving Newlife and join another server where you get what you deserve and mos of them said they follow me





Well ur for sure one of the most active and caring admins. I will agree that you shouldnt have any responsobility about that incident.

I cant really talk about your ownership, im not into these things so i wont act like i know something ?


  • I love it 1
Acum 2 minute, Shadow Knight a spus:

Well ur for sure one of the most active and caring admins. I will agree that you shouldnt have any responsobility about that incident.

I cant really talk about your ownership, im not into these things so i wont act like i know something ?


thanks for the replay ril very nice from you

  • I love it 1
Posted (edited)

I have read your thread and here is my react :


- Yes, you are right. You have been in this server for very very long time before anyone know this server and yet still not give up on server after all those years.


- But sadly no one remember you, even the daddy bosses don't even know who you was, they think you are just a new admin/manager, but you aren't.


- Even though i just join this server for 5 month but at the moment i see your topic "HULK has return", i see you as a old/loyal/loveful manager.


- You always online in ts3 and often talk to me, not afk like the other. You always often play in the server and help players,punish hackers,not play for rank like the some admins and legends.


- You was an old Daddy Boss and with all of your efforts helping NewLifeZM server, you truly deserve to have Daddy Boss again and welcome happily.

Example : @Dante ღ was welcomed by many people happily and also return Daddy Boss grade, meanwhile you don't get a thing from bosses. This is unfair and not suppose to be happen this way.


- In the way you say about manager who not deserve, you have a point. You often check and play with  players in the server same as @linko, meanwhile @myCro ?, @Roselina ♣ flowers, @Gerardo Larreal., @axelxcapo auto-attack all the time and rarely online to give players ammos.

In my opinion, i know everyone is busy and frustrating in their life same as @ThheIncredibleHulk, but they always have some little bit of their free time every day to come to server and enjoy with players for at least 10-15 mins or even more after you done your works and free on Saturday/Sunday.


- I see that Daddy Bosses/Managers/Admins responsibility is to connect the server with some good activity. But i see that @myCro ?, @Roselina ♣ flowers never afk in the server (not even one for 5 months straight), also @axelxcapo he only afk when he see that server FTP gone wrong or else, he will never afk and create activity. Meanwhile all admins including me online everyday and create good activity, help players.


If i am a boss, i remember everyone that ever join/retired mine server for many years without forgot and also treat them (deserved) when they return, i will never left anyone behind, everyone is a big family and everyone should be treated like members in family.


Right now,I am trying to online in server/ts3/forum and play with players,help players even though i have poor PC (hot as 101°C,1 GB RAM and 11 fps) and also have so much bad lucks and busy in my daily life : do housechores, do homeworks, study for my 3rd year in high school while Covid-19 force me to be inside my house,etc...


I love @ThheIncredibleHulk ❤️ and if we can't make you stay, we will miss you forever and remember everythings you have done for the server. And when i get higher grade in the future (maybe), i will help you about the server together with @linko, @Dante and everyone.


Regard, @Lucky-chan

Edited by Lucky-chan
  • I love it 3

idk about all that rank, FTP or others calls at manager level...but what i see he have a good actv an loyalty..and i see at server many admins are gone ( go or no be admin anymore )..for what i play in this server long time...before have same prob like this..internal prob  at managers. n makes server so bad n going down...hopfully all of boss n daddy boss can find other wqys to manage of managers  ( dont blame or fired  ot else easly ) . many players love this server , n is not easy to find new manager who have good attd n loyalty..just give many chance to managers to proof it that he can running this server good .


i just nobody, but i love this server n before so many admin n manager are nice..pls be corporate one n others in high table .

best regards


GJHD ..peace

  • I love it 1

I really can't stay 24/7 all day, but I can leave this rank in your hands for your activity, loyalty and especially your time on the newlofeZM server, nor do I have a problem with this.


But if you have more things to say you can talk to me through PM, maybe there we can solve some things according to your point of view and mine 

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Acum 5 minute, Lucky-chan a spus:

I have read your thread and here is my react :

- Yes, you are right. You have been in this server for very very long time before anyone know this server and yet still not give up on server after all those years.


- But sadly no one remember you, even the daddy bosses don't even know who you was, they think you are just a new admin/manager, but you aren't.


- Even though i just join this server for 5 month but at the moment i see your topic "HULK has return", i see you as a old/loyal/loveful manager.


- You always online in ts3 and often talk to me, not afk like the other. You always often play in the server and help players,punish hackers,not play for rank like the some admins and legends.


- You was an old Daddy Boss and with all of your efforts helping NewLifeZM server, you truly deserve to have Daddy Boss again and welcome happily.

Example : @Dante ღ was welcomed by many people happily and also return Daddy Boss grade, meanwhile you don't get a thing from bosses. This is unfair and not suppose to be happen this way.


- In the way you say about manager who not deserve, you have a point. You often check and play with  players in the server same as @linko, meanwhile @myCro ?, @Roselina ♣ flowers, @Gerardo Larreal., @axelxcapo auto-attack all the time and rarely online to give players ammos.

In my opinion, i know everyone is busy and frustrating in their life same as @ThheIncredibleHulk, but they always have some little bit of their free time every day to come to server and enjoy with players for at least 10-15 mins or even more after you done your works and free on Saturday/Sunday.


- I see that Daddy Bosses/Managers/Admins responsibility is to connect the server with some good activity. But i see that @myCro ?, @Roselina ♣ flowers never afk in the server (not even one for 5 months straight), also @axelxcapo he only afk when he see that server FTP gone wrong or else, he will never afk and create activity.


If i am a boss, i remember everyone that ever join/retired mine server for many years without forgot and also treat them (deserved) when they return, i will never left anyone behind, everyone is a big family and everyone should be treated like members in family.


Right now,I am trying to online in server/ts3/forum and play with players,help players even though i have poor PC (hot as 101°C,1 GB RAM and 11 fps) and also have so much bad lucks and busy in my daily life : do housechores, do homeworks, study for my 3rd year in high school while Covid-19 force me to be inside my house,etc...


I love @ThheIncredibleHulk ❤️ and if we can't make you stay, we will miss you forever and remember everythings you have done for the server. And when i get higher grade in the future (maybe), i will help you about the server together with @linko, @Dante and everyone.


Regard, @Lucky-chan

Thanks for you awesome and great  Replay @Lucky-chan same ways as you i think games are to have fun while playing and in together work with you and other staff mambers we managed that

even if i have to leav or dont get anything about that you guys still my friends im always for you there and im gonna be

like you said this game made us all a family


Acum 4 minute, ogard a spus:

idk about all that rank, FTP or others calls at manager level...but what i see he have a good actv an loyalty..and i see at server many admins are gone ( go or no be admin anymore )..for what i play in this server long time...before have same prob like this..internal prob  at managers. n makes server so bad n going down...hopfully all of boss n daddy boss can find other wqys to manage of managers  ( dont blame or fired  ot else easly ) . many players love this server , n is not easy to find new manager who have good attd n loyalty..just give many chance to managers to proof it that he can running this server good .


i just nobody, but i love this server n before so many admin n manager are nice..pls be corporate one n others in high table .

best regards


GJHD ..peace

thanks for the replay ❤️

Acum 1 minut, axelxcapo a spus:

I really can't stay 24/7 all day, but I can leave this rank in your hands for your activity, loyalty and especially your time on the newlofeZM server, nor do I have a problem with this.


But if you have more things to say you can talk to me through PM, maybe there we can solve some things according to your point of view and mine 







★ Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. ★


Nice that you took your time to Replay Capo

me personaly not awaiting for you to do a daylie activity of 24/7 you know me and i know you way before

but what do you think of me what rank do i deserve in this case i wanna hear that

i know im not the best one but i showed you and everyone my Respect and Loyality and gave my best effort for this server

on my abstance i was moved to Legends after comeback everyone had is grade exept me??

i left as Daddy Boss and joined as Co-Owner + Manager +FTp

you respected me i aknolwedge this thanks again



hello everyone, i think i need to put my opinion here about you hulk, i'd never seen an admin like you before, really is rarely to find someone like you, a hard worker admin and i think this serv need people like you, help all players and react very fast always check the messages from players, and i always feel happy when see you playing in the serv cuz that make me feel good and make me play comfortable, you always respect the ruls and act with the same way with all players incoulding your friends, really you are the best and deserve lots,before when i see you back was incredible news to me??  happy to know you and i hope you will stay with us in the serv, and all this problems will be fixed as soon as possible, thank you ? ThheIncredibleHulk we all love you. by (WAHIB).

  • I love it 1
Acum 6 minute, Tiu8085 a spus:

hello everyone, i think i need to put my opinion here about you hulk, i'd never seen an admin like you before, really is rarely to find someone like you, a hard worker admin and i think this serv need people like you, help all players and react very fast always check the messages from players, and i always feel happy when see you playing in the serv cuz that make me feel good and make me play comfortable, you always respect the ruls and act with the same way with all players incoulding your friends, really you are the best and deserve lots,before when i see you back was incredible news to me??  happy to know you and i hope you will stay with us in the serv, and all this problems will be fixed as soon as possible, thank you ? ThheIncredibleHulk we all love you. by (WAHIB).

Thnx for the replay TiU it was a pleasure for me to have players and friends like you

i did my best to make the gameplay funnier for everyone to enjoy

i respected everyone the same way doesnt matte if he was a normal player or a friend

you know Hulk ❤️ all of you

  • I love it 1

@Lucky-chan When you will ensure the activity of 4 projects on forum(gog, gamblers, devil harmony, devil memoir), doing Administrator stuff(taking care of the current staff team, taking care of their problems and taking care of Moderators section and monitoring the pending ones), taking care and paying for two servers AND ensure their tehnical part(none of the current team except for the daddy bosses knows the organise i keep with them via PMs to have our FTPs in order, keeping lists and tracks on all the projects) and taking care of the forum points system and further forum development


I have a PM group with Gog, with Gamblers, with Zmoldschool general team, with Zmoldschool owners, with Newlife Daddy Bosses, i am in the facebook group and i get daily messages on whatsapp from all of the above.

When YOU will handle this beside the fact that i have a full time job and i put my priority on it(this week i changed my workplace and now i have saturdays free, for the first time in 2 years), doing a university in automation and applied informatics and starting a driving school AND keeping a house in which i leave with @Roselina ♣ flowers for almost 9 months(we live by ourselves).

When YOU will pay the server in advance even(not monthly), then you can come to me to ask for my activity.


@ThheIncredibleHulk - you got suspended before the server attack for abusing.

Anything else?

I do not answered you in a bad way, because based on this drama i am the kind to swear. I told you in a nice way not to ask from me a rank and just wait, as long as you are a good guy(as others proved to be), you sure get there.

But now, from now on, you are removed and free to go on another server.

I do not accept to be threatened that you wont help us if you dont get a positive answer or the fact that you are thinking to go on another server.


And for the others, for retirement please leave a reply here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/16193-absent-request/

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Respect Respect ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Acum 23 minute, myCro ? a spus:

@Lucky-chan When you will ensure the activity of 4 projects on forum(gog, gamblers, devil harmony, devil memoir), doing Administrator stuff(taking care of the current staff team, taking care of their problems and taking care of Moderators section and monitoring the pending ones), taking care and paying for two servers AND ensure their tehnical part(none of the current team except for the daddy bosses knows the organise i keep with them via PMs to have our FTPs in order, keeping lists and tracks on all the projects) and taking care of the forum points system and further forum development


I have a PM group with Gog, with Gamblers, with Zmoldschool general team, with Zmoldschool owners, with Newlife Daddy Bosses, i am in the facebook group and i get daily messages on whatsapp from all of the above.

When YOU will handle this beside the fact that i have a full time job and i put my priority on it(this week i changed my workplace and now i have saturdays free, for the first time in 2 years), doing a university in automation and applied informatics and starting a driving school AND keeping a house in which i leave with @Roselina ♣ flowers for almost 9 months(we live by ourselves).

When YOU will pay the server in advance even(not monthly), then you can come to me to ask for my activity.


@ThheIncredibleHulk - you got suspended before the server attack for abusing.

Anything else?

I do not answered you in a bad way, because based on this drama i am the kind to swear. I told you in a nice way not to ask from me a rank and just wait, as long as you are a good guy(as others proved to be), you sure get there.

But now, from now on, you are removed and free to go on another server.

I do not accept to be threatened that you wont help us if you dont get a positive answer or the fact that you are thinking to go on another server.


And for the others, for retirement please leave a reply here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/16193-absent-request/

Teamspeak3: myCro
Steam: myCro

(click on it)zwPfgJ9.png(click on it)

Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality



Imitatia, singura forma de originalitate pentru cei fara caracter...

Hello @myCro ? im sorry for takeing your time for this deccision

that was a missunderstanding from the begining cuz everything started on this suspend

i never abused any command or i ever do @linko did this all and it comes here where it is

some of your guys knows some hiden commands where they can donate or do anything else like this

i saw linko doing that donateing in my name but not saying that linko did this

if im doing a donation i do it same way to all i dont compare a player and a friend in game

if i have my own ammo then i give who i want that

but if i get ammo to donate every single one is the same from me 

im not responsible for this donation and i got suspended

i wont take it so lightly but i respect your decision

said that i wanna leave is because you dont respect my effort for this server no one had done and will never do such a thing like i did for Newlife

and you have to estimate this not react like im not doing anything

even if i leave doesnt mean the server going dead 

for your decision its a pleasure for me at last palying and haveing fun ingame cuz of that effort of mine i never enjoyed the game but made it enjoyable for your players

my activity continues on Newlife like before until a point.

i know some higher up's have done this terrible thing to me and he made it Congratulation to him who ever he is


Acum 21 minute, BoB1 a spus:

Respect Respect ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Respect to u too brother ❤️

29 minutes ago, ThheIncredibleHulk said:

Hello @myCro ? im sorry for takeing your time for this deccision

that was a missunderstanding from the begining cuz everything started on this suspend

i never abused any command or i ever do @linko did this all and it comes here where it is

some of your guys knows some hiden commands where they can donate or do anything else like this

i saw linko doing that donateing in my name but not saying that linko did this

if im doing a donation i do it same way to all i dont compare a player and a friend in game

if i have my own ammo then i give who i want that

but if i get ammo to donate every single one is the same from me 

im not responsible for this donation and i got suspended

i wont take it so lightly but i respect your decision

said that i wanna leave is because you dont respect my effort for this server no one had done and will never do such a thing like i did for Newlife

and you have to estimate this not react like im not doing anything

even if i leave doesnt mean the server going dead 

for your decision its a pleasure for me at last palying and haveing fun ingame cuz of that effort of mine i never enjoyed the game but made it enjoyable for your players

my activity continues on Newlife like before until a point.

i know some higher up's have done this terrible thing to me and he made it Congratulation to him who ever he is





You will remain as an legends for the time being due to the great job(well recognised) you did.

  • I love it 1

Lucky-chan When you will ensure the activity of 4 projects on forum(gog, gamblers, devil harmony, devil memoir), doing Administrator stuff(taking care of the current staff team, taking care of their problems and taking care of Moderators section and monitoring the pending ones), taking care and paying for two servers AND ensure their tehnical part(none of the current team except for the daddy bosses knows the organise i keep with them via PMs to have our FTPs in order, keeping lists and tracks on all the projects) and taking care of the forum points system and further forum development


I have a PM group with Gog, with Gamblers, with Zmoldschool general team, with Zmoldschool owners, with Newlife Daddy Bosses, i am in the facebook group and i get daily messages on whatsapp from all of the above.

When YOU will handle this beside the fact that i have a full time job and i put my priority on it(this week i changed my workplace and now i have saturdays free, for the first time in 2 years), doing a university in automation and applied informatics and starting a driving school AND keeping a house in which i leave with @Roselina ♣ flowers for almost 9 months(we live by ourselves).

When YOU will pay the server in advance even(not monthly), then you can come to me to ask for my activity.


@ThheIncredibleHulk - you got suspended before the server attack for abusing.

Anything else?

I do not answered you in a bad way, because based on this drama i am the kind to swear. I told you in a nice way not to ask from me a rank and just wait, as long as you are a good guy(as others proved to be), you sure get there.

But now, from now on, you are removed and free to go on another server.

I do not accept to be threatened that you wont help us if you dont get a positive answer or the fact that you are thinking to go on another server.


And for the others, for retirement please leave a reply here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/16193-absent-request/




nahhh...this what i talking about.

is very easy to kick/dump someone as a boss...n this will make server get prob..

we all can see now it happen, server never full like before..

pls be wise as a boss n as manager to.

is more better to have more than one a manager to running server...

maybe all d boss can give another chance to manager to do there job.

so if server running so well, d benefit is for all ( boss,managers n specialy players ) we can play with fun n as family...

hopefully mycro can be calmdown , so can make a good decision..

Acum 16 minute, ogard a spus:

Lucky-chan When you will ensure the activity of 4 projects on forum(gog, gamblers, devil harmony, devil memoir), doing Administrator stuff(taking care of the current staff team, taking care of their problems and taking care of Moderators section and monitoring the pending ones), taking care and paying for two servers AND ensure their tehnical part(none of the current team except for the daddy bosses knows the organise i keep with them via PMs to have our FTPs in order, keeping lists and tracks on all the projects) and taking care of the forum points system and further forum development


I have a PM group with Gog, with Gamblers, with Zmoldschool general team, with Zmoldschool owners, with Newlife Daddy Bosses, i am in the facebook group and i get daily messages on whatsapp from all of the above.

When YOU will handle this beside the fact that i have a full time job and i put my priority on it(this week i changed my workplace and now i have saturdays free, for the first time in 2 years), doing a university in automation and applied informatics and starting a driving school AND keeping a house in which i leave with @Roselina ♣ flowers for almost 9 months(we live by ourselves).

When YOU will pay the server in advance even(not monthly), then you can come to me to ask for my activity.


@ThheIncredibleHulk - you got suspended before the server attack for abusing.

Anything else?

I do not answered you in a bad way, because based on this drama i am the kind to swear. I told you in a nice way not to ask from me a rank and just wait, as long as you are a good guy(as others proved to be), you sure get there.

But now, from now on, you are removed and free to go on another server.

I do not accept to be threatened that you wont help us if you dont get a positive answer or the fact that you are thinking to go on another server.


And for the others, for retirement please leave a reply here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/16193-absent-request/




nahhh...this what i talking about.

is very easy to kick/dump someone as a boss...n this will make server get prob..

we all can see now it happen, server never full like before..

pls be wise as a boss n as manager to.

is more better to have more than one a manager to running server...

maybe all d boss can give another chance to manager to do there job.

so if server running so well, d benefit is for all ( boss,managers n specialy players ) we can play with fun n as family...

hopefully mycro can be calmdown , so can make a good decision..

Thanks for the replay again appreciate it but he took hes decision and i have to respect it even if i dont nothing changes 

but the worst thing is the Respect to old mambers not that we deserve anything more then the new mambers at last we all are the same



1. @myCro ? maybe u get all information of server by daddy bossess. But which daddy boss report all server information to u ? @linko its a very good for position he have . But in server  have big problems and no one do anything for this , All just played  help players with kills nothing else. @linko And @ThheIncredibleHulk help all time with ammos.

U are a Daddy of Daddybossess  , i am a Co-owner , and Imagine u never talk with me, and how u will know what guy ,admin  i am? . All what i have to say is  : @myCro ? If u can't Stay active Let a person or some person you trust. All admins need a Daddy boss .

And for the last ,  u remove hulk?  yes but u remove a family member who's help with what he have.

Cya ❤️


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