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About .-AdiiLo-.

  • Birthday 06/17/1997


  • Founder ZMOldSchool / Administrator TS3 / Leader D-H -> Retired.


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  1. i wanna say Hello with this song :V 


  2. Miss you ♥ 😢 

  3. mazalo les papich f paris ?

  4. after all, you leave ? i just heard what happened sorry that i wasn't there brother , may we meet again some day ❤️

  5. HELLO mr Bot 

    uuuuuuuuu 3la z*** :V 

    how are u man 😄

  6. Hi guys,
    Its with big regrets that I announce my retirement from CSBD due to personnal problems.(atleast for the moment, none of us knows exactly what the future holds.) 
    I really enjoyed the moments I passed here, I will miss all of you...
    @myCro ? @Roselina ♣ flowers @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ @#Em i[N]O' @#REDSTAR ♪ ♫ @Hossam Taibi @Vevo @!#Apex? @HiTLeR. @aRbi~ @InfiNitY-™ @#Loenex @Shyloo @J[A]V[E]D! @Reus @DarKVoicE @[T]W!ST3D~`` @HawkEye.™ @Dark-ImmoRtal^ and a lot of other guys, I can't mention all of you but I have you on my heart!
    Take care, love you all ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. #REDSTAR ♪ ♫

      #REDSTAR ♪ ♫

      miss you so much bro

    3. Shyloo


      The one who teached me cs , miss you !

    4. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      Miss you so mush fude ❤️

  7. 343 is expanding the beta tests for Halo 3: ODST on PC--check your email now. The Halo 3: ODST closed beta tests have begun on PC, and if you didn't get into the first wave of the preview test, you should check your email again. 343's Tyler Davis wrote on Twitter that the developer has sent out more than 100,000 additional invitations to Halo Insider members on Steam. You can sign up for the free Halo Insider program here. Invitations are sent to the email address tied to the account. This is a normal process for Halo's beta tests on PC for The Master Chief Collection. The tests begin with a limited number of participants before more people are invited in to further test the game at scale. Those invited can try out six campaign missions and seven Firefight maps, plus some of the new changes and improvements coming to the Master Chief Collection, including new weapon skins and guns for Halo 3 some 13 years after the iconic shooter originally launched. A beta test is also available on Xbox One, but it's not clear if that test is being expanded like it is on PC. Whatever the case, the ODST campaign has been available on the Xbox One version of the Master Chief Collection since 2015, but Firefight, the wave-based multiplayer mode, is making its long-awaited debut. Both the campaign and Firefight are heading to PC for the very first time. ODST was originally released back in 2009 for the Xbox 360. Critic Tom McShea awarded it a score of 9/10 in GameSpot's Halo 3: ODST review, saying, "The delicate construction of the story adds a new wrinkle to the typical Halo plot, and the action-packed campaign levels are full of intense battles and surprising encounters. Firefight mode is a standout addition, crafting highly addictive cooperative battles for players to experience."
  8. Speedy storage on-the-go Western Digital has a new edition to its My Passport line. Announced today, WD's new My Passport SSD has plenty of portable storage capacity and upgrades to NVMe, According to Western Digital, the updated My Passport nearly doubles the transfer speeds of previous editions, hitting up to 1,050 MBps read speeds and 1,000 MBps write speeds. Capacity goes as high as 2TB. Users can also encrypt their data easily using 256-bit password-protected encryption protocol. The My Passport's case is definitely designed for users on-the-go, something ideal in a portable drive. The chassis is both vibration and shock-resistant, according to Western Digital, and the vendor claims that the SSD can survive a drop of up to 6.5 feet (1.98m). My Passport drive supports USB 3.2. It comes with a USB-C cable and USB-A adapter. For best performance results, you'll want to use a USB 3.0 port when possible. Western Digital's selling My Passport with a 5-year limited warranty. It's currently availble for pre-order on the Western Digital website, starting at $120 for 500GB and going up to $360 for 2TB. The older version of this drive, also known as WD My Passport, uses a SATA connection and is listed on our Best External Drives page. So, it'll be interesting to see how this upgraded NVMe take performs.
  9. The widespread outage hit Asia during work hours, as well as the US and Europe. Gmail appears to be working again Thursday after people worldwide reported disruptions to a number of Google services over about seven hours. A widespread outage of the po[CENSORED]r Google services began shortly after 9 p.m. PT Wednesday. People reported issues in the US, Europe and parts of Asia including India, Japan, Singapore and Australia, according to outage monitoring site DownDetector. Gmail users said they had trouble attaching files and were unable to send and receive emails. Some had problems logging in. As of 4:10 a.m. PT Thursday, Google said on its status dashboard that the problem with Gmail was resolved. "System reliability is a top priority at Google. We are making continuous improvements to make our systems better," reads the latest update. The company didn't say what caused the outage. Twitter surged with complaints about the service disruption. Gmail and Google Drive suffered a global outage in March 2019 that also affected people's ability to send emails.
  10. Original release date : August 13, 2020 Series : Total War Developers : Creative Assembly , Feral Interactive Platforms : Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, Linux Publishers : Sega , Feral Interactive A meaty, engrossing strategy spin-off with an attention to detail that is both a blessing and a curse. The Aegean Sea is a raging inferno. You may have heard tales of a great war between the ancient Greeks and the Trojans, a feud kindled by divine intervention, stoked by love and betrayal, and finally extinguished in an epic siege. In the newest Total War Saga, the Paris-Helen-Menalaus love triangle is the spark that doesn't just ignite the Trojan War of legend--it turns the entire eastern Mediterranean into a tinderbox. As a more focused, more specific take on Total War, Troy has an epic tale to tell. But to the benefit of the series' strategic legacy, Homer's writings set the scene rather than deliver a script, leaving plenty of room for those of us who haven't memorised The Iliad to enjoy crashing one enormous army into another and watching the world burn. At first, Troy seems a bit small. There's just the one map upon which the campaign is played. But that map is absolutely massive, taking in all of mainland Greece, a hefty slab of the western coast of modern-day Turkey and dozens of islands in between. The diverse geography provides a healthy mix of terrain types across the map, which in turn present different strategic challenges: The densely forested mainland is ideal for ambushes and funnelling armies through its mountainous corridors while the islands in the Aegean may be more exposed but any invading force is likely to have suffered attritional losses making the treacherous journey by sea. Fortunately, since you'll be spending most of your time playing Troy scrolling around the campaign map, it looks beautiful, too. Those forests and mountains, those archipelagos ringed by reefs and gorgeous blue water are depicted in exquisite detail. However, the settlements themselves lack distinguishing features and don't seem to evolve in appearance as they develop. It's disappointing you can't actually see the farmlands, quarries, lumbermills, and temples you've built spill out onto the map. Still, the way the crumpled parchment fog of war burns away as you chart new territory is lovely, and it echoes the stunning black and red figure paintings that loom over the horizon at all times. If Troy isn't the best looking Total War yet, it's certainly the most visually striking. There are only eight playable factions--split evenly between the Trojans and the Danaans--though each one feels distinct in crucial ways. Faction leaders possess markedly different abilities both on and off the battlefield that, when combined with a clutch of unique units and buildings, allow for contrasting strategic approaches. They even introduce whole new mechanics. I played a lot as Sarpedon of Lycia and was able to take advantage of his ability to interfere in trade deals between other factions, redirecting resources my way or cancelling deals outright. I felt like a Trojan puppetmaster, pulling the strings to bend the region's politics in my favour. Even though I only toyed with the other factions and didn't get to fully appreciate their unique mechanics, it's clear these mechanics are incredibly powerful--Odysseus, for example, can construct buildings of his own inside an allied settlement while Paris can move Helen around the map and gains huge bonuses and penalties depending on how near or far apart they are. The starting locations add a further dimension--Sarpedon is quite isolated albeit vulnerable to attack from across the sea while Agamemnon is protected by powerful neighbouring allies but as a result doesn't have much elbow room to expand. Such disparate beginnings prompt a fresh set of priorities when you move from one faction to the next. Your early turns on the strategic campaign map are an opportunity to scope out the lay of the land and ponder how the new multi-resource system is going to influence your plans for expansion. You have just the one small army initially, and the options to recruit additional troops are basic. To support more troops you need more food, and to recruit better troops you need wood, stone, and bronze to build the various barracks from which they spawn. Each settlement on the map specialises in one of these resources, so marching off to war isn't necessarily a case of pointing your spearmen in the direction of your nearest neighbour. The war machine can quickly grind to a halt if you're not producing enough bronze. Properly scouting the land to identify valuable and complementary resource deposits is important, and it's immensely satisfying when you finally conquer a target and the goodies start rolling in. Once you've secured yourself a handful of provinces, managing your empire's economy can feel a little rote. When it came to selecting which buildings to build and which ones to upgrade, I rarely felt like I was making tough choices. Much of the time, in fact, it felt like it didn't really matter whether I opted for the farmland or the granary or the hunter's lodge since they all basically do the same thing to varying degrees. Do you want a bunch of stone per turn or do you want a slightly larger bunch of stone per turn and a slight hit to your province's happiness? Does it really matter? Indeed, there's a consistent sense that plenty of the choices you're making are trivial, as if a whole lot of tiny decisions are adding up to not very much at all. I levelled up one of my spies 24 times over the course of the campaign and I really couldn't tell you whether that time I opted for an 8% boost to his movement made any difference whatsoever to his performance. He did manage to assassinate a Spartan general when he had only a 17% chance of succeeding, so I dunno, maybe I made a smart choice somewhere along the line. The effects of your decisions are far more apparent on the battlefield, assuming you prefer to fight them yourself rather than auto-resolving. Troy is simply a terrific demonstration of the Total War battle system. Here, the granularity and accumulation of small differences are genuinely meaningful. Mostly, it's in the make-up of the army rosters and your ability as a general to bend subtle statistical variations to your will. It's about recognising that your opponent's slingers have slightly better range than yours, but if you can send your nible light chariots down the flank they can hit the slingers from behind and force them back into range. There isn't a huge range of unit types, but there is a seemingly endless variation. Even the nods towards Greek myths with the presence of harpies, centaurs, and so on are in fact simply twists on the standard archetypes. The centaur, for instance, is merely one of the few cavalry units--just a dude riding a horse, albeit a really quick one who serves as a useful scout and irritating flanking force. Sometimes the granularity is too fine and things can become hard to read in the heat of battle. I would find myself pausing the action now and again to double-check an enemy unit. It's not always immediately obvious that these guys with an axe and shield also have a ranged attack, or that these chaps with the spears are better armoured than those other chaps with the spears. This lack of clarity, and resulting reliance on stat comparisons mid-battle, isn't too much of an issue though since you'll want to be pausing things anyway to tweak your instructions and better coordinate the next phase of your assault. Indeed, the only real negative when it comes to Troy's combat suite is the tedium of the special siege battles. Whether you're encamped for multiple turns outside the castle gate on the campaign map or waiting for your battering rams to slowly do their thing, there's an awful lot of not doing very much during a siege. What should be climactic encounters rarely generate the level of excitement or tactical ingenuity found when fighting in the open. Despite its smaller, more intimate focus, Troy is unable to shake some of the annoyances that plague the Total War series. There are too many battles to fight. As enjoyable and accomplished as the battle system most certainly is, it can be exhausting to fight this many of them. The option to auto-resolve any battle goes some way to alleviating combat fatigue, but the AI is a poor substitute for your tactical leadership--if you want to avoid unnecessary losses, you have to fight them yourself. There's also too much diplomacy. Like the battles, the diplomacy system is deep and dynamic, affording you considerable opportunity to barter, trade, and form all sorts of alliances, but the AI is too eager to engage you in it. Every turn you find yourself bombarded with diplomatic offers--Want some bronze for this stone? How about a non-aggression pact?--that you're never in a million years going to accept. It slows down a game that is already slow enough to process the AI turns and contributes nothing other than forcing you to manually decline each offer. There's a fine line between wanting the game world to feel alive with other factions pursuing their own interest and not wanting the player to feel overwhelmed with notifications, and sometimes Troy falls on the wrong side. Perennial issues aside, with Thrones of Britannia and now Troy, the spin-off Saga series has proved adept at delivering a kind of Total War that is more focused, flavourful, and even experimental than the mainline series. In the specific case of Troy, it's not always an unmitigated success; for every dose of granular detail that reveals more strategic options there's another element of graininess that obscures. At its best, though, Troy is a pretty epic series of bloody enjoyable battles that is just about as good as the series has delivered. System Requirements (Minimum) CPU: Core i3 or better RAM: 4 GB VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GTX 650 1GB | AMD Radeon HD 6570 1GB | Intel HD 5300 DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 1024 MB Recommended Requirements CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-4670K RAM: 8 GB VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 | AMD Radeon R9 290X DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 2048 MB
  11. Updating drivers gets easier A new Windows 10 update looks set to bring back one of Windows 7’s best features, allowing users to quickly and easily download and install drivers and optional updates to ensure their PCs run as well as possible. The update, Windows 10 Build 19041.450, brings an optional updates page, which you can find by going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View optional updates. This update also means new drivers can be found and installed via Windows Update, rather than going into Device Manager, where they used to be. Hopefully, this should be an easier – and more user-friendly – way of making sure your drivers are updated. Better updates? Windows 10 has been plagued recently with a series of problematic updates that have caused more problems than they’ve fixed, and many of them were optional. By giving users better control over what’s installed, hopefully people can avoid installing any dud updates. Having the latest drivers installed can also help make sure PCs run as well as possible – so making it easier for people to do that is to be commended. Driver updates, as well as non-security updates and general quality updates and tweaks will now be shown in the ‘Optional updates’ page. If you want to try it out, make sure you have Windows 10 KB4566782 installed, which is the 19041.450 build.
  12. Away with the clutter. If there's one issue that RGB made, it's the sheer number of cables that it adds to your system. Next to all the power and data cables you already have, each individual RGB device needs cables too, and when you pack a system full of six RGB fans that can add up painfully. Lian Li now has a solution for that: interlocking fans, so that each group only needs one RGB lead. The fans are called Uni Fan SL120, and for now they only come in the 120mm size either in black or white. These are high-static pressure fans capable of spinning at speeds between 800 and 1,900 RPM, producing between 17 and 31 dBA of noise. The sides and tops of the fan are made of sandblasted aluminum, and the lighting consists of 32 LEDs in each fan. The end result is quite a neat looking fan. To connect the fans, you simply slide them into each other, interlocking them to create one long fan array, which you then secure into place in your case or on your radiator. Add a controller, hook that up, and you're all set. To control the addressable RGB fans, Lian Li made its own L-Connect software. Pricing for a set of three is set at $80, which includes the required controller. Each additional fan will run you another $25. The kits are available on Newegg, shipping out on September 15.


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