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  1. 4 points
  2. 4 points
  3. We (Gerardo and Me) Decided to do this, because the upgrades/downgrades are doing without revision or consentment of us!! From now, every upgrade/downgrade from a Manager has to be reviewed by us (axelxcapo, Gerardo and Me) I hope you can understand it, in case that anyone post an upgrade/downgrade without consent and review of us Will be removed without Warning!! Now every Manager From Co-Owner to Founder please reply: I Acknowledge
    3 points
  4. عيدك مبارك كل الامة الاسلامية تقبل الله منا و منكم و كل عام وانتم بخير اعاده الله علينا اياما معدودة و سنوات ممدودة ❣️❣️❣️❣️EID MOUBARAK ?❣️?
    3 points
  5. Happy Eid to all muslims around the world ❤️ Peace ❤️
    3 points
  6. Saha 3idkoum ? @Destrix @Naser DZ @Emino @REDST@R @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @#PREDATOR @XZoro™ @Loenex @King_of_lion @Russ ;x @Nıco @Supreme 武侠乂 And all other Dzd And muslims
    3 points
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. SkyZM Searching for FULL STAFF! Click here.
    2 points
  9. It's not a problem if some admins use this to say Hello. T/C
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. 1 point
  13. ¤ Your name: Harith ¤ Claimed Admin name: S.Pardik! or -Vandam- one of these 2 kids ¤ Date and time: 24.05.2020 , 19:25 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/wJvmaG9 ¤ Reason of complaint: Banning me reason rr.kpd , and here the power was cutting off, i dont left bcz i want lefting , i left bcz of storm in this region was the energy off,i joined back with laptop and mobile internet hotspot,not with pc ,it's not my fault if the power was cutted off, i joined back after 10 minutes so clearly this was not rr.kpd , i want remove who banned me , these two kids anyway abusing always, no one of these 2 noobs have acces to ban another admin,as i know noone of these 2 are co -owner so....big breaking rule here Thanks for watching! Cheers!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. ¤ Your Nickname (same as in forum): Sicktotally ¤ Your Address Skype, facebook: Fb : Santos Atkia ¤ Age: 21 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: english / Portugal ¤ Your Location: Portugal ¤ Experience As Admin (last server GT link): -¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): yes of course evry day¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server (Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname) : https://www.gametracker.com/player/sicktotally./¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I Like This Server And Have Best Freind So I want Help¤ Password/key for admin[ Read The Rules to find it] : Newlifezm2020
    1 point
  16. Que todo lo bueno te siga, te encuentre y se quede contigo ???.. Feliz domingoooo!!!
    1 point
  17. #Guess_Who in Third Edetion
    1 point
  18. Game Informations : Developer: Team Ico, SIE Japan Studio, Sony Interactive Entertainment Publishers : Sony Interactive Entertainment Platforms : PS4, PS3 , PS2 Initial release date: 18 octobre 2005 Shadow of the Colossus for PlayStation 4 is a stunning return to the classic that first wowed us on the PlayStation 2 in 2005. With completely redone art and spectacular lighting, it expertly captures the original’s unique beauty, awe-inspiring scope, and absolutely heartbreaking story while simultaneously fixing a handful of imperfections. The result is not only an incredible remaster, but one of the best and most beautiful games the PS4 has to offer. Part of Shadow of the Colossus’ enduring legacy is in its relatively simplistic design. You explore the vast, gorgeous world in search of 16 unique, terrifying beasts. These range from humanoid giants to airborne birds and massive underwater hydras. Though it’s never actually explained, your motivation is clear: slay them in order to restore life to a comatose woman who is clearly important to you. But while this premise is simple, the act of embarking on this six to eight-hour quest is remarkable. Riding out of the central shrine and using the beam of sunlight reflecting off your sword as a dowsing rod to find your next target is a continually satisfying way to kick off a hunt. And every time I started making my way toward a beast’s literal stomping grounds I was left stunned by just how gorgeous Shadow of The Colossus has become. From the way light drips through a forest to the swaying clumps of matted hair on a colossus to the textures on your character’s cloak, it’s leaps and bounds past most other contemporary games, to say nothing of its source material. It looks great even on a launch PS4, and even better on a Pro. I kept forgetting that I was playing a 13-year-old game. This remaster also does a fantastic job of fixing some of the problems of the 2005 original, while completely modernizing the entire experience to our 2018 standards. The frame rate no longer buckles in the presence of a particularly massive colossus, and when you set it to performance mode on a PS4 Pro it even maintains 60 frames per second with minimal sacrifices in quality. You can see all the way to the horizon while riding across the vast, somber planes, revealing a sense of scale hidden in the original due to short draw distances. And the new control setup remaps the jump and grab buttons in a way that simply makes more sense than the strange original configuration. Combine all of this with a flexible photo mode and a handful of new Easter eggs and this remaster made me forget that I was playing a 13-year-old game. There are still a handful of minor nagging issues that exist: for instance, the scope of some of the battles and your close proximity to a giant, hairy colossus means that the camera will occasionally get lost in tufts of fur and obscure your view at a crucial moment. Likewise, success in a few of the encounters relies on getting the colossus to stand in a very specific position, which can sometimes be a bit like trying to get a dog to stay in a bathtub. This illusion that they’re living creatures creates an internal conflict. But overall, the classic design of Shadow of the Colossus has stood the test of time without a trace of wear. Each of the 16 colossi are puzzles in and of themselves, and they ramp up from simple as you begin to learn the controls and mechanics, to deviously challenging and complex by the end. I love how that initial moment of awe and terror when you first see a beast is quickly replaced by curiosity; surveying a creature and learning its nuanced movements and distinctive behaviors as you map out a path to the top make it feel like you exist inside of a nature documentary. It’s this illusion that they’re living creatures that creates an internal conflict in hunting and killing them, and Shadow of the Colossus twists that knife brilliantly. Likewise, having a minimal set of tools at your disposal – only a sword, a bow, and your awesome horse Agro – means that you need to master each one in order to take down the beasts. There are some cool upgrades that can be gained by completing the optional Time Attack modes, such as stronger weapons, different colored horses, and even a parachute that aids exploration. And while none of these are necessary to defeat any of the beasts, they provide some solid incentives to replay the fantastic encounters. Once you actually hop aboard a Colossus, the entire experience feeds into a fantastic sense of tension. The wonderful and evocative score swells, the creatures try to shake you off, and your grip meter ticks down as you try to find a weak point. This impending sense of dread is heightened by that last point — stamina management leads to awesome cinematic moments where I’d make it to a safe ledge just as my grip fades away. This mechanic brought to mind some of the most incredible moments of last year’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which in retrospect was clearly inspired by the original Shadow of the Colossus. The climax of the story remains as one of the most powerful moments in all of gaming. All of these encounters feed into the emotional arc of the story. The journey of your character and his sleeping sister (Queen? Lover?) is one marked in tragedy. Watching him slowly become less and less human as you slay these innocent beasts, all in the name of saving this person he clearly loves, is nothing short of brutal. It’s a moral problem that’s driven home by every part of the act of taking down a colossus: There is none of the congratulatory fanfare we’re conditioned to expect after a boss fight. You aren’t given XP or money. Instead, you’re met with a notable silence that prompts you to reflect on what you just did. And, without going into spoiler territory, the emotional climax of the story remains as one of the most powerful moments in all of gaming. Verdict The true definition of a classic, the gameplay and story of Shadow of the Colossus are every bit as great and emotional today as they were in 2005. This outstanding remaster skillfully enhances those qualities with improved controls, performance, and sheer graphical beauty. It remains one of the best PlayStation games ever made, and it’s wonderful that Sony has brought it back to the fore so a new generation of gamers can experience it without having to look past its aged facade.
    1 point
  19. Like the sun that sets at the end of the day, so too will Ramadan come and go, leaving only it's mark on our heart's sky . Eid mubarak ! ❤
    1 point
  20. Eid Mubarak to all my friends who are celebrating today,also to the rest of the csbd team i wish a very pleasent day,enjoy! ❤️
    1 point
  21. <21:59:06> "Mrgn": Close topic <21:59:11> "Mrgn": bcz I leave sv Problem Solved T/C
    1 point
  22. Game Information Initial release date: December 16, 2013 Publisher: Bohemia Interactive Developers: Bohemia Interactive, Dean Hall Designers: Dean Hall, Peter Nespesny Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows Genres: Survival horror, Third-person shooter December, 2013. Barack Obama is in the White House. ‘Wrecking Ball’ by Miley Cyrus is topping the charts. The Harlem Shake is taking the internet by storm. And DayZ, a zombie survival game, hits Steam Early Access. Part survival sandbox, part social experiment, the game throws 64 players into a bleak zombie apocalypse, sits back, and lets them make their own fun. Five years later and DayZ, having gone through an extended Early Access period, is finally out. And, well, nothing much has changed. There’s something comforting about the fact that DayZ is still DayZ, with its clunky controls, buggy zombies, and commitment to making surviving as hard as possible. It’s kinda absurd that, in a 1.0 release, there are still problems that have been stubbornly lingering since the alpha days. But honestly, I wasn’t expecting much else. For better or worse, it’s the game I remember. You still have to run for miles to meet up with friends. The zombies still get stuck in walls or just completely fail to notice you at all. You can scour an entire town for supplies only to find one dirty jacket, a tin opener, and no tins. And the chances that you’ll be killed by some unseen sniper, usually seconds after you finally find something good, is always high. At least those damn ladders have finally been sorted out. Veteran players will remember the agony of climbing a ladder and ending up inexplicably dead at the bottom of it. If this all sounds a bit miserable, it is. Minute to minute, this is about as gruelling as survival games get. You have an ever-dwindling parade of meters to manage—thirst, hunger, temperature, and so on—and the general scarcity of items can make staying alive an ordeal. There’s nothing more disheartening in DayZ than trekking for miles to a town, only to see all the doors lying open: a surefire sign that someone has already been and no doubt thoroughly looted the place. But this does complement the hopeless, melancholy atmosphere of the game. The map, Chernarus, is a former Soviet republic, and dripping in misery. You get the feeling that even before the zombies arrived, this would’ve been an unpleasant place to get lost in. But there’s a quiet beauty to be found out there too, particularly in the rolling farmland, dense forests, and sleepy rural towns. It’s a fantastic setting, and a welcome change from the more familiar Western post-apocalypses that usually feature in these games. The largest concentration of players tends to be around around cities and military bases—where the best loot is often found—meaning you can travel in the wilds pretty much undisturbed. When I play DayZ, I’m constantly on the move, travelling between towns, landmarks, and other points of interest, grabbing whatever I can find, avoiding trouble if I can. But that means a lot of uneventful running. There are vehicles, but they’re often missing parts or fuel, and locating them can be a real chore for a solo player. The sandbox nature of the game means that getting ‘geared up’ will be most players’ main goal: finding a gun, ammo, bandages, food, drink, and maybe a nice helmet or something. But the more you hoard, the more nerve-racking the game becomes, because you know that you’re just one trigger-happy survivor or mischievous troll away from losing it all. I actually love this, because it makes death mean something. When you die you’re unceremoniously dumped back to a random starting location with no gear, and knowing this makes every decision, especially with other players around, loaded with danger. The real thrill of DayZ, and the reason I’ve played both the mod and the standalone version for hundreds of hours each, is in the feeling you get when you inevitably bump into another survivor. Even now my heart pounds when I’m exploring a town or wandering in the wilderness and I see another player ahead. Sometimes, but not that often these days, they might wave you down for a friendly chat and some beans. Or they might helpfully warn you about a group of bandits (DayZ slang for players who kill other players) in the next town down the road. But they’ll probably just shoot you on sight. There are a lot of reasons for this. They might just enjoy killing people. They might want your loot. Or, and this happened to me, the game has turned them into a horrible person. See, I used to be friendly. I’d approach people, wave, say hello. I’d give them advice or ask if they needed a hand. But after several instances of people pretending to be friendly then stabbing me in the back (literally), or luring me into an ambush, I’ve become wary of other survivors to the point of fearful paranoia. That’s brilliant, though. It’s what makes DayZ such a fascinating, compelling multiplayer game, and far more interesting to me than something like PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. In games like that, your only interaction with people is, ultimately, shooting them. But in DayZ, every encounter with another player is an opportunity for a story. Even if you get robbed or handcuffed or humiliated, it’ll be something you remember. Incidentally, make sure you play with a mic. Not responding vocally when someone says hello, or orders you to do something at gunpoint, will likely just get you killed. I haven’t really talked about the zombies yet, because they’re the least exciting thing in the game. Which is, perhaps, a little odd in a game about a zombie apocalypse. When they aren’t stuck in the scenery they run dumbly at you, and sometimes they phase in and out of existence like your internet connection can’t keep up with them. Then when it comes to actually shooting or smacking one with a melee weapon, there’s no sense of physicality at all. Fighting a zombie feels like swatting at a hologram. The combat really is abysmal, and there’s no sense of challenge or satisfaction attached to it. They’re better than they were in the early days of the standalone, but only just. The result of this is that, rather than something to be feared, the undead are just annoying. There was a point in the mod when the zombies didn’t work at all, and I enjoyed that a more because there was nothing getting in the way of the real heart of the game: the interactions between players. DayZ is a difficult game to review, because a lot of the time it’s pretty boring. There are long stretches of nothing; of rambling across seemingly endless fields, not finding anything in towns, never encountering another soul. But what keeps you going is knowing that, around the next corner, something incredibly exciting might happen. A firefight with a rival group of survivors in a ruined city. A knife-edge stand-off with a gun-toting rival. Someone who hasn’t seen you, meaning you might be able to sneak up, stick an axe in their back, and steal that nice jacket they’re wearing. Hey, don't judge me. It's dog eat dog out there. These snatches of drama are fleeting, but in the right moment there are few games as exciting as DayZ. And, similar to EVE Online, knowing that everything (except the zombies) is player-driven makes it feel extra special. If you get tricked and robbed by a group of bandits, it wasn’t some event scripted by a developer: it was dreamed up by a real, thinking human, and that really adds to the experience. In one combat encounter—my backpack stuffed with hard-earned supplies, my friend lying bleeding in the corner, two assailants hidden in the distance—the exhilaration was incredible. These were intelligent humans I was facing, not AI drones I could easily outsmart. But then it was back to running around the fields, scavenging for supplies, failing to find any, then dying and restarting—again and again. DayZ comes into its own when you get a foothold, managing to locate enough supplies and weapons to defend yourself and stay alive. But getting to that point is absolutely gruelling sometimes, and that’s where a lot of people will bounce off it. It’s a game where you have to work hard to achieve anything, and even then it can be immediately snatched away from you if you make one stupid mistake, or a player decides they want to shoot you for no particular reason. Occasionally, in small doses, DayZ is one of the best multiplayer games on PC. But a lot of the time it’s a slow, dull, frustrating, and meandering mess of bugs, broken zombie AI, and weightless combat. So I don’t know what to think, really. Some of the stories this game has created will stick with me forever, and that’s something to be celebrated. But it’s also unforgiving, messy, and doesn’t have much respect for your time. If you want a social survival experience that doesn’t pull any punches, set in an evocative and atmospheric world, then DayZ might be worth investigating. But if you’re after a solid, polished game that always does what it’s supposed to, you’re going to be disappointed System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7/8.1 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i5-4430 Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD R9 270X DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 16 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible Additional Notes: Internet connection RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 10 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i5-6600K or AMD R5 1600X Memory: 12 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD RX 580 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 25 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible Additional Notes: Internet connection
    1 point
  23. Pro, good luck, I will give you a chance because you are a good boy, and you follow the rules because I have seen it, and you deserve a chance even if everyone is against it.
    1 point
  24. @Emino @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @Nıco @Naser DZ @!laZa RoV @Destrix @[G]RoZZe ! @#PREDATOR @Russ ;x @Vevo @XZoro™ EID MOBARAK FOR ALL ARABIC AND MUSLIM IN COMMUNITY ❤️?
    1 point
  25. lol textele de la avatare sunt la fel, suntem fratiiiiiiiii ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ? ? ? ?
    1 point
  26. Contra for the the menu and for about afk's menu can easly destroy the server by abusing it, afk's are the reason that we acheived top 10, and without afk's we can not do it, if you see when we added the kick plugin, we lost alot of players, the server in night became like 20/30, thank you for your understanding
    1 point
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  30. Lol, highlife was sold?
    1 point
  31. Good Morning ❤️ i hope all have a nice day
    1 point
  32. Hello Mr.Love, i did a proposal 2 months ago and i didn't receive any answer from Administration, can you check please? Have a nice day.
    1 point
  33. When u start making a chat but U remember that's @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ ??
    0 points
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