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Your Nickname: @BeeNoXz

Number of the row: 1

Number of the box: 4

  • Premium


Your Nickname:  @mustu_52 TreY

Number of the row:  3

Number of the box:  1



Su apodo: ArInA-pAn

Número de la fila:6 

Número de la caja:5


Your Nickname: Stussy

Number of the row: 3

Number of the box: 4


As everyone knows only 1 day and 6 hours remaining untill Santa is comming to our house, those who already choosed a box and another member came and choosed the same box, i will take that as not participating to this Event. So please, choose the boxes that are not already choosed by others, thanks!


The list looks like this:



@Hana baklouty_mxii - Row 5, Box 5
@Vinicius™ - Row 3, Box 5
@Cenzura - Row 4, Box 2
@Akrapovic; - Row 2, Box 4
@[M]anuel - Row 5, Box 3
@natssu xD - Row 2, Box 1
@ArvΐlͥLaͣvͫΐภg𝕖 - Row 2, Box 5
@#Hassan. - Row 1, Box 3
@ALEJANDROPlay - Choosed same box as Akrapovic! 
@#Wittels- - Row 4, Box 5
@Drama queen - Row 1, Box 4
@L-MOK7H - Row 3, Box 3
@NaVi Ceders - Row 5, Box 2
@xRin - Row 2, Box 2
@Den.Sarah - Row 1, Box 5
@AngeL MahnO - Row 3, Box 4
@Angrry.exe™ - Row 4, Box 4
@Agent 47' - Row 5, Box 4
@Barlin - Row 6, Box 4
@S A C I - Row 6, Box 1
@Love Pulse - Row 1, Box 1
@- GOD - - Row 2, Box 3

@The CaPiTaL - Row 6, Box 5

@Yeezuz - Choosed same box as @The CaPiTaL!
@Damuc - Choosed same box as @natssu xD!
@aRbi~ - Row 1, Box 2
@axelxcapo - Row 6, Box 2
@Omuldinumbra32 - Choosed same box as @Agent 47'`!
@DeathStrike. - Row 6, Box 3
@BeeNoXz - Row 4, Box 1
@mustu_52 - Row 3, Box 1
@DeepPurple - Row 5, Box 1
@ArInA-pAn - Didn't choosed any Row/Box!
@Master_Kill - Row 4, Box 3
@Stussy Designs - Choosed same box as @AngeL MahnO!


Boxes remaining: Row 3 Box 2!

Row 6:
The CaPiTaL - Row 6, Box 5
Barlin - Row 6, Box 4
DeathStrike. - Row 6, Box 3
axelxcapo - Row 6, Box 2
S A C I - Row 6, Box 1

Row 5:
Hana baklouty_mxii - Row 5, Box 5
Agent 47' - Row 5, Box 4
[M]anuel - Row 5, Box 3
NaVi Ceders - Row 5, Box 2
DeepPurple - Row 5, Box 1

Row 4:
#Wittels- - Row 4, Box 5
Angrry.exe™ - Row 4, Box 4

Master_Kill - Row 4, Box 3
Cenzura - Row 4, Box 2

BeeNoXz - Row 4, Box 1

Row 3:
Vinicius™ - Row 3, Box 5
AngeL MahnO - Row 3, Box 4
L-MOK7H - Row 3, Box 3
mustu_52 - Row 3, Box 1

Row 2:
ArvΐlͥLaͣvͫΐภg𝕖 - Row 2, Box 5
Akrapovic; - Row 2, Box 4
- GOD - - Row 2, Box 3
xRin - Row 2, Box 2
natssu xD - Row 2, Box 1

Row 1:
Den.Sarah - Row 1, Box 5
Drama queen - Row 1, Box 4
#Hassan. - Row 1, Box 3

aRbi~ - Row 1, Box 2
Love Pulse - Row 1, Box 1

  • I love it 6
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  • Surprised 1

Your Nickname: aRbi

Number of the row: 1

Number of the box: 2

  • I love it 1

BOX CHANGED ! I give in, I leave @Drama queen's box! 😛

Your Nickname: BeeNoXz

Number of the row: 4

Number of the box: 1

  • I love it 1

Christmas Event has ended! Thank all of you for participating to this beautiful Event, hope you will be happy for the gifts! 🙂 


35 people has been participating to this Christmas event!



Row 6:
The CaPiTaL - Row 6, Box 5
Barlin - Row 6, Box 4
DeathStrike. - Row 6, Box 3
axelxcapo - Row 6, Box 2
S A C I - Row 6, Box 1

Row 5:
Hana baklouty_mxii - Row 5, Box 5
Agent 47' - Row 5, Box 4
[M]anuel - Row 5, Box 3
NaVi Ceders - Row 5, Box 2
DeepPurple - Row 5, Box 1

Row 4:
#Wittels- - Row 4, Box 5
Angrry.exe™ - Row 4, Box 4

Master_Kill - Row 4, Box 3
Cenzura - Row 4, Box 2

BeeNoXz - Row 4, Box 1

Row 3:
Vinicius™ - Row 3, Box 5
AngeL MahnO - Row 3, Box 4
L-MOK7H - Row 3, Box 3
mustu_52 - Row 3, Box 1


Row 2:
ArvΐlͥLaͣvͫΐภg𝕖 - Row 2, Box 5
Akrapovic; - Row 2, Box 4
- GOD - - Row 2, Box 3
xRin - Row 2, Box 2
natssu xD - Row 2, Box 1


Row 1:
Den.Sarah - Row 1, Box 5
Drama queen - Row 1, Box 4
#Hassan. - Row 1, Box 3

aRbi~ - Row 1, Box 2
Love Pulse - Row 1, Box 1



Here you will see what are the gifts to those who choosed a secret box.



Row 1:

AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 1 @Love Pulse : Has received 14 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 2 @aRbi~ : Has received 7 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 3 @#Hassan. : Has received free Avatar + Signature from GFX Designers!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 4 @Drama queen : Has received 10 Euro PayPal. (Contact me via PM to send you the money)


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 5 @Den.Sarah : Has received 5 days V.I.P on Forum!



Row 2:


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 1 @natssu xD : Has received 3 Euro PayPal. (Contact me via PM to send you the money)


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 2 @xRin : Has received 10 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 3 @- GOD - : Has received free Avatar + Signature from GFX Designers + 1 day V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 4 @Akrapovic; : Has received 2 Euro PayPal (Contact me via PM to send you the money) + 3 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 5 @ArvΐlͥLaͣvͫΐภg𝕖 : Has received 21 days V.I.P on Forum!



Row 3: 


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 1 @mustu_52 : Has received 5 euro PayPal. (Contact me via PM to send you the money)



AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 3 @L-MOK7H : Has received 1 day V.I.P on Forum + Avatar for free from GFX Designer!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 4 @AngeL MahnO : Has received 30 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 5 @Vinicius™ : Has received 3 Euro PayPal (Contact me via PM to send you money) + 3 days V.I.P on Forum!


Row 4:


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 1 @BeeNoXz : Has received 25 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 2 @Cenzura : Has received 2 Euro PayPal + 10 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 3 @Master_Kill : Has received 1 Euro PayPal + 5 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 4 @Angrry.exe™ : Has received Avatar + Signature from GFX Designers + V.I.P 5 days on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 5 @#Wittels- : Has received 15 days V.I.P on Forum!


Row 5:


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 1 @DeepPurple : Has received 30 days V.I.P on Forum + Avatar for free from GFX Designers!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 2 @NaVi Ceders : Has received 14 days V.I.P on forum + Avatar and Signature from GFX Designers!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 3 @[M]anuel : Has received 20 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 4 @Agent 47' : Has received 1 Euro PayPal + 5 days V.I.P on Forum!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 5 @Hana baklouty_mxii : Has received Avatar + Signature from GFX Designers and V.I.P 2 days on Forum!


Row 6:


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 1 @S A C I : Has received 30 days V.I.P on Forum + free Avatar from GFX Designers!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 2 @axelxcapo : Has received Avatar + Signature from GFX Designers + 3 Euro PayPal (Contact me via PM to send the money).


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 3 @DeathStrike. : Has received 35 days V.I.P on Forum + free Avatar from GFX Designers!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 4 @Barlin : Has received 40 days V.I.P on Forum + Avatar and Signature from GFX Designers!


AfRbsN0.png.ff493732de29861498b5a33903239fe4.png Box 5 @The CaPiTaL : Has received free Avatar and Signature from GFX Designers + V.I.P 4 days V.I.P on Forum!




I want to thanks to everyone that participated to this Christmas Event, hope to see you next year. Santa wishes you Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. Hope you are happy for the gifts!


You will receive the gifts today, most likely at 12:00 PM, since i've worked a lot for those secret gifts, like 2-3 hours, which is too much, anyway, hope you guys will like it.

Those who received money from PayPal, please contact me via PM to send you the money.

Those who received V.I.P will get it instantly (means now).

About Avatar and Signature, talk with the GFX Designers team, if they are not going to make it for you, then send them to me and i will solve the problem!


That's it with the event, thanks for participating!



funny-santa-claus-holding-bag-with-gifts CSBD STAFF wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, spend the time with the family, friends, it matters more! funny-santa-claus-holding-bag-with-gifts




  • I love it 14
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  • Brainy 2
  • Choco 1
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