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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by #CeLTiXxX

  1. voy a aprovechar este tiempo para burlarme, algo que pondria esta gente seria como "jajajajja te lo mereces - no sirves - esta bien bueno que te removieran - ve a jugar maincra - ojala nunca te den denuevo rango - por que no te banearon?" pero como yo no soy asi pues no lo digo :V

  2. te felicito mano lo lograste ? 

    1. snapple.


      mano, me sirvieron las cartas que la bruja me destapo :'v

  3. hello!

    ahmmm im making this status to give a big msg for all the members who want to be part from our staff. I saw much people that wrote me "hey why i couldnt be part from the staff" hey hey listen this. If you didnt get the grade is not because we are ignoring you. I want to give a message of encouragement, dont give up, with enough effort and doing things right you will get everything very fast, not only here in the community, also in real life, when you strive and you set a goal to achieve it there is no one who can stop you. don't let anyone discourage you, just like here you will have your celtix friend to cheer you up ? and when you need help with something you can message 


    i will listen you...


    my best wishes for all of you and wait for your turn ? and remember dont give up 

    1. Mr.SnaPeR"


      Shit you still fking sexy ??

    2. Mr.SnaPeR"
    3. [MC]Ronin[MC]


      Of course we have to be patient!
      Everyone wants to raise it immediately, but it's not so easy!
      You will need everyone who wants a promotion to know that they have to work for that!

  4. Good morning/afternoon/ night feos ? i hope that everything is good 

  5. hahahahhaaahahahah idk why i visited your profile after long time but you still look sexy :v although you have 123474857349459374 years with that photo. anyway i hope that you didnt forget me after you got married ?

    1. Mr.Love
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      could you please come to ts3 when your wife is not abusing you... thanks :)))

    3. Mr.Love
  6. creo que muchos de mis viejos amigos murieron! ALv renací de las cenizas 

    I think that my old friends are dead, I have just been reborn from the ashes ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. snapple.


      qlq menor, hace 10 minutos vi tu perfil preguntandome si te habias desaparecido del mundo

      cuentame rey como estas

    3. Lock流


      oh looks who's back 

    4. Mr.SnaPeR"


      He is so gay so he forgot who are his friends legends never die 

      But fk i saw them diing those gays ???:'v

  7. Lol mate are you ok? you looks like very old in that photo the situation is good in romania? :)))))) 

    1. Mr.Love


      Somebody locked me in the fridge ?

    2. #CeLTiXxX


      I just woke up from my hibernation, because if you dont hibernate here in Venezuela with so many problems you end up like chimps in the zoo, I wanted to say jumping like crazy and beating your chest and asking for clemency :)))))


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blexfraptor


      omggg veo un muertoo,hablame mano todo fino

    3. Sa__Mi



    4. #DEXTER


      Look who's alive :VV

  9. 4 days without internet :v 

    Im back, Where are my feos ? ? 

    1. Jose.
    2. vMuz1c-♕™


      I'm Here :3  ❤️ :-"


    3. Sa__Mi


      Welcome back ❤️ 

  10. Give your oppinion about this year of CSBD in this Fun Topic ? 



  11. Support tickets will be solved, wait for my hand ? 

  12. First Warning for you and the last, if you continue asking for likes  you will get a big punishment :))))


    1. Stranger ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

      Stranger ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

      Okay, Thanks ?
      Never knew I could win the most like content!
      Sorry for the behavior 

    2. HICHEM
  13. Congrats a mi querido hermano ? Trabaja duro espero verte en administradores pronto

    1. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      Sos el mejor amigo que pude encontrar aqui ❤️ mas que un amigo haz sido un hermano ? y eso se valora bastante mano ya sabessss ? 

    2. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      Volveremos a como estabamos antes? 👀

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      si mol ❤️❤️

  14. You can start making beats in Champions League section ?

    Dont forget to Bet in the "Special Bet" Ypu can win more points there!

    Good luck for all babies ? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -HTTP-


      Y cual son esas funciones? :v, no se, me siendo des-actualizado xd.

    3. HICHEM


      u said VIP

      oh i'm here xD

    4. Tweek


      thx bro @#CeLTiXxX

      and i m sad

  15. Do you like your other accounts with this beautiful rank? :)))))



    I like it too :))) Next time tis rank will come to this account adding it to the collection ? 


    1. |FOUNDER|


      first of all who told that these accounts are mine hhhhhhhh you lol these accounts are of Captianu' not mine hhhhhhhhh

  16. Ya que haz sido desterrado de los Dioses del olimpo y puesto como un simple VIP Continuare mi plan de ahora si poderte banea la cuentica esta :u 

    1. [N]audy


      hahahaha el vip es mejor we :V

      mi cuenta no se puede banear :v 

  17. Please, dont use Pornophahic photos in your profile, this is the first and the last Warn for you!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [N]audy


      wtf yo hablando y este cara e chocha es admin en tzm

      NO MAMES WE -_-

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      Me andas echando paja te voy a banear :u 

    4. BoB1
  18. Nice i like your new Rank, you deserve it after Delete Highlife Server, good luck with your new Rank, looks like beautiful in your account :)))

    1. Akrapovic


      Thank you Celtixxx

  19. Preparing many bets for this 12/11 ? 


    Why you see that ae suspended? Because we are not in that week yet, And i prepare other surprise, You can win much points with the special Bet ! ? 

    Stay active in Champions league section im going to update that section many times 


  20. Ok Sinan i will go to suicide ? And i will ask for my remove because you dont want to talk with me ? 

    OHHHH Please someone love me? no right? Ok because Santa Claus wont come for you this year 

    <16:10:58> "#Papito Sinan.47": listen me really dont talk me again okey
    <16:10:59> "#Papito Sinan.47": Bye.
    <16:11:00> El compañero de la charla ha cerrado la conversación


    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      Well well well he is wrong man they just don't know that you have a great nepe take a photo for it and they will know ??

    2. Inkriql
    3. [N]audy


      celtix just now >:V 


  21. New profile song !!

    Try to follow the lyrics :u xDxDxD

  22. CSBD CASINO - Champions League results has been update !!

    Good luck for all ? 

  23. New bets had been added in "Champions League" for today If you want to win some points, starting making bets babies ? 

    Regards! You will see the results as soon as possible 


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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