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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by #CeLTiXxX

  1. El canal Natsu ahora lo tengo yo :"v Yo te lo estoy cuidando papito


    1. #Ace


      I will spank @#CeLTiXxX if he changes pw again.....

    2. HICHEM


      I miss Ts3 ?

  2. Today 2 Years in CSBD ? Thanks for be part of my experience here ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #Ace


      2 años te casaste con garrix te deseo otros 100 años junto

      PD congrats for 2 years in csbd

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      Thanks feo xD :v

    4. Empty  @CSBD

      Empty @CSBD

      Yo llevo 7Años ?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      JAJJAJAJAJJA CSM tenia que salir un feo a hecharme paja :v

    3. Warlock-


      Jajajajajajajajaja que bien!!!!

    4. Empty  @CSBD

      Empty @CSBD

      Vnzuela En Pintaa Papaa! ❤️ 

  4. Good morning/Night/afternoon for all CSBD ? and my feos ?



  5. If you have problems with TS3 Crash or want to download the last TS3 Version but didnt work see this

    Ok first of All you know that sometimes i become crazy with some problems with this community and i saw that some of you still have the problem with TS3 so I install in my pc Windows XP and see if i get the same problem with TS3 and yes i got it and i was like:


    but when i install this TS3 version from this following platform :)) i didnt have problems and i could join to the server


    What is the difference? This Platform version when you have a bug or Crash the first time in your TS3, It put your TS3 in a "Debug Mode" then u can open again your TS3 and it works, thats what i did it and it worked, So i hope this can Help all of you and Good luck!

    Note: Remember check what Windows you have if 32 bits o 64 in my case i have 64

    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      I always share this link in posts of ts3 problems 

      But no one care for a sh**

  6. Adivinen quien tiene problemas ahora con el Team Speak? :))) Yo GG ahora si se prendio

    Do you know who have problems with TS3? :))) Me GG im done xD

  7. <21:59:48> "#CeLTiXxX": Catire
    <21:59:53> "#CeLTiXxX": como te quedo el culo?
    <21:59:53> "#CeLTiXxX": :v
    <21:59:54> "Papi Askor lml": por andar apareciendose de la nada
    <22:00:03> "!el Catire *O*": como asi
    <22:00:05> "#Wittels-": jajajajaja
    <22:00:10> "Papi Askor lml": ste men
    <22:00:10> "Papi Askor lml": HAHA
    <22:00:12> "#Wittels-": alv
    <22:00:12> "#CeLTiXxX": JAJAJAJAJAJAJ
    <22:00:12> "#Wittels-": :v
    <22:00:17> "#CeLTiXxX": Mano
    <22:00:21> "!el Catire *O*": que
    <22:00:24> "#CeLTiXxX": que hoy cuando te estaba cogiendo
    <22:00:25> "#CeLTiXxX": me dijiste
    <22:00:29> "#CeLTiXxX": que te diera mas duro
    <22:00:33> "#CeLTiXxX": y me pase e poder
    <22:00:38> "#CeLTiXxX": y teblo venezuela
    <22:00:45> "#CeLTiXxX": :V
    <22:00:48> "!el Catire *O*": si
    <22:00:55> "!el Catire *O*": a las tres
    <22:01:00> "Papi Askor lml": wn
    <22:01:11> "Papi Askor lml": shazan deja de cogerte a la mujer maravilla

    1. -Garrix



  8. OMG, when i woke up, i had a lot of noticifications with "Eid Mubarak"... What is that? :3


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadox


      Eid mubarak ? did you dont know that xd

      only muslims :D 

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      But im not muslim we dont have that cultures here in Venezuela :V

    4. maykel.


      Yea i know :v

  9. Well, dear members of CSBD, after our wonderful meeting where a particular topic was talked about, it is to make a "Moderator's Competition" again

    Where mainly members who are more active in "FAQ, Proposals, TS3 problems" and who are also active in reports such as "Post Hunt, Double post, Off Topic, etc" will be nominated and chosen to obtain this Grade

    I want advice you please be alert to the notifications that we will be giving in this week

    I wish you good luck and in recommendation read the rules first to know how to report ?

    I will check all reports that u make it ?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mr.SekA
    3. Blackfire


       snapper do not trust the ggays. They will betray you for a little  kiss :v

    4. Mr.SnaPeR
  10. V2 Text and effects!
  11. Everyone listen me

    I talked with Mr.Love about the problem that there are with some users in our team speak and also about the operating system in Linux, this is the answer:



    1. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      yes bro ty i see it 

  12. Master How are you? ? I missed Man :c I hope that everything is good

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. El L0rd

      El L0rd

      @#CeLTiXxX gracias , el STAFF es perfecto con Naudy , ace  , askor y todo otros hispanos. Tu sabe que hace , trabajo y trabajo solomante.

      Yo no sabe como dice i miss you en español pero i miss you. Y todo el otros.

    3. #Ace


      @El L0rd y @#CeLTiXxX ir a alquilar una habitación de Hotel y hacer el amor toda la noche

      @El L0rd realmente encontraste una esposa muy fea para casarte

    4. Blackfire



      hahahahahhahah xd

  13. Mano no te preocupes ya le dije a papi Mr.Love sobre el problema del ts3 y lo de los users linux y esta buscando una solucion :"3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      Te queemos de vuelta ahi mrc, @Ace. me va a volver loco pq no andas tu, el ts3 se va a morir pq ya casi no hay gente, en el foro pues es un desastre y esto tiene que  resolverse antes del domingo ?

    3. [N]audy


      se weon de paso como hago pa la meeting si no tengo ts3 -.-

    4. #CeLTiXxX


      exacto, por eso ese peo tiene que resolverse

  14. Cuando me peguntan como estan los mios aqui en CSBD (queriendonos joder) ? pa ellos



  15. Que desastre esa actualizacion del server TS3, ahora hay mas problemas de los que habian ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #Ace


      @#CeLTiXxX loves @#Wittels-

      Más feo couple 

    3. S I N X
    4. [N]audy


      Ace te extraño >:V
      odio esa actualizacion -.-  mi linux solo sirve la vieja version

  16. I think you didnt go on vacation...that's a spiritual retreat and you dont want to tell us anything :v :v

  17. I was sleeping for 12 hours in mode "hibernation" and when i woke up i saw 12536282 Fights and problems -.- Stop use Drugs

    1. Strix


      hahah so funny, personally i dont fight, i just say some truths about somebodies and they think am fighting xD

    2. Lock流
    3. #CeLTiXxX


      sometimes quiet is more violent :))

  18. first of all this type of help must be done privately, if you have a trustable member that can help you upload your addons that would be perfect, also if the addons have support for our community you can send a "Support ticket" and your problem will be solved as soon as possible. I recommend that dont give your access to the panel to any person (Untrustable) since your problem can become a much bigger one since they can tell you that they will help you, that they know about the problem and make the situation worse ... that is a piece of advice that i give u for security Topic closed!
  19. Fking Google -.-





    HAHAHHAHAHA That happen just now :V

    1. Lock流


      hahahahahahahahha ?

    2. Viceroy




  20. my net died for 2 days :") I hope that no one missed me ? Your daddy still here ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. #Ace


      AA i forgot about you :v

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      @Ace. I must say "OUCHH Man, hurts :c"


    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      dafaq what about our children Celtixx xd 

    1. Askor lml

      Askor lml

      hehe :v ste men xdxd

    2. Jose.


      de nada mi amor te los mereces

    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      i sent you 10 before xd 

  21. Memes of the night "Memes Venezuela" :3







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