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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by #CeLTiXxX

  1. Your drogged dancing bird was stolen and it's from the town now:))) 

    1. Gabi Papi

      Gabi Papi

      Yep I noticed rip birdie

    2. #CeLTiXxX


      Just buy another bird u are rich :V

  2. Im so so boring and when im boring i stalk some CSBD Profiles ¬¬ Dont catch me :V

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      its bored not boring feo ? 

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      I know but i like English spelling errors because im Bored* But i think sound better BoringPFFFFFFFFFFF


    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      IOh comeon dont be shy 

      I can teach you english only with 100  dollars ?

  3. Good Night Feos ?

  4. Perros estaba buscando un anime perron para ver cuando de repente :v

    Vi esto


    La descripcion no me gustaba cuando de repente llega a la parte de:

    lsGqrnO.png Y yo dije con eso SKEREEEEEE SE PRENDIOOO!!!!!!

    Y que creen que hice despues de ver eso, pues... xefe27x.png No veran a Celtix por un Buen rato xD @[N]audy xD

    1. #Ace
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      SHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thats a good anime for Kids ¬¬

    3. #Ace


      Yes but you pervert still :v

  5. I love the happy endings of @Mr.Love :)))))

    <18:42:33> "_Klay_" fue prohibido para 1 día en el servidor por "Mr.Love" (you are tired guys!)
    <18:42:36> "@SaLaH@11" ahora es conocido como "@SaLaH@"
    <18:42:41> "Mr.Love" ha agregado a "Mr.Gato666" al grupo de servidores "Moderator".
    <18:42:45> "Mr.Gato666" fue prohibido para 1 día en el servidor por "Mr.Love" (you are tired guys!)
    <18:437> "Mr.Love" ha agregado a "#Garrix" al grupo de servidores "Moderator".
    <18:43:11> "#Garrix" fue prohibido para 1 día en el servidor por "Mr.Love" (you are tired guys!)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HICHEM


      hahahahhahahahahahah @Mr.Love

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      @#Garrix deja lo amargado fue solo 1 dia -.-

    4. -Garrix


      sisa prro , pero tampoco voy a estar alegre :v

  6. Hey we are not your internet support! T/C
  7. It's been a long time since we last talked dear brother, since we worked together in WD, you know that you can still count on me for whatever you need and I would love to talk to you one of these days and remember the old days ? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      I had much work bro and i was bussy, but now im 100% here with all of you an te other problem was My internet connection because i didnt have :c Now i have 3 Internet in differents house ? #HackerMan

    3. PranKk.


      Hhh...  U have time for cs? 

    4. IceT


      One day we must plan one CS to play. All together for old days. 

      What you say guys? We organize one day? 

  8. y yo buscandote toda la tarde pero me imagino que andas viendo a todas esas waifus de tus animes y te andas sobrecargando el sable de tantas jaladas :v

  9. What are u doing? U are crying cuz u are "Feo"? Or you are paying for Girlfriends? :v

    1. #Ace


      Why you cryng all day of the week maybe cause u too ugly and your net dies cause of that

    2. #CeLTiXxX


      my god u are a monster, RIP Celtix :V

  10. I love my internet, I love my Internet, I love my Internet... I LOVE THIS fk shit INTERNET OMG 1 DAY WITHOUT INTERNET PFFFFFFF THIS IS AMAIZING!!! GUYS PLEASE DONT TRAVEL TO VENEZUELA OR TRY TO LIVE HERE, BECAUSE I WILL BECOME CRAZY AS ME:) Im searching right now in google, how to make a satellite internet with two brooms :v...

    Wish me Luck please!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. #Ace


      It's the other way around you work for me now or no internet :v

    3. #CeLTiXxX



    4. maykel.


      Haha, good luck :v

  11. Congratulations for all the members who got Upgrade, i wish you good luck and i hope that you continue with that great job ?

    1. Strix


      Thanks : )

    2. El L0rd

      El L0rd

      Vivo Venezuelans , vivo hispanos!

  12. Tu nisiquiera tenias porque caer en ese lio porque tu no les dijiste nada a ellos, simplemente ellos empezaron y tu reaccionaste. Esperemos Bro esto se resolvera :c

    1. G.O.G


      seee Hermano , pero esto apenas comienza jajaja , arriba los latinos .#Respect for Respect. 

  13. I think that u didnt deserve this ? Im rlly rlly angry fro this, i want to do something for u :c But i cant, we must wait bro dont worry im with you and my feo @Ace. too ?

    Yo pienso mano que no merecias eso, estoy e verdad muy molesto por todo esto, nisiquiera te dieron chance de hablar primero ademas tu no insultaste ni dijiste nada, quisiera hacer algo por ti, pero no puedo, nos queda es esperar :c

    1. BerZ@rkeD
    2. [N]audy


      se mano mano ellos insultan y nosotros obtenemos el suspend but eso la pagan mas adelante jurelo  :3

    3. BerZ@rkeD
  14. I hope that my internet dont leave me like my last girlfriend did, who left me for another: "lately people and things are abandoning me.

    ANYYWAYYYYY I hope my internet stay well Today:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #Ace


      He left him cause he is sooooo ugly that his net dies when he is at pc :V

  15. If you have access to that server, try to see if the server have the plugin (Galileo.amxx) because that plugin is for change the map system and check for intall that plugin in the server (check first if other plugin dont interfer in Galileo"s funtion and dont crash the server) The other option is try to show us more details about your problem in FTP of the server in addons/amxmod/logs and there u can see all the problems, bugs and crash from the server! Regards!
  16. I can dance as him but when i use Drug:), when im riding my intergalactic unicorn:3


    1. maykel.


      I can bielive u :v?

  17. Topic closed! Next time dont try to reply here many times for get more points!!! This is a Warn for All!
  18. New Twenty one Pilot"s SONG and New Album TRENCH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️?


  19. Topic closed! Thanks for all who replied here!
  20. ❤️❤️❤️ My Wife


    1. #CeLTiXxX


      Hey thats my wife not your -.-

    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      ugly like you ? 

  21. In these moments I cant imagine the amount of massive spam that should be coming to you with people in panic mode sending you "Mr.Love someone entered the forum and stole all the points, they are attacking us do something PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!!!" ? 

  22. Lol all the points had deleted -:v PFFFFFFFFF #WelcomeToThePoorEra:)

    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      xd ahhaa yeah point reset xd 

  23. AAAAAAAA!!!!!!! This internet"s problem make me crazy -.- PFFFFFFF 20 hours without internet, Celtix will die!:) 

    any recomendations?

    1. *CaRtoo'N™


      :v gracias we xd


  24. #TURNDOWNFORWHAT!!!!!!!!!!

    <21:47:00> "Mr.Gato1": gog
    <21:47:10> "Mr.Gato1": u can delete channels?
    <21:47:11> "G.O.G": yes ?
    <21:47:21> "Mr.Gato1": u can?
    <21:47:22> "G.O.G": sure i am the boos
    <21:47:31> "Mr.Gato1": try to delete mine
    <21:47:32> "#CeLTiXxX": :v
    <21:47:41> "Mr.Gato1": celtix also
    <21:47:45> "Mr.Gato1": try to delete
    <21:47:51> "Mr.Gato1": my channel
    <21:47:52> "#CeLTiXxX": why?
    <21:47:57> "Mr.Gato1": just try
    <21:48:14> "#CeLTiXxX": GOG tu primero
    <21:48:23> "#CeLTiXxX": nosotros le podemos hacer otro
    <21:48:34> "G.O.G": hahaha what's the trick ?
    <21:48:44> "Mr.Gato1": gog u tried?
    <21:48:44> "#CeLTiXxX": ¬¬
    <21:48:48> "#CeLTiXxX": he wanna our remove
    <21:49:03> "Mr.Gato1": YOU TRIED GOG?
    <21:49:17> "G.O.G": fail
    <21:49:30> "G.O.G": error en i_channel_needed_delete_power)
    <21:49:40> "Mr.Gato1": = )))))
    <21:50:00> "Mr.Gato1": <02:47:30> "G.O.G": sure i am the boos
    <21:50:04> "Mr.Gato1": hahah
    <21:50:44> "#CeLTiXxX": pff are u sure?
    <21:50:44> "#CeLTiXxX": :v
    <21:50:46> "#CeLTiXxX": but im inteligent
    <21:50:46> "Mr.Gato1": just try


    <21:55:11> The channel "Gato's Desk" was deleted

    <21:50:57> "G.O.G": jajajajajajaja lol
    <21:51:05> "#CeLTiXxX": gagahhahahahahha
    <21:51:13> "#CeLTiXxX": SKERE
    <21:51:20> "Mr.Gato1": wtf
    <21:51:35> "G.O.G": hahahahaha
    <21:51:41> "G.O.G": lol
    <21:51:42> "Mr.Gato1": howwww
    <21:51:46> "#CeLTiXxX": :vvvvvvvv
    <21:51:47> "Mr.Gato1": holly cow
    <21:51:54> "#CeLTiXxX": Im a wictcher
    <21:51:55> "#CeLTiXxX": witcher
    <21:52:00> "Mr.Gato1": create it again -_-
    <21:52:11> "#CeLTiXxX": :vvv
    <21:52:12> "Mr.Gato1": omg
    <21:52:13> "G.O.G": hahahaha not
    <21:52:27> "Mr.Gato1": i dont undrustand
    <21:52:30> "Mr.Gato1": how
    <21:52:52> "Mr.Gato1": celtix
    <21:53:05> "Mr.Gato1": create it again --


  25. While at Fenix"s Channel / Mientras tanto en el Canal Fenix :V

    <20:06:49> "G.O.G": haha que queremos dinero jaja
    <20:06:57> "#Wolfine": :v
    <20:06:58> "#Wittels-": jajajaja
    <20:07:03> "#Wolfine": Tengo en my paypal
    <20:07:06> "#CeLTiXxX": y mujeres
    <20:07:11> "#CeLTiXxX": :v
    <20:07:13> "#Wolfine": 5,9 dollars
    <20:07:15> "#Wittels-": ya tiene a wolfina
    <20:07:18> "#CeLTiXxX": sobre todo mujeres
    <20:07:21> "#Wittels-": tremenda caballota
    <20:07:21> "#Wolfine": wtf
    <20:07:26> "#Wolfine": Soy la Wolfi
    <20:07:29> "#Wolfine": no Wolfine
    <20:07:34> "#Wittels-": wolfina <
    <20:07:42> "#Wolfine": Wolfi Mariposa
    <20:07:42> "#CeLTiXxX": spgato
    <20:07:46> "#Wittels-": jajajaja
    <20:07:49> "#Wolfine": SOY WOLFI MARIPOSA MMGVO
    <20:07:52> "#Wolfine": NO WOLFINA
    <20:07:56> "#Wolfine": RESPETA BECERRO
    <20:07:57> "#Wolfine": !
    <20:07:57> "#CeLTiXxX": bergaaa
    <20:08:01> "#CeLTiXxX": ya se buggeo
    <20:08:17> "#Wolfine": se buggeo que?
    <20:08:22> "G.O.G": jajajajaj mmgva sea wn


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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