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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Nick: myCro Time: now Site: gametracker.rs Proof:
  2. Our pandas are back in the Christmas tree!


  3. Check out my avatar made by @King_of_lion!



    Free to wear if your name starts with M or request yourself one with a different color or a new letter!

  4. #newoldavatar



  5. A leader, once again, for a better future for our Design Project!

    Congrats and good luck!

    1. nanelu


      Thanks, be sure of that 😊

  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. Hello, would you like for your server to receive better periods for when his players are requesting avatars, signatures, banners? We are granting 50% off from the cooldown time between Requests at the GFX Project if your server has the most participants in special event! 1. Enter here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/17821-winter-festival/ 2. Participate acordingly in each topic 3. Leave a reply here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/371956-wf-for-my-server-special-prize/ Let there be snow for all of us!
  8. The winter is upon us!

    Winter Festival hosted by GFX Project welcomes you in our special "Shops" from where you can leave with avatars or special stories, you can craft yourself a list of wishes or describe your country traditions.

    In case you want something even more special we have prepared for you a special prize that you can obtain based on how much Snow you gather after leaving the Shop! Want to know what this mean?

    Come inside:


  9. #newtrack


  10. #newtrack

    1. HiTLeR


      Mrc ❤️ like lucifer song ❤️ 😍

  11. What changes would you make?


  12. #newtrack


    Volume: HIGH! Deep bass

    1. HiTLeR


      Amazing  😛 

  13. Check out this quizz!


    1. Amaranth



      You're amazing, Einstein!


      Confused Donald Trump GIF

  14. Clearing out of Dealer is good enough for us. Pro
  15. I will say it public and i will be honest with you, others are being divided on your request because of what you already know and of what you said. Even through i like to pull out wild cards and a person like you i would consider it a must in our team as you could set an example for others, you are having bad artworks and fabuluos artworks, from down to up and from up to down and in time i am sure you will start to do more and more unique and qualitative works than ever before. Accepted.
  16. congrats! Well diserve you creature! You are one hard working guy

    1. King_of_lion


      Thank you ❤️


  17. You can be part of a special segment called 'Web elements' which we could create for you as i am open for this regarding your exprience in general works(you still have to work on clarity, but i can not observe the fact that on some icons you did a really good job). I am pro for my idea, let's see the team oppinion.s
  18. congrats!

    1. Adriana


      Thank you very much Mycro!🧡

  19. Hello to you from the top of the romanian mountains


  20. pspspsps!



  21. Nominate your YEAR Favourite!!


  22. Special edition for awesome creations!


  23. Retirement from ZMOLDSCHOOL & NEWLIFEZM

    - Hello, in case you have missed or you wanna hear about it here, i have decided to retire from both ownership of the ZMOLDSCHOOL and NEWLIFEZM due for the fact that i do not have enough time for them and my responsabilitites will be passed to @Roselina ♣ flowers.


    It has been nice and wish you all the best.

    1. HiTLeR


      We will miss you bro love you ❤️ 

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