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Posted (edited)

First of all . Hello :)

it is supposed to be admins job is to organize the server by applying the rules . How can AFK Admins do that ? what is the benifits of an AFK admin ?

what is the benifits of an admin is active 24/7 but AFK . I suggest to modify the rules of activity . to become only NON-AFK Active Admins .. instead of "statues"

admins .. obv the activity minutes per day should be less mins than before because the admins will have pure Activity not just AFK


Thx for your Time .  


Edited by Lights_HunterDz

If there weren’t afk admins the server would never be full. So our server ZMNEWLIFE without afk admins wouldn’t be the best zm server in the world. Thats the benefit we get from those “statues”.

And we admins have school or work that we need to attend to. So it’s not like we don’t want to spend time in cs but we can’t.

I hope you will understand.


  • I love it 2
3 hours ago, dreen said:

If there weren’t afk admins the server would never be full. So our server ZMNEWLIFE without afk admins wouldn’t be the best zm server in the world. Thats the benefit we get from those “statues”.

And we admins have school or work that we need to attend to. So it’s not like we don’t want to spend time in cs but we can’t.

I hope you will understand.


Well said.?

  • I love it 2
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys its me >>> g0 pR0 >>> back on  zmnewlife , i was here 1 year ago and i had a moderator here on newlife , i requested Ciprian that when i come back can i get admin , he said yes , so can i get admin again?

Thank you 

>>> g0 pR0 >>>


Ciprian is no more part off the staff , if u want admin back prove that u wrilly want , play and make request , how you've been admin before u know the steps ;)

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Cripian isn't present or not in the staff anymore . i guess it's easier for old admins to ger back their acces . make a good activity in the server then make a request as usuall . good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ce faceți, sunteti bine?! Ce a pățit acest servar vad ca ati îmbolnăvit grav Newlifezm ... sunt in trecere pe aici si sunt total dezamăgit cand am fost eu founder aici spărgeam topul fara pic de boost.. pacat de sv asta daca o țineți asa inca 2 săptămâni va mai rămâne angelina si emma stone pe servar atat

Si adăugați addonas in napoi a lui mr.love ca d-aia sa distrus tot nu mai schimbați addonas.

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