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Everything posted by nanelu

  1. The teamspeak server is up now !

  2. The teamspeak server is down atm. The tehnic support from the hosting provider should fix it in no time, be patient :).

  3. Congrats @Adriana & @King_of_lion ! Santa has arrived for you :).

  4. I like your creativity, your ideas, but in the rest.. you need to improve a lot. I think we can make an exception, PRO.
  5. Happy birthday to all romanian members 😊. (1st december: Romania Birthday)

    1. Mr.Lucian


      La multi ani ! 🙂

    2. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      Happy birthday ❤️ 

  6. STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @myCro @Roselina ♣ flowers @-Dark Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @XZoro™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @Seuong PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @Lord Edward Gambler of the Year ➤ Dealer Of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT Journalist of the Year ➤ @Agent 47' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @Seuong VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @REVAN @robila Best V.I.P. ➤ @REVAN TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ The most active TS3 user ➤ The user who asked the most for rank ➤ The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love The best Administrator ➤ @axelxcapo The most AFK user ➤ + ++ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ StreetZM The most active (32/32) server ➤ The best Zombie server ➤ StreetZM The best Classic server ➤ LEGENDS The best Respawn server ➤ RSX MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active CsBlackDevil member(+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @AL_MAOT @Agent 47' Banned of the year ➤ @iportocalo.xd Loser of the year ➤ The member who dreams about ranks ➤ @King_of_lion Spammer of the Year ➤ The most social member ➤ @SKYFALL The most beautiful member ➤ The most appreciated member ➤ The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ @Mr.Love The richest member ➤ @Mr.Love The member who helped the most ➤ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ @The GodFather @myCro The friendliest member ➤ @Lord Edward @REVAN @Roselina ♣ flowers @myCro @-Dark @SKYFALL @axelxcapo @vagabond.
  7. Was there needed a request for that ? :)) PRO
  8. Salut, @gll_ ! Aici se expun doar cererile pentru gradele ce tin de forum. Te-as ruga sa cauti sectiunea serverului pe care doresti grad si sa faci o cerere acolo (ai un link catre lista cu serverele comunitatii mai jos). https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/120-counter-strike-16/
  9. Back in business :).

  10. Snow, Christmas Lights, Snow Flakes, what could be better than this ? ❤️

  11. Another update in Brawl stars (Bug Fixes and Balance Changes). All the informations, here: 



  12. A new background for the theme has been added. To choose it just click on the brush from the top of your window (image below)



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nanelu


      @Seuong look at the photo. (The location of my cursor).

    3. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      @nanelu Misunderstood, how you do a new background f theme 

    4. nanelu


      @Seuong using Photoshop 😂😂. Than just posted it on the theme update topic, Mr. Love added it 😊.

  13. Happy birthday m8 :).
  14. Brawl Pass Season 4 is out, here you have all the update (patch notes) :).



    1. Inkriql


      They are good updates, buy the pass





  15. If you are playing Brawl Stars I have a new announcement for you :). With the help of @Roselina ♣ flowers we just started a new project at GoG, the Brawl Stars project. I am waiting for your topics, but firstly let's see your accounts :).



    1. QeLi


      I started playing it again 1.5k trophies 🙃

      2.5k not 1.5k mistake

  16. After 1 month of GFX pause, here we go:



  17. Welcome in the staff ! If you have questions, you know where to ask it 🙂 

    1. ZuZuLiNa


      Thanks You so much🤗

  18. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. Salut, @kidor ! Inainte de a face o urmatoare cerere te-as ruga sa respecti criteriile impuse in topicul de mai jos, pe langa asta, pentru a avea sanse la functia de "Moderator" trebuie in primul rand sa te alaturi unui proiect (ex: GoG, Devil Harmony, GFX, etc). Pentru a face acest lucru ai o serie de sectiuni aici, insa te-as ruga sa respecti si criteriile de acolo (activitatea este pe primul loc ). https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/14654-staff-projects-apply/
  20. If you are interested in League of Legends and you want to take part of this project, you can make activity on the section below + make a GoG rank request mentioning me in it :). 



  21. League of Legends will have a cute update about the Prestige Points system, you better check it out :):



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