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Everything posted by shVury

  1. Well, in Journalists project you are doing a good job. In Design section i don't see a request without your reply with works. Keep your activity and you will have a good future. Please. ❤️❤️
  2. The Gamblers team is interested if you want casino bets about CSGO matches.
      • 2
      • I love it
  3. Happy Eid Mubarak everyone.

    1. shVury



    2. AymenGhost.


      happy eid brother ❤️ 

  4. shVury

    Video funny ツ

  5. I hope that too. Consider it as we will forget about that and let's go ahead, how much time it's all about just words but without proofs, we can't be sure. Enjoy.
  6. You have activity in both of them, forum & TS. And like you, loyal & good personality, i didn't meet many people. You deserve the chance.
  7. shVury

    Video funny ツ

  8. Video title : CS:GO FACEIT Level 10 Funny Moments #17 Content creator ( Youtuber ) : click Official YT video :
      • 1
      • Choco
  9. We would want to see members in our project who can wait few days to be accepted.
  10. For pending, in the next few days, improve the activity in TS3 more, we will spy you. Enjoy.
  11. Welcome in our community. When you will receive your rank, please check the topics from our private section. Have fun.
  12. In my opinion, i think you just want the rank. I hear from left and right certain things about you that disappoint me, that you were a good man. Before the big cleanup on teamspeak, from what I understood from the sources, you would have said that "Now I'm an administrator, I do what I want." + Antecedents of maximum 1 month ago, my opinion would be against you.
  13. Nice activity in Forum, also, we was teammates in Latin Recruit Team, you are a good guy. But please improve your activity in our TeamSpeak Channel in the next days, ly ❤️
  14. Congrats and welcome, feel comfy between us ❤️ 

    1. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      thank you soo much i hope i can be good enough 

  15. shVury

    Video funny ツ

  16. for Pending. In these days, try to improve your activity in our TS3 Channel (not afk) + Forum, being new, we wanna see what you are doing, we know how to spy people. Enjoy.
  17. More activity in our TS Channel, but pro for pending. Also choose 2 levels, not 1.
  18. Haters gonna hate, fake friends gonna be fake people❤️ 


    1. -Apex


      come to rats and shut up ?

    2. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯
    3. LosT贼


      Oof straju drunk again ... go to sleep

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