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Everything posted by shVury

  1. how i can receive points? without to be online in forum / from reactions by other poeple on my  comments

    1. shVury
    2. snapple.


      from reactions and starting posts

    3. Mr.Love




      Sunt o mulțime de modalitati prin care poti castiga puncte. 

      - postand

      - primind reactii la contentul tau

      - pariticipand in proiecte precum CASINO  sau QUIZZES


      Punctele pot fi si cumparate.

  2. i don't know what is in my mind ? 

  3. v2, is more better than v1, the text can be seen more easy.
  4. v2, text + blur
  5. ¤ Nume[/nickname]: Sebastian / V3r3. ¤ Vârsta: Am varsta de 14 ani.¤ ¤ Țară: Romania / UK. ¤ Ocupatie: Scoala. ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Sunt un baiat calm, serios, care rade mult, si care isi i-a treaba in serios. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: @Amaranth ¤ Jocuri preferate: Counter Strike 1.6, cateodata mai joc si GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer, ocazional. ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM / CS2.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM. ¤ O poză cu tine (optional):-
  6. felicitari de Global Moderator!

  7. Congratulations brohe ❤️

  8. Happy new Year!
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