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Everything posted by shVury

  1. Let's do something very very nice guys... is not hard ? 

  2. Video title : ? FUNNY MOMENTS, STUPID MOMENTS, EPIC FAIL WIN COMPILATION ?? Content creator ( Youtuber ) : https://www.youtube.com/user/CrazyEpicFailPranks Official YT video :
  3. shVury

    Video funny ツ

  4. v2 effect text and clearing
  5. Welcome bro!
  6. @robila and @YaKoMoS
  7. spune-mi si mie unde imi fac banlist pentru zmoldschool =))

    1. Qween


      Iti dau link-ul pe ts :))

    2. shVury
  8. hey i have a problem, i can't GET OUT from my mind this music


    what can i do? =))))



  9. WingMan - 60 wins - Master Guardian 2
  10. ba intri putin pe server de overwatch sa ne schimbi mapa pe dust2?


    1. robila


      Nu am laptopul acum

      screen GIF

    2. shVury


      vino ts putin am cv de vorbit cu tn, acum


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