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Everything posted by shVury

  1. I think the best nemesis player of CSBD is @Luanhyx. and @Nexy
  2. Happy Valentine's Day Brothe!
  3. hello bro, can we speak little bit when you have time on ts3?


  4. hai ca n-ai castigat mare giveaway de 5k points, mda csf gg, macar acum am mai multe puncte ca tine, hah 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. robila


      habar n-am, nu am laptopul dupa mine acum, cauta pe acolo sau vorbeste cu un administrator 

    3. shVury


      am gasit, mi-a explicat qween ? 

    4. robila


      sa ii spui sa-mi scrie pe insta 

  5. Super fain jocul Wormax2, mersi ca mi mi-ai aratat, acum stiu ce fac cand vreau sa ascult muzica si n-am ce ma juca :))

    1. Mr.Love


      Creeaza dependenta. Ai grija!

    2. Mr.Love


      Eu am ajuns in liga a12a

    3. shVury


      :)) nu e problema

  6. finally after 5 years i have profile songs =)))

  7. Mhm... something it's weird here xD


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crimson :x

      Crimson :x

      some using hax :'D

      becuz other team leave...

      when other team leave that mean one of your teammate using hax *.*

    3. shVury


      @Crimson :x 


      Nope :)), only... they start to shot and kill each other, and last 2 enemys, 1 request kick vote, he got kicked :))

      and last one has start to kill the bots and got cooldown on MM =)))))

    4. Crimson :x

      Crimson :x

      then we can say they just Silvers ?

  8. v2 effect & text
  9. v2 effect & text
  10. boss ce inseamna "snaima" ca i-ai dat brain damage lui @Naser DZ

    1. robila


      eu i-am dat? Nici nu stiu ce e???

  11. Buna, rose, se poate medalia de 5 win-uri? mersi frumos ❤️ 





    1. Aysha


      da, ma ocup azi 

    2. shVury


      Yey multumesc

  12. *DRAMA*


    Today, i played with this player (@Naser DZ) and he played DIRTY. (SAD MOMENT)




    My good friend @LycaNiaN challenged him a battle, and he DESTROYED him, thank you very much ❤️ 



    1. LycaNiaN
    2. shVury


      not lucky bro =))

      only he forced you to don't camp and to don't play awp hahahah, you need to learn more to be better

    3. LycaNiaN


      @Naser DZ, if you want we will make another ? .

  13. Classic or respawn, good for warm up ❤️
  14. Someone with good ping (not over 100) battle against me? ? (first time check your ping, after reply to status if u want battle (u have here the server https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/



  15. Congrats bro!

    1. robila


      Mersi mult ❤️ 

  16. if you see this comment tomorrow you will be happy ? 

  17. hello, how are you today? ? 

    1. Lexman.


      Hi, Very Fine.

    2. robila


      Still cold ? 

  18. Hello from school, know someone from where I can download music? For profile, thx ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yuujirou


      hello . how are you doing 

      the easy way how to put music profile Click.here 

    3. jayden™


      just type on google youtube to mp3 file just copy and paste the link and convert it goes to your files upload it to the profile song 

      job done! ? 

    4. Crimson :x
  19. #cleanorcheat?

    You got banned unfairly on a server? You consider yourself clean and want to convince that server administrative team that they are wrong?


    You have a colleague that cheats? You registred some gaming moments on a player and can't decide if it's clean or cheat?


    Post the .demo or video link here! NOW


  20. Hello from school!

    1. robila


      At that time I came back from school ? 

  21. Salut, stii cumva cand se vor deschide restul de quiz-uri? am facut si eu 3, vreau sa incerc sa termin mai multe ? 

  22. hey clan! today i'm happy

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