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Naser DZ

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Naser DZ last won the day on May 22 2020

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  1. ***SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS** ـــــ: :ᎷᎥᏁᎥᎷᏌᎷ : :ـــــ OS: 64 bit Windows 10 / 8 / 7 Graphics: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD FX-8150 3.6GHz or equivalent Storage: 4 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard ------------------------------------ ــــ: :ᎡᎬᏨᏫᎷᎷᎬᏁᎠᎬᎠ: :ـــــ ------------------------------------ OS: 64 bit Windows 10 / 8 / 7 Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2 GHz / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X 3.6GHz Graphics: GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon HD 7950 3GB VRAM* Storage: 8 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard ↑ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ ㄨ FULL TITLE → REVIEW Metal Max Xeno Reborn ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ▅ ▆ ▇ ❶ BACKGROUND PHOTO GAME ❶ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ▅ ▆ ▇ ❷ GAME DEFINITION ❷ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ Metal Max Xeno Reborn is certainly unique in the JRPG sphere, taking place in the crappiest imaginable future. Humanity developed a super-AI called NOAH to help us with all the destruction we were wreaking on the natural environment. NOAH decided that humanity was the problem and went to work wiping us out. I have to say, that’s fair enough. That would probably be the most efficient way of fixing things. The AI absolutely stomped all over humanity’s collective butt. Then it stomped some more. Just as it’s lined up to shove its foot all the way in, Talis (or whatever you name him) shows up and suddenly becomes the savior of all humanity. What’s left of it, anyway. Which isn’t a lot. Your goal is simple; NOAH’s ultimate weapon, the Catastropus (I am absolutely not making that up), is primed to take out Iron Base, one of the final strongholds of humanity. Talis needs to find some weapons and some people to use them, and stop it. ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ▅ ▆ ▇ ❸ GAMEPLAY PHOTO ❸ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ▅ ▆ ▇ ❹ GAMEPLAY INFO ❹ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ Refreshingly, Metal Max Xeno Reborn is rather light on narrative. I’ve grown accustomed to JRPGs beating me over the head with exposition, so it’s nice to find one that gets its point across and leaves you to your own devices. In Metal Max’s case, your devices are tanks. Forget magic and enchanted swords, you’ve got tanks. You find a tank in the very next room that you start in, and while there are plenty of sections where you need to get dust on your boots, most of the action is from the armored safety of a tank. Some of the most exciting moments in the game are when you come across new tanks out in the desert and most of the combat strategy involves putting the right armaments on your vessel and finding the most effective way to fill the air with them. Indeed, in the midst of battle, there’s little flexibility. It’s a mix between real-time and turn-based, but hiding behind things never really got me far. Instead, it’s best to equip for your enemy’s weaknesses and then try to hurl as much pain their way as you can before it strips the steel off your tank. ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ▅ ▆ ▇ ❺ GAMEPLAY PHOTO ❺ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ▅ ▆ ▇ ❻ SOME STAGE INFO ❻ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ You’re left to figure out a lot of things on your own. While I frankly prefer this over being overloaded with information early on, I have to wonder how many things I overlooked because the information I was provided on it was insufficient. Some weapons seem underpowered or innocuous, but maybe that’s just from a stat standpoint and they have some special function that isn’t stated. The arsenal in Metal Max Xeno Reborn is dizzying, and I simply don’t have the interest in testing out everything individually. The storyline is going to be off-putting to some. The narrative itself is incredibly basic and doesn’t feature much at all in terms of twists and terms. A lot of the heavy lifting is done by the backstory, which you pick up in bits and pieces. While it’s rather to the point, I found it to be strangely engaging. An apocalypse caused by man’s hubris is hardly a new perspective, but there’s this resigned “we probably deserved it” underlying everything. It’s a dark, almost humorous cynicism. It tickles me greatly that the overall backstory is the tale of a colossal screw-up, then when our backs were against the wall, we continued to screw up. There’s an assortment of party members to pick up, but while some of them are interesting enough, interacting with them isn’t. As you work with them, their lines of dialogue in the base change and you get more of their back story. That’s about it, though. There’s very little interaction, you just talk to them until there’s world-ending sex. ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ ▅ ▆ ▇ ❼ GAMEPLAY PHOTO ❼ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴☴ SOURCE : https://www.destructoid.com/reviews/review-metal-max-xeno-reborn-pc-ps4-switch/ ⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔⁔ ◥VIDEO TRAILER◤
  2. ammmmmmmmmmmmmina l3ziza ta3i tw7chtkttttttt

    amina l9*ba ❤️

    1. #Em i[N]O'

      #Em i[N]O'

      Nasira 7obi ❤️❤️ hata ani rja3t 3ala 5atrik 

      I miss U my Girl 😂😂😂

    2. #Em i[N]O'

      #Em i[N]O'

      Mazel 3ayech nta 😂😂

    3. Naser DZ

      Naser DZ

      خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ والله توحشتك ا خويا عندك بزااف ماكش تجي حتى و انا ثان راهم غير اطفال بالكرتون الاخضر هذاك راهم يدورو . مهم وش خبارك هاذي غيبة خخخخخ نتي لي حي ولا ميت مش انا ❤️


    مبروك  يا جدع على مقولة @laZa RoV ™ 😂😂

    1. King_of_lion


      ahh, nasser still in the life. thx!. i missed you bro ❤️


  4. عندك صبر ايوب يا شكوبي مازلت قاعد 😂😂😂😂😂

  5. A blessed Eid to all people and Muslims, may God accept from us and from you the good of deeds

    عيد مبارك لكل الناس و المسلمين تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الاعمل


    1. HoldFire 流

      HoldFire 流

      alinaa walikkk ya kho ❤️ 

    2. Hamza.


      3lina w 3lik lik wa7cha -_- ❤️ 

    3. Hamza.


      tw7shtk naser wink

  6. khoya tewahachtak ❤️

    1. Naser DZ

      Naser DZ

      ytw7chk lkhair bro ❤️ thanks

  7. wachmen sv rakom fih?

    1. Naser DZ
    2. KingSlayer


      naser nta tel3ab f les sv if yes 9oli bach nel3ab m3ak.

    3. KingSlayer


      im new here so sorry if i ve breaked any rules.

  8. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Naser DZ

      Naser DZ

      Lik wa7cha a black makch tban ga3 ❤️

    2. Blackfire


      Ana wahid hna li maytbanach permanently. Parce que 3indi hsab 9dim M3a love. 

    3. Naser DZ
  9. Mabrook ya l3zba . gotlk tadih ❤️

    1. Shyloo


      Merci l3ziz , ma bro ♥

  10. adkholl ts ya nasiraaa 

    ayaa adkhol nahder m3akk ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shyloo


      Nsira mats7ayech wsh 9otlek !!!!!! od5li el ts nooooooooooooooow

    3. Shyloo


      atcho fb nta3ek

    4. Destrix


      akholl wlh 9aa nikek aya adkhol srx kho rani ana w nta w shylo ngasrou chwiyaa w ranii ma7tajekk nahder m3akk 

  11. Miss u brother ❤️ 

  12. welcome back to your account ugly ❤️

    1. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      bla hla ya ghaĺlllle, 3amel aye ystaaaa 

  13. Take Care Bro , wish to you all best to your personal life 🙂

  14. lik wa7cha ya bro ❤️ , wikta m3awel targ3 



      Wech ya hobi cv :). Rani nfeker irja3 soon after I finish some problems first. We will be tegether. ❤️


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