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Everything posted by REVAN

  1. Jim Carrey Reaction GIF

    1. pulse.exe
    2. pulse.exe


      lasa ma nu vezi ca sufar sunt membru

    3. REVAN
  2. wdym that's the best border to ever be created

    jim carrey GIF

  3. Hello, now that the requests are open, you can do your activity. After some time, @Nexy or I will reach to your request again to give you a final decision.
  4. Hello, since you said you are starting your contribution, I would like to give you some time, so you prioritize your time and be more active. (Since the requests are now working again).
  5. GFX under meintenance (for now)

    Sad Pauly D GIF by A Double Shot At Love With DJ Pauly D and Vinny


  6. The hate is real



    ricky gervais laughing GIF

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flenn.


      how is that supposed to be a hate senna noobie

    3. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      @REVAN i won't answer you but take care of yourself 

      @Nexy first time you say something true. 


      #STAY HOME 💪


    4. REVAN


      @Flenn. There's always a story behind everything, even if not many people know about it.

      @#EVIL BABY You don't need to.

  7. REVAN

    Nice cover

    Meme Think GIF

    1. Nexy


      thank you 

    2. Dark


      Thx my amore ❤️😎

  8. REVAN




    Jim Carrey Reaction GIF

    1. Sinan.47


      Gay Never die xD 

    2. Adriana


      JAJAJAJAJAJA! Congratulations loser.

    3. Flenn.


      the simp of the year @REVAN

  9. Check out the Cyberpunk 2077 border I made:



    dex cp2077 GIF by Cyberpunk 2077

    1. walker™


      damn nice one 

    2. YaKoMoS


      still need to improve...



    Well, that's a new one

  11. New wallpaper I made cause I played too much Assassin's Creed lately and I was bored


    1. Nexy


      got a girl and my girl got a girl too 

      Jimmy Fallon Dancing GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    2. REVAN


      Damn, play next song, u gonna like it

    3. NANO


      REVAN still alive 😘 

  12. REVAN

    I'm not proud, but I'm glad. I am here for you, as always.


    Crushing I Love You GIF by filmeditor

  13. I hope everyone will have peace and good luck from me. Stay healthy and positive and always think twice before doing something. Even if I don't have a rank I'll still be around and watching you guys. If you need something, either informations or support form me, you can find me via PM.


    May we meet again.


    Jake Gyllenhaal Goodbye GIF by MOODMAN

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AL_MAOT


      #revan4ever ❤️ 

    3. olee


      everyone need's a long break , so take it bruh! stay healthy

  14. Only designers are allowed to vote! Avatar with a complex text with the same dominant colour Signature with multiple effects, giving the fact that the image is simple
  15. Following these images, please create: Avatar with a complex text with the same dominant colour Signature with multiple effects, giving the fact that the image is simple. You must put a text (besides the watermark) but the choice is yours. Give me a PM with then when you're ready.
  • Create New...

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