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Strix last won the day on July 4 2023

Strix had the most liked content!

About Strix

  • Birthday 01/08/2002


  • Gender
    Not Telling

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  1. mazal 3ayesh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    1. Blackfire


      Ha7na khay Gato kanslko m3a had 9awm 

      Twhchnak asa7bi ghborat Hadi 

  2. salam sahbi hh

  3. where did my old friends go

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Strix


      i love you all, i appreciate every csblackdevil member, unforgettable memories were made together, yall will forever be in my heart

    3. Blackfire


      Sup bro long time no see 

      Twhchnak :33

    4. Flenn.


      yoooo sup

  4. Hi uwu

    1. Nyx.


      Mr gaattttttoo, u remember me? Hh

  5. bruhh you are finally free

  6. what happened?


  7. current gold 2 euw server, platine 4 season 9
  8. hey papiiiii how's life going? mine SUCKS, we've got the same number of posts, what a cool coincidence :3
    i miss u papa : )

    1. Gabi Papi

      Gabi Papi

      oh hey bro, I been good man, and its bad to hear that your life isnt good lel, I hope it will get better. I miss csbd and everyone ?

  9. hey familly, i hope yall doing okay

    i actually need a designer for a logo remake, i can pay money ! 

    1. .BOSS.


      Welcome gato 

  10. hi everyone, its me, gato, i hope everyone is doing well : )

    1. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Hello Mr. Gato ! ??

  11. #Ace

    Thanks for the points ugly :v

  12. heeeeeeeeeeeeeey duuuuuude 

  13. all members english sucks here, even ts guard:
    <00:40:11> "CSBD Guard" vous envoie un poke : [INFO] Please calm down. I will give you the ban for 5 minutes.

    1. olee


      we are not company to speak perfect english language 
      shock wtf GIF by Nick Jonas

    2. Blackfire


      Frankly is same We're like Company Our Work and your is Helping Community And bring New ideas and things can help us.. We are presenting A big Community we must speak English perfectly and clearly. New Costumer's comes from different Places World They don't know Romania Or Albania. Only Possible Language to Communicate with other is English my friend.

      Don't act like smart. Strix don't have time to reply to such stupid reply s like this

      By the way one question.is that what anakonda teatch u? Huh really shame!.

  14. Congratulations T-Series!
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