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Everything posted by Dark

  1. The Minister of Development and Social Inclusion, Ariela Luna, estimated that the registration platform to receive the Universal Bonus of 760 soles will be available from Saturday, May 9. He specified that this platform will be to register all those people who have not been benefited with the bonds that the Government has already delivered, such as the yomequedoencasa, the independent bond and the rural bond. “For this we are designing a digital platform where people are going to be able to register with their name, their DNI and their home. This platform must be released between May 9 and 10, so that all people who are not in the other bases data, ”he said in RPP. In this way, he said that the Government will have a general registry of the country's homes, which will allow applying the policies to face the coronavirus pandemic. Minister Ariela Luna, specified that the bonus that the Government provides is per household and not per person. “I want to make sure that the bonus is per household. If my home received the independent bond or if my father received the bond and I am 25 years old, and I live with my parents, I will not receive it, ”he said. "Then, households that have not received any bonus so far, will be able to register on this platform in such a way as to make a full registry," he reiterated.
  2. Game Information Initial release date: September 16, 2019 at 7:43PM PDT Developers: Snapshot Games, Gollop Games Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PC Children of Morta is a game about family. Mechanically, it's a satisfying dungeon crawler where you grind through bad guys, level up your characters, and unlock better abilities so that you can face off against a series of increasingly difficult bosses. But really, at its heart, it's a compelling game about what it means to be a part of a family, and how being surrounded by loved ones can make you a better, stronger person. The Bergson family, six of whom you're able to play as, is made up of warriors, mages, and inventors all tasked with holding back the Corruption--which has, at the game's opening, started to spread across their homeland. Their house sits atop a shrine, and to battle against the evil forces of the demonic Ou they need to travel through portals and conquer dungeons, in order to awaken three spirits that can guard against the Corruption. It's a cliched fantasy setup, but Children of Morta makes the most of its tropes by making sure that you're invested in the Bergsons and their plight. Between runs of the dungeons, you're treated to cutscenes and vignettes of the family interacting with one another, and you get to know the beats of their lives and what they get up to when they're not enduring dungeons. You start with two playable characters, family patriarch John and his eldest daughter Linda, but the other four are introduced within the game's opening half. Seeing them train and grow in cutscenes, and getting a sense of their place within the family, means that you're already attached to the characters before you get your hands on them. Gameplay in Children of Morta involves battling your way through hordes of enemies to reach each dungeon's boss, exploring thoroughly and nabbing as many temporary boosts as you can along the way. Each character has three main abilities they'll unlock as they level up: a standard attack that can be used continuously, a special attack with a cooldown, and a more defensive ability (although some of these can still do damage). The combat isn’t necessarily super deep, but it’s a lot of fun thanks to some extremely satisfying animation and the strategic possibilities that become available as you level up. Dungeons consist of multiple levels and are generated anew each time you enter, so finding the entrance to the next level will always require some exploration. Occasionally I’d find myself frustrated when the path to the exit ended up being very elaborate, but this also kept the game feeling fresh when some dungeons took a long time to clear. There's an imbalance between the number of melee and ranged characters--four melee to two ranged--which is a shame, because playing the ranged characters changes the rhythm of the game significantly by encouraging a slower, more thoughtful playstyle, and only having two of them feels like a missed opportunity. I found that Linda (who uses a bow and arrow) was the character I most often managed to beat bosses with, since so many bosses are primed to punish you for getting too close, and I would have loved to have another option beyond her and Lucy, the family’s youngest daughter. Each character plays differently, and you'll no doubt have your favorites. Lucy can shoot a continuous wave of fireballs while standing still, and can be upgraded to withstand three hits without damage; Kevin, the youngest son, can dramatically increase his speed and strength by building up "rage" with continuous knife attacks, but he needs to get very up-close to do so before using his power of invisibility to get out of danger. Some characters are less interesting; for the life of me I can't figure out how to make Joey, who swings a huge hammer, effective. But it's still fun trying out a character you haven't played for a few runs and getting into the groove with each of their distinct rhythms. You need to switch characters regularly, too, as any member of the family who is used too many times in a row begins to suffer from corruption fatigue, which lowers their overall health until they're given time to recover. Each member of the family can also unlock new abilities that benefit every other family member as they level up (like higher rates of critical attack or even assists in certain situations), and later abilities in their skill trees can be very useful--I initially dismissed John for being too slow but found his shield and wide swing arc extremely useful later in the game, and was ultimately glad that the game encouraged me to use every character and discover their strengths (in five cases out of six, at least). The plot's focus on the family, paired with the tremendous art and beautiful animation, makes it easy to love the Bergsons. Lucy is so full of energy that she'll jump in the middle of her run animation (which doesn't interrupt your pathfinding at all but adds personality to her sprite), while eldest son Mark's Naruto-style run is a perfect complement to his martial arts fighting style. Charming touches like this are everywhere, and they give the characters more personality. You feel those unique traits come through in combat, too; there are few things more satisfying than seeing Kevin shimmer with rage and rip through a huge mob of enemies. And as with any family gathering, Children of Morta will encourage and then test your patience. It's a grind-heavy game; it was very rare for me to beat a dungeon on my first shot, as most required that I level up and learn the boss' attack patterns, which requires storming through the dungeon to get to them a few times. You can get away with running right past most enemy mobs, but to stand a chance against the boss at the end, you want to be armed with powerful buffs, and growing stronger requires farming experience and gold to unlock new abilities and improve your stats. However, it takes a long time for the grind to start wearing you down. The combat is meaty and intense, and the allure of growing stronger is so compelling that dealing with huge crowds and collecting all the gold they spill can hold your attention for hours. There's a sharp increase in difficulty right at the end, but I could always identify what had gone right--which fights I'd avoided, which charms I'd made use of, how I'd thought about my character's relative strengths and weaknesses to the boss--and adjust my strategies accordingly to continue to do well. The grind helped make me a better player, instead of simply acting as a level gate. There are special buffs that are only active for that session, and you have a much better chance of beating the boss if you go in after thoroughly exploring the dungeon and powering up. There are many different kinds of buff you can unlock, some temporary, some permanent; I found that I did far better against bosses when I went in with a lot of them active. You can find the various items and objects that make you more powerful throughout each dungeon, or buy them from shopkeepers that pop up, and I found myself getting excited whenever I found a good combination. Going up against a boss that has beaten you several times, now armed with a combination that you think will give you an advantage, is a great feeling. Your dungeon runs are also broken up by numerous subquests that can appear throughout each dungeon, which expand on the game's lore, introduce new NPCs, and result in significant upgrades or rewards. A few even have major narrative impact--there are a series of quests early on that end with the Bergsons adopting and raising an adorable puppy, for instance. But if one dungeon is really giving you grief, eventually it can feel like the game's ready for you to move on before you're ready yourself--you'll stop getting cutscenes and character vignettes after missions, and you'll find that you've run out of subquests to complete. But then, the feeling of eventually taking down a boss that was troubling you is extremely satisfying, especially knowing that you're going to get more lovely character moments as you try to beat the next one.
  3. The Executive Branch approved the resumption of economic activities gradually and progressively in four phases in the framework of the health emergency by COVID-19. Through Supreme Decree No. 080-2020-PCM, published in the standards bulletin of the newspaper El Peruano, it is established that the aforementioned phases will be permanently evaluated in accordance with the recommendations of the National Health Authority. Thus, Phase 1 begins in the month of May 2020, and corresponds to the activities: Mining and industry, construction, services and tourism, and commerce. Mining and industry 1. Exploitation, processing, storage, transportation and closure of mines in the stratum of large-scale mining and hydrocarbon projects under construction of national interest. 2. Inputs for agricultural activity. 3. Industrial fishing (indirect human consumption). 4. Temporary production: expired and expiring purchase orders (exports). 5. Glass, forestry (timber or non-timber), paper and cardboard, plastics and ice industries expansion of textiles and clothing, machinery and equipment. 6. Metalworking industry 7. Basic chemical substances and fertilizer and complementary services to agriculture (for essential activities). Building 8. Projects of the National Infrastructure Plan for Competitiveness (PNIC). 9. Projects of the Authority for Reconstruction with changes (ARCC) 10. 56 projects in the Transport and Communications Sector. 11. 36 sanitation works. 12. Agricultural infrastructure activities (irrigation, maintenance, rehabilitation of drains, among others). 13. Priority real estate projects (excavation phase, structures and finishes, and housing in rural areas). 14. Agricultural products (rental / sale of machinery) 15. Investments in Optimization, Marginal Expansion, Rehabilitation and Replacement (IOARR), access to water and sewerage in police stations, hospitals and schools. 16. Industries and services related to construction. Services and tourism 17. Restaurants and related authorized for home delivery (with own logistics of the establishment and security protocol and pick up locally) 18. Categorized hotels and tourist transportation for essential activities. 19. Services related to telecommunications 20. Complementary services to agriculture. 21. Services provided to companies (IT support and professional services, knowledge service exports) 22. Notary services 23. Recycling services. 24. Maintenance services of equipment related to buildings and homes (pumps, hot springs, elevators, plumbing, electrician, carpentry, among others) 25. Storage services of: Fertilizers and agricultural raw materials, plastic articles, glass, paper, cardboard, wood saw, ice for activities in general. Commerce 26. Marketing of agricultural products 27. Electronic commerce of goods for the home and related. Health protocols The norm specifies that the competent sectors of each activity included in the phases of the resumption of activities will publish in their institutional portals the "Sectoral Health Protocols", within a maximum period of five calendar days from the entry into force of this Decree. Supreme. Likewise, such sectors will approve by means of a ministerial resolution the “Criteria for territorial targeting and the obligation to report incidents”, among them, the detection of COVID-19 cases; as well as coordination with Regional Governments and Local Governments, within the framework of their respective powers. The specific supreme decree that prior to the restart of activities, entities, companies or natural or legal persons that are permitted for this purpose, must observe the "Guidelines for the surveillance of the Health of workers at risk of exposure to COVID-19" of the Minsa and the Sectoral Protocols. Registration and supervision This with the aim of preparing their "Plan for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 at work" and proceed to its registration in the Integrated System for COVID-19 (SICOVID-19) of the Ministry of Health. The competent sectors of each activity will have access to SICOVID-19 in order to verify who is enrolled and to be able to immediately notify the Health Authority, SUNAFIL and the Local Governments, in those cases where the enrollment involves activities or companies that It is not their responsibility to initiate activities, as well as to be able to monitor and supervise other registered and authorized cases.
  4. These are the latest news LIVE about the evolution of the Coronavirus in Peru TODAY. Confirmed cases, number of deaths from COVID19 and all the information on Coronavirus Cases, quarantine and curfew in regions of Peru according to the press conference of President Martín Vizcarra today, Friday May 1, day 47 of quarantine. 15:35 Magdalena: biosecurity protocols in the main market are extreme to avoid infections In order to reinforce control and health actions in the Magdalena market, the Municipality and the administrators of the supply center used extreme biosecurity protocols for each entry to the supply center, as a preventive measure to avoid eventual contagions. of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Neighbors and visitors must go through a series of preventive measures implemented such as control of capacity through queues, hand washing, application of gel, measurement of body temperature by paramedical personnel and disinfection of shoes. 15:23 70th edition of El Mundialito del Porvenir will not be played by the coronavirus (PHOTOS) The Mundialito de El Porvenir, the traditional fulbito tournament that has been held in the La Victoria district every May 1 since 1950, will not be held this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. In its 70th edition, the organizers of the po[CENSORED]r street championship, which has its origins in the celebrations for Labor Day, decided to cancel the event to respect the state of emergency established by the Government in order to prevent the spread of COVID- 19. 15:12 Former Vraem combatant released after defeating coronavirus at Dos de Mayo hospital After 12 days of fighting, retired sergeant Maikol Awananch Ugrum (29) managed to defeat the coronavirus. The ex-combatant from the Valley of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro Rivers (VRAEM), was bedridden at the Dos de Mayo National Hospital and was now discharged. Maikol Awananch served in the Valley of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro rivers (VRAEM) from 2011 to 2013 and hails from the native Awajun community of Yutupis (Amazonas), he never let his guard down and fought the disease to the end.
  5. L7vNpU6.png


    esos si eran amigos de verdad csmr

    1. Inkriql


      y quien te pregunto?

    2. --Alien--
    3. Ru-gAL.™


      y quien te pregunto ?x2 :V

  6. Coronavirus in Peru. The pandemic that afflicts millions of people in the world, could have an end of increase in contagions in the coming months. The University of Singapore conducted a study and they have a tentative date where the spread of infected finally stops. Peru is included in this study, which has been attracting the attention of many users, since it also has a predictive date. According to the table shown on its website, our country would see the end of this pandemic on July 31. "The SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered) model is returned with data from different countries to estimate the pandemic life cycle curves and predict when it might end in the respective countries and the world," the website notes. Despite the fact that the data is updated daily, the team supports the following: "Website is STRICTLY ONLY for educational and research purposes and may contain errors. Model and data are inaccurate to complex, evolutionary and heterogeneous realities from different countries". On the other hand, according to the projection provided on social networks, in the world, COVID-19 would end on May 30, at 97% and on December 1 it should be at 100%. To see in detail the other figures that the University of Singapore communicates, check out the following Link. When does the coronavirus end in Peru? University of Singapore projects the date of the end of the pandemic to July 31, 2020. When does the coronavirus end in the United States? University of Singapore projects the date of the end of the pandemic on September 13, 2020.
  7. The Ministry of Health reported that, as of April 27, Peru has 773 beds enabled in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for COVID-19 patients nationwide, of which 598 are occupied with patients requiring mechanical ventilation and 175 ICU beds are available. In the situational room of the Ministry of Health, the detail of the ICU beds in use and those available in the health subsystems such as EsSalud, private, Minsa, Regional Government and the Armed and Police Forces are indicated. It should be noted that at the beginning of the State of Emergency, the country had only 100 ICU beds and thanks to the purchase, donation and recovery of equipment, more beds continue to be enabled throughout the country. An ICU bed is one that, in addition to the bed, has a mechanical ventilator, infusion pumps, a monitor and trained and protected healthcare personnel. Five criteria must be met to be counted as an ICU bed. All of the UCI beds, as well as their expansion throughout the country, are in charge of the COVID-19 National Operations Command in coordinated work with the subsystems.
  8. The President of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, reported that the number of positive cases amounted to 27,517. This figure corresponds to the sum of positive cases detected by molecular (12,725) and rapid tests (14,792). In addition, the death toll amounted to 728. The Minsa reported that as of April 26 samples have been processed for 232,747 people by COVID-19. Altogether there were 51,316 molecular tests and 181,431 rapid tests. To date, there are 3,632 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, of which 554 are in the ICU with mechanical ventilation. Lima continues to be the region with the highest number of infected to date with 17, 884. It is followed by Callao (2615), Lambayeque (1602), Piura (790), Loreto (786), Ancash (506), La Libertad ( 503), Arequipa (396), Ucayali (349), Ica (284), Junín (284), Tumbes (250), Cusco (182), Huánuco (167), San Martín (151), Cajamarca (128), Madre de Dios (94), Moquegua (92), Pasco (78), Amazonas (78), Puno (69), Tacna (68), Apurímac (68), Ayacucho (53) and Huancavelica (40). The president said that in the last week the average of people sampled a day amounted to 12 thousand. “There is not a single country in South America that has done so many tests. It is difficult for a country to have even reached 100,000, ”he said, referring to the tests carried out by the country, which as is known is the sum of molecular and serological tests. Vizcarra recalled that next week 800,000 additional rapid tests and another 350,000 molecular tests arrive in Peru. "The positive cases, a week ago were 15,600. We have increased an average of almost 1,700 cases daily. What reflection does this leave us? That these new people have been infected a week or two before, in the midst of a State of Emergency, surely because they did not respect the distance of one meter when they went to do their shopping in the market, "said the president.
  9. K5D32ig.png


    bad net ://// 

  10. The National Children's Health Institute (INSN) reported on Thursday that 23 workers from the Breña headquarters tested positive for the new coronavirus after performing 597 rapid tests. According to the INSN Epidemiology Department, of the total rapid discard tests, 574 were negative. "Of the total of positive samples, 16 correspond to personnel from the Nutrition Area. All positives have been placed in isolation," he said in a statement. Likewise, the INSN reiterated its commitment to the care of its patients and the safeguarding of the integrity of its professional and technical assistance personnel. According to the Ministry of Health, 12,491 positive results of the COVID-19 are registered in the country and 274 deaths due to the new coronavirus.
  11. WE NEED NEW ADMINISTRATORS, SOMEONE WHO HAS EXPERIENCE? I need 2 co-owner, 5 elder, 3 semi-elder, someone consults me privately in ts3 or foroum and you activity on Shadowzm server 



  12. NEED 2 OWNER , 3 CO-OWNER, 2 Pre-Manager 


    someone who has experience?..



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. [N]audy


      ya me invitaron :V 

    3. .Naruto.


      Dark me I am Bro Player and I Have GooD Activity in the server  Please you can use me Co Owner or Owner 

    4. matheusbr811


      I am available for CO-OWNER, 
      I have a lot of experience,and with panel



  13. The average number of children burned at home increased by 30% during the state of emergency decreed by the Government to stop the outbreak of coronavirus in the country. This was reported to RPP News by Dr. Pilar Huby Vidaurre, head of the Burned Patient Comprehensive Care Subunit of the San Borja National Institute of Child Health, who detailed that since the beginning of the quarantine there have been 32 cases of burned minors, with ages ranging from 1 to 13 years. The doctor pointed out that the cases treated are, for the most part, severe burns from the fall of hot liquids. In this sense, Huby Vidaurre recommended that parents place containers with hot liquids in elevated areas, out of the reach of children. In addition, he pointed out that, if an incident occurs with burns, the first thing to do is place the affected area in cold water, avoiding at all times placing ointments or ointments, since this could worsen the injury.



    1. [N]audy


      metele banned :V 

  15. Argentina and Colombia have found a way to finance the necessary equipment to fight the new coronavirus. Both Latin American countries are using assets seized from crimes such as drug trafficking, corruption and human trafficking to maximize their resources. Cars and properties that were used for crimes are now used for the transportation, accommodation and isolation of patients by COVID-19. A legal mechanism, called extinction of domain, allows the authorities to dispose of these goods of illegal origin. Resources that a defendant is presumed to have acquired because of his or her illegal activities may be seized, even before the suspect is prosecuted. The goods pass into the hands of the Government and will be administered by some state entity. Peru, like Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras and El Salvador, have a similar law. However, only Argentina and Colombia are giving this use against the coronavirus. In the case of Argentina, two hotels are being used, which belonged to the Loza narco-criminal organization; a real estate project called Pilar Bicentenario, seized in a money laundering operation; 26 vehicles confiscated from an alleged gang of drug traffickers, and up to US $ 12,000 seized from the former secretary of Public Works of the Kirchner government, José López, convicted of illicit enrichment. For its part, the Colombian Special Assets Society (SAE) is offering the Hotel Benjamin, which belonged to the Israeli Assi Mosh and was related to a prostitution ring; an open lobby known as 'El Castillo', in the center of Bogotá; and 65 buildings that can be used as shelters for women in distress during the pandemic.
  16. who needs administrator on the shadows server, admin to private or request here: 


  17. The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Édgar Vásquez, indicated that this group is part of the more than 10,000 compatriots who returned to the country. It also ruled on the situation of those who had to be transferred to the Villa Panamericana for being suspected of having COVID-19. A total of 5,585 repatriated Peruvians completed, in various hotels in Lima, the quarantine period ordered by the Government to stop the growth of the spread of the new coronavirus contagion in the country. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Edgar Vásquez, who specified that these compatriots are part of the more than 10,000 who have returned to Peru after the coordination carried out between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indeci and the Mincetur. Meanwhile, Minister Vásquez indicated that the Ministry of Health carried out rapid screening tests of COVID-19 on all guests before they return to their places of residence. In addition, it ruled on the situation of the returnees who were referred to the Villa Panamericana for presenting symptoms of the disease. “To date, around 10% of the returnees who have completed their quarantine have been transferred to the Villa Panamericana for being suspected or positive cases of the new coronavirus. They are receiving adequate medical attention, "he said. The Government decreed on March 13 that during the declaration of emergency, citizens returning from countries with COVID-19 cases, should remain in preventive quarantine for 14 days in hotels or accommodation. For this, the Government transferred to the Mincetur a budget of almost S / 31 million in order to contract accommodation and full food services for the compatriots. So far, more than 60 hotels have joined this initiative to receive returnees.
  18. Congratulations:000

  19. One of the economic measures taken by the Government to help vulnerable po[CENSORED]tions to overcome the crisis caused by the coronavirus is that citizens who have not been on the payroll in the last 6 months can withdraw up to S /. 2,000 of their AFPs. For some days, thousands of Peruvians have already signed up to withdraw their funds. To be able to register, you must follow the schedule indicated by the four Pension Fund Administrators (AFP- Prima, Profuturo, Integra and Habitat) according to the number in which your ID ends. To make the request, you must access this web page and once there enter your DNI number, the date of birth, fill in the "I am not a robot" box and click the consult button. Since yesterday, the AFP Association has added a step to the registry: now, the verification digit of the DNI must also be added. This digit is found in the upper right corner of the document, after the eight numbers that make up your ID, as it appears in the image you see below.
  20. The Government approved this Wednesday, April 15, the Supreme Decree No. 006-2020-IN, which approves the regulation of Legislative Decree No. 1458. This regulation defines all the fines that will be imposed in case of non-compliance with the mandatory social isolation imposed during the state of emergency due to the expansion of the coronavirus. The amount of the fines ranges from 86 to 430 soles and there will also be serious consequences in case of not paying them in the sti[CENSORED]ted time. How much is the fine for going outside? There are several infractions that are included in this section: Carry out economic activities not considered essential such as food, pharmacy and others (301 soles or 7% of the ITU) Circular on public roads to carry out activities that are not contemplated in numeral 4.1 of article 4 of Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM (201 soles or 5% of the ITU) Driving on public roads without having the respective personal work pass (258 soles or 6% of the ITU) Driving with a vehicle for private use without the authorization issued by the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of the Interior (344 soles or 8% of the ITU) Failure to respect mandatory social immobilization from 6:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the next day nationwide, and from 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the following day in the departments of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad and Loreto or other hours established by special rule (430 soles or 10% of the ITU) Failure to respect mandatory social immobilization all day Sunday during the duration of the national state of emergency, or other days that by special rule are available (387 soles or 9% of the ITU) Carry out social, recreational, cultural, religious activities of agglomeration or massive or non-massive attendance on public roads (387 soles or 9% of the ITU) Going out more than one person per family to buy food or pharmaceutical products (215 soles or 5% of the ITU) Rest of infractions Driving on public roads without using the mandatory mask (344 soles or 8% of the ITU) Not respecting the minimum of one meter of obligatory distance, forming crowds in commercial establishments whose opening is allowed (86 soles or 2% of the ITU) Failure to count or refuse to comply with the identification provided by members of the National Police or the Armed Forces (430 soles or 10% of the ITU)
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