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Everything posted by Dark

  1. EsSalud reported the birth of Peru's first baby with a coronavirus in Moyobamba. His mother, asymptomatic, spread the child through the placenta. Both are fine. EsSalud announced this morning the birth of the first baby with a coronavirus in Peru. This is a boy who was born in Hospital II-1 Alto Mayo in Moyobamba. The baby was infected by her asymptomatic mother, who was unaware of having the virus until after giving birth, when they were both tested quickly. Mother and son are isolated and in perfect condition, pending evolution. The boy was born at 39 weeks gestation by caesarean section and weighed 3,160 grams. The baby was infected from its mother through the placenta, but it was born without any complications and is completely healthy. Álvaro Bardalez Vela, director of the Moyobamba Assistance Network, congratulated all the health personnel in charge of this case, who carried out the caesarean section with all the necessary protocols. In addition, the health status of all people who have had contact with the patient in recent weeks is already being evaluated to rule out more cases of coronavirus. It is the second baby born in the world infected with COVID-19. The first was on March 16 in the UK.
  2. Marilyn Manson ❤️ 

  3. The world's coronavirus data today, April 13 More than 1.8 million people have been confirmed as coronavirus cases worldwide. The United States continues to be the country with the highest number of infections, with more than half a million. President Donald Trump declared for the first time in history the State of Disaster across the country. Spain accumulates 166,000 infections followed by Italy, with 156,000. Behind these are other European countries such as France and Germany. China, the epicenter of the crisis a few months ago, only reports 82,000 cases, a figure almost identical to that of the United Kingdom, which stands at 84,000. Globally, the death toll already exceeds 113,000 and those recovered exceed 410,000. In America, in addition to the United States, the presence of the virus in Canada stands out, with more than 24,000 infections, Brazil, with more than 21,000, Ecuador and Chile, with more than 7,000 and Mexico, which already exceeds 4,000 cases.
  4. The Association of Pension Fund Administrators (AAFP), has reported that this Saturday, April 11, members of the Private Pension System with a bank account that as of March 31 of this year have not contributed in the last 6 months and have requested the withdrawal of up to S / 2,000 of their funds will begin to receive disbursement. To enter the application, you must enter the following site, developed by the AAFP. Once on the page, you must enter your DNI. Starting this Saturday, April 11, affiliates who have requested the withdrawal of up to S / 2,000 of their funds will begin to receive the disbursement.
  5. #PRO It is important that I do activity in this session, as I said to Ru-gAL: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/89-devils-club/ I saw you doing activity and you can be a candidate for moderator, I will give you my support.
  6. Where are the users of the 20 million mobile lines that have disappeared in China in February? That is the question that everyone is asking, in view of the business figures of the three main telecommunications companies in the Asian country, which dropped their clientele from 1.6 billion in January to 1.58 billion in February. A massive disappearance of customers that paves the way for those who believe that China has tricked its numbers of infected and deceased by the coronavirus. A terrain that already gained weight last week, when the Chinese private media Caixin reported that, according to their calculations, the deaths only in the city of Wuhan, birthplace of the pandemic, would be 40,000, well above the somewhat more than 2,500 officially recognized. The sudden disappearance of so many mobile lines opens the way for those who think that deaths in China could number in the hundreds of thousands and who accuse the Chinese government of being opaque. There are several theories of this decline, and reality is probably a mixture of all of them. China Mobile, with 900 million accounts, has lost seven million lines, in addition to almost one million that was also dropped in January. The most widespread theory among these companies is that they are customers who terminate lines that they have contracted due to confinement, having Wi-fi all the time. Another option would be that they were false accounts, generated by companies to receive good opinions on the Internet or to fatten their total customer numbers, which in the face of confinement and the health crisis would have lost their meaning.
  7. #PRO I'll give you a chance, but do more activity in these sessions : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/4858-world-of-games/ https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/89-devils-club/ Good Luck
  8. Dark

    Like, who know

    Any questions consult with a STAFF group. T/C
  9. good entertainment video ? T/C
  10. The coronavirus spread curve in Peru is still in the growth phase one month after the first case of Covid-19 infection in the country was officially registered on March 6. Currently there are 2,561 cases in the country, according to the Ministry of Health in the official daily report. Men between the ages of 50 and 69 are the group most affected by the coronavirus. Geographically, Lima is by far the department most affected by the coronavirus, both in confirmed and deceased cases. The cases of infected people in each of the country's departments are detailed below according to the latest official data.
  11. please the SPAM in profiles or we will take steps to ban the community.

  12. Inactive topic, it has several comments that can help you and avoid the "post-hunt", any problem to consult with a Global Moderator, good luck T/C
  13. 13:22 "EVERYONE STAYS AT HOME" IS TAKEN TO 99% IN THE CAJAMARCA REGION Streets, squares and markets look empty and only police officers are seen on foot and in patrol cars watching that this measure is carried out to stop the spread of the coronavirus. 17 people were intervened. “On Sunday nobody circulates. Everyone stays at home. " This was the order ordered by President Martín Vizcarra as an extreme measure in order to prevent further coronavirus infections and the po[CENSORED]tion of Cajamarca until now (12:50 p.m.) obeys 99%. Its streets, squares and markets in all its provinces look empty and only the police are seen, on foot and in patrol cars, watching over compliance with the provision. However, 17 people were intervened for being outside their homes. 13:00 THE NUMBER OF DEATHS BY CORONAVIRUS IN PERU INCREASED TO 83 The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported the number of deaths from coronavirus went from 73 to 83 compared to the last report. The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported on Sunday that the number of deaths from coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country rose to 83. Until yesterday there were 73 cases. 12:45 THE CONFIRMED NUMBER OF CASES OF PERVID-19 IN PERU WAS RAISED TO 2,281 The number of infected by coronavirus had a new increase this Sunday, going from 1,746 to 2,281, according to the Minsa. The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported this Sunday that there were 2,281 cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country. Until yesterday there were 1,746. This represented the greatest increase in positive cases. 12:00 THIS IS WHAT LIMA LOOKS LIKE ON ITS 21ST DAY OF QUARANTINE FULFILLMENT Defense Minister Walter Martos verified compliance with compulsory social isolation Defense Minister Walter Martos, together with the head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces and the general commanders of the Army and Air Force, flew over the main points of the city, to monitor compliance with the total compulsory social isolation. 10:00 TO 144 THE CONFIRMED CASES OF CORONAVIRUS IN LORETO ROSE Of these 9 are children, 3 adolescents, 20 young people, 97 adults and 15 are older adults. The largest number of cases are in Iquitos with 61. Stay at home. The coronavirus pandemic has hit hard in the Loreto region that confirmed cases have risen to 144 and it is the second department, after Lima, with the highest number of infected and that to date this disease has claimed two victims. This was reported by the Regional Health Directorate (Diresa) of Iquitos through its official Facebook portal. 08:30 AFP: WHEN WILL I BE ABLE TO REQUEST A WITHDRAWAL OF UP TO S / 2,000 FROM MY FUND? AFP Association explained that deposits will be made through a bank account. Given the extension of the state of emergency, which will end on April 12, the suspension of activities in the public and private sectors has been prolonged, which has caused the paralysis of the economy in Peru, affecting thousands of workers. Against this background, President Martín Vizcarra announced various measures to provide liquidity to families and overcome the economic impact generated by the COVID-19 coronavirus in the country. 07:00 COVID-19: 73 DEAD AND LETHALITY OF 4.18 PERCENT A total of 285 patients are hospitalized and 88 in intensive care. infected number a total of 1746. President announced that Peru will begin to manufacture artificial respirators due to its shortage On the rise. A total of 73 deaths have occurred as a result of the new coronavirus in Peru since last March 6, the date on which the so-called "patient zero" was reported. The day before, the figure had reached 61. As reported by the Situational Room COVID-19, of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), this figure represents a fatality rate (indicator of the severity of a disease in a given period and area) of 4 , 18%.
  14. what happened? You didn't last a month like coming back from CSBD ?❤️ 

  15. Coronavirus LIVE via Canal N. President Martín Vizcarra will pronounce on day 20 of the state of emergency on which will be carried out to prevent further contagion of the deadly virus. Latest news in the minute by minute. - Martín Vizcarra: "In these days where circulation is restricted, there can be no reason for us to discriminate against any citizen of our country. They all deserve the same respect." Samay respirator, Quechua word The name of the respirator created by the Ministry of Health is Samay, which means: to breathe. - Martín Vizcarra: "If any member of the PNP or the Armed Forces has not understood this indication, which is the policy of our government, we will have to ratify this communication effort with all of them." - Martín Vizcarra: "The Navy has put its capacity to care for Callao. Here we are in a module that will serve to care for seriously ill patients." - Martín Vizcarra: "Today we have been presented with an artificial respirator, which is the most important equipment for a patient infected with COVID-19." - Martín Vizcarra: “This is not the opportunity to discriminate against any citizen of our country. We all deserve the same respect. " - Martín Vizcarra: "We have here the mechanical respirator already in test". - Martín Vizcarra: "There are a series of national manufacturing initiatives and the first is the one we announced at the Naval Hospital." - Martín Vizcarra: "The most serious part of the disease is a neomonia". - Martín Vizcarra: "We are not going to allow the armed forces or the police to commit any act of discrimination. Everyone deserves the same respect." - Martín Vizcarra: "1746 positive people. 151 new cases compared yesterday. 285 hospitalized. 88 are ICU patients. 1500 are in their homes with mild symptoms"
  16. uzUdrIG.png


    algo de diversión? xd ❤️ 

  17. It is good to know that there are people in the community who care about other people, there are few people who are good, but thank you for the motivation you brought. @JEBACC
  18. your problem should be discussed with the founder of your server who cannot log in, log in to the server session and post your problem







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