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Everything posted by Dark

  1. problem Solved any questions consult the "Global Moderators"
  2. President Martín Vizcarra made the decision to declare a national state of emergency to stop the spread of the coronavirus in Peru. The measure was made official through Supreme Decree No. 044, which will govern for 15 days and restricts the right of free transit. "We guarantee the supply of food, medicine, as well as the continuity of water, sanitation, electricity, gas, fuel, telecommunications, cleaning, solid waste collection, funeral services and others," the president explained in his message to the nation Starting at 00:00 on Monday, March 16, the national state of emergency came into effect and with it the provisions established in Supreme Decree No. 004. Know in this note the minute by minute of the situation in the country after the measure adopted by President Martín Vizcarra to counter the coronavirus pandemic. 13:00 P.M. MIDIS: "We have already identified the 3 million households that will receive the bonus" The head of Development and Social Inclusion, Ariela Luna, explained that her portfolio has already identified the poor and extreme poor households in urban areas that will access the S / 380 soles bond announced by President Vizcarra as part of the state of emergency measures . 13:00 P.M. Martín Vizcarra: "We are in phase 3 or community contagion" As explained by the president, currently in phase 3 of the coronavirus, because the cases of COVID-19 are not from patients who were infected in countries of Europe or Asia. 12:55 P.M. Martín Vizcarra: "Agricultural production and basic necessities remain the same" The president assured that the supply is normal and that the rise in the price of some products is due to special situations that will regulate themselves. 12:45 P.M. Martín Vizcarra: "104 of the 117 (infected by coronavirus) are at home" The President of the Republic explained the situation of citizens infected by coronavirus and that there are three who are in the Intensive Care Unit 12:30 PM. Minister of Economy: "We are replicating what was done with the El Niño phenomenon" The head of the Economy explained in this way the actions that her portfolio has been taking as measures to avoid the spread of the coronavirus in the country. 12:35 P.M. Martín Vizcarra: "If we don't get people to be at home, the curve (of cases) will continue to increase" President Martín Vizcarra said that to date tests have been taken from three thousand patients and 117 cases have been confirmed as positive for the coronavirus. 12:30 PM. Martín Vizcarra: “there are always people who try to circumvent the Law” During his press conference, the president was emphatic in affirming that the Police will be responsible for people complying with the measures decreed by the state of emergency. 12:10 P.M. Defense Minister does not rule out possible curfew at the national level Defense Minister Walter Martos asked everyone to understand the situation in the face of the coronavirus advance and insisted that if the mandatory social isolation measure is not followed, they could opt for more severe actions for the po[CENSORED]tion as a curfew. 11:15 A.M. Defense Minister affirmed that they are evaluating the establishment of grocery shopping hours Defense Minister Walter Martos reported that it is evaluating establishing a schedule so that citizens can buy groceries, so that they do not crowd in supermarkets and expose themselves to possible coronavirus infections. 10:40 A.M. Martín Vizcarra invokes to continue complying with compulsory social isolation The president accompanied his message on Twitter with panoramic photos of Lima that accounted for the fewest people on the streets.
  3. Que fue y tu vip:(? ??

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  5. quarantine in each country


    Versión:3.9.1 Linux
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    CONNECT IP : TS3.Csblackdevil.com
    Icons+channel private 

  7. sYOhLqn.png


    what memories :c

    1. ぁ Ꭷbito-
    2. Master_Kill


      hahaha WTF u are global moderator 

    3. Lexman.


      Es peor tener la memoria de que ella nunca te amara :'v

  8. other than that you have multiple complaints about asking for "ranks" in TeamSpeak3, and you don't respect community rules and Ts3. my opinion is NO
  9. The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, called the outbreak of the coronavirus a pandemic. As he explained during a press conference, the decision to classify it as such was made after an evaluation that coincides with the increase in the number of cases affected outside of China. YOU CAN SEE: Coronavirus LIVE: 22 infected in Chile “The WHO has been evaluating this outbreak throughout the day and we are deeply concerned with both the alarming levels of spread and severity, and the alarming levels of inaction. Therefore, we have evaluated that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic, ”he declared at a press conference. Tedros also added that the number of infected, deaths and affected countries is likely to increase in the coming days and weeks. The last time the WHO spoke on the subject was on March 9. Then the head of the entity announced that the risk of a coronavirus pandemic "became very real." However, it indicated that if declared as such, it would be "the first" in history to be controlled. According to the report prepared by Johns Hopkins University, there are more than 121,560 coronavirus infected in the world. Of these, 80,969 cases are found in mainland China, 7,755 in South Korea, 10,149 in Italy, and 9,000 in Iran. In Latin America, the last region to report cases, there are already more than ten affected countries. Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Honduras, Bolivia and Panama total almost 100 cases.
  10. The latest report from the Ministry of Health confirmed that there are 9 people infected with coronavirus in Peru, however another 309 cases were ruled out. Follow LIVE the latest news and reactions about COVID-19 in the country. [Coronavirus in Peru LIVE] This Monday, March 9, the Ministry of Health confirmed to the press that it has knowledge of nine confirmed cases of infections by coronavirus. These are seven members of the first circle of the first infected, all residents in Lima, and a citizen in Arequipa from London. Since the first case of coronavirus in the country was confirmed, on the morning of March 6 by President Martín Vizcarra, different levels of the State have deployed their efforts to contain the possible infected. 1. Workers with suspected coronavirus should stop attending the work center. 2. Workers diagnosed with a coronavirus should stop attending work at the workplace, operating the imperfect suspension of work. 3. The company may agree with the workers various actions aimed at reducing the spread of the disease, among which are: the modification of work shifts, licenses to workers, opt for teleworking, among others. 4. The Human Resources offices, the Occupational Health and Safety Committees or Supervisors must have a communication plan for preventive measures. 5. The company must provide the staff with the appropriate hygienic material and that are necessary to prevent the spread of the disease. 6. It should be provided that, in case the cold workers report having had contact with suspicious persons, go to the public or private medical center to perform the respective medical evaluation
  11. Felicidades mi amore ???

    1. Blexfraptor


      gracias miamore

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