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Everything posted by OyaYansa

  1. 2 days for my birthday

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. OyaYansa


      Thank ❤️

    3. shVury


      Happy birthday!!!

      happy tom and jerry GIF

      oh wait, now i see as i said already, meh, nvm


    4. OyaYansa


      Thank ❤️

  2. I met good loves and I also lost them

    I understood that this is a game and that life is like that

    1. .BOSS.


      He was comed  in your life for just useing you and after he will leave and you will miss him so don't attract in love now I give you 1 free advice you want to marrie then ask your mom he will find any good boy for you ??

    2. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      Naah Keep Enjoying with Limits Love is Precious Enjoy the Feeling 1 goes try another 

      that is what i do ? 

  3. It's now that I feel good that I also forgot you

    I will touch what you refused to receive and look for love that you denied discovering, now with a smile I ask you to be happy

  4. Like you there are none, but like me there are not two

    1. #DEXTER
    2. OyaYansa


      follow me for more recipes XD

  5. Lexman eres tu O.O

    1. Lexman.


      Cual de tantos :P

  6. Roselinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sister ❤️

    1. Aysha


      heiii ❤️? how are you?? 

    2. OyaYansa


      Let's say I'm fine not to say I'm wrong

      finishing repairing my computer to return in a few weeks

    3. Aysha
  7. Mycrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OyaYansa


      Me Moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

      how I miss my family ?

    3. myCro


      Can't wait for you to return girl !

    4. OyaYansa


      In a few weeks I will return

      it is a promise


    1. Inkriql
    2. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      vidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa como estas <3

  9. Happy new year sister

    May this year fill you with great health and prosperity

    1. Aysha


      ❤️❤️❤️ Happy New Year! 

  10. Congratulations sister you deserve this and many more ❤️

  11. Aunque a veces tengo ganas de irme olvidarme de la gente y rendirme pero me mantengo aquí siempre firme escuchando siempre lo que tienes que decirme ❤️


    Si decides volver en mi corazon tu siempre tendras un puesto fijo

  12. Hello prince

    Do not think I forget you

    1. olee


      haha same do not worry about it ?

    2. OyaYansa


      How are you happy for your moderators later but for sure XD

    3. olee


      thank you , i appericate it

  13. VIDA ?

    1. AndersoNN-


      La catira!!! ?


    2. OyaYansa


      No te metas con el te voy joder juump


    3. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      no peleen por mi ?

  14. I already have 200 followers

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OyaYansa


      I hate when you repeat things so many times that I get angry

    3. Mockys


      I give you VIP 

      but if you make 500 follow ?

    4. ."Ses" "Zm".

      ."Ses" "Zm".

      Sorry But Come In Ts3 ! I am Already want talking you about important thing ! 

  15. Gamblers

    When I play a quick bet I know that my bet is active and how I know when I won

    1. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Thank you for the tag @Nıco


      After betting, you have to wait for me to give the final answer from the system if the match that you bet is won or lost.

      You can go nice to the Casino - My Bets and there you find it, if it's won you get "Collect Winnings", if is lost "Better luck next time"

      I hope i was clear and you understand, if not, i wait PM.


    2. The DeviL
  16. Tú siempre decías que nunca te irías si no que iría bien No luchar por lo que quieres solo tiene un nombre y se llama perder Si te hice daño no fue sin quererte sino sin querer Dime sólo qué prefieres si tienes la opción de tener o temer Tú sólo piensas en cómo se acaba Yo sólo pienso en cómo acabaré Un día me dices "me faltan las ganas" Otro lo pienso y nunca te gané Yo que hice todo porque te quedaras Ahora lo pienso y con qué me quedé Tiempo perdido o quizás lo he ganado De echarte de menos a decir te eché

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