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Everything posted by myCro

  1. 1 map thats like 35 minutes, lol, my record was that i removed an admin after 16 seconds. Check this :



  3. Respect is given where respect is needed, you are a mature person, capable to take his own decision, everything is just about perspective.


    Thank you for your collaboration.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PranKk.


      Good luck!?

    3. myCro
    4. Profesoru


      My bad, i was understanding that we founders are also in charge and can decide small things like upgredes /downgrades or acces ftp without supervision. Other wise i would not come to loose my time to get involved in your project. 

      Respect is earned in time by actions who defines you. Nothing more! Im sure u want the best for your server mycro. 

      Glad if i helped you ... no hard feelings ! 

  4. Hello, due to staff changes ( @Profesoru retirement after a suspend of his FTP because of mistake giving someone else FTP without consult the rest of the team plus me and rose), we need to change our passwords. Please giving us a PM: me, @HellFir3, @Roselina ✾, @Gerardo Larreal., @axelxcapo
  5. Thank you for your request! We are interested in people that could help us but sadly you are not what we are looking for, we have different perspectives about what we want/wish. Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project if you want something new Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  6. Thank you for your request! We are interested in people that could help us but before everything we need to see them active on forum level. Please return after 30 days with a new request. Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project(Uploaders are coming soon) Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  7. Return when you can do the required activity.

    NEWLIFEZM looking for staff!

  9. Ugly profile

  10. Holy ... the signature is so dope!

    Nice work! 

    1. Shadox


      yeah thats my 1st cool signature i made it in my life , thanxs for ur requset hahaha 


      نتيجة بحث الصور عن thanks gif



  11. myCro

    Salut, bine ai venit in comunitate, sper sa te simti bine la noi deoarece avem un mediu foarte primitor, cu oameni foarte variati de la nebuni deabinelea pana la unii dintre cei mai seriosi pe care ii poti intalnii.


    Mult succes.

  12. I am fighting, are you going to do it too? 


    1. Crimson!


      you will get rekt :v

  13. Another try!

    The category for TEAM/CLANS has been reopened, all we require from you is to post inside your category print-screens from your games and in exchange we will grant forum points based on your category activity.

    More things we have to offer:


    Pay [20.000 points] and your clan members will have a special [even animated] icon as you wish!


    Register TEAM/CLAN  Register ICON for CLAN/TEAM


    1. myCro


      first 5 requests will receive 2 000 points!

    2. Crimson!
  14. Vote one of our Partners!


  15. empty inbox

    1. BIg albania

      BIg albania

      Hi mycro sorry for late i was work yes i delete the messeng  you can send me on private thank you

  16. Salut Razvan @DanaBudeanu , incantat sa cunosc o astfel de persoana dornica de a ni se alatura, inainte de toate sper sa petreci un timp frumos la noi in comunitate! Poftim unele din cele mai bune servere unde te-ai putea distra impreuna cu amicii tai: Te astept cu o noua cerere peste 30 de zile in care ne poti spune si ce fel de experiente ai avut in acest timp, pentru ca vrem si este nevoie sa ne cunoastem inainte de toate! De asemenea va astept impreuna pe serverul nostru TS3: TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Unde puteti avea parte de un canal privat numai al vostru si impreuna va puteti strange mai multi jucatori de rank CSGO. Te astept sa ma cauti. O zi buna iti urez, pustane! ? Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality Mentine-ti Creativitatea Recunoscand Originalitatea
  17. Hello newlifers! Ensure to read and like this reply made by @FaDA !


  18. Nice title, already typed for the answer, i like this. Thank you for your request! Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements, increase your activity and return after 30 days with a new request. Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project(Uploaders are coming soon) Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  19. Hey guys, please when you contact revan adress him by the name of:




    means he has great value to you

  20. Don't you want your server to get free votes and all you have to do is one thing for just one time?

    Register as a Partner your server as a Partner here: 



  21. Based on what i know and consider is that rules make the game fun, from time to time is ok to break them, in a somehow limit, but is needed to ensure that 15-20 players won't just gonna stay and watch an afk zombie ori who hides, there is no entertaiment in that, they wanna be part of the fun, now is debatable, each mode has some rules, and thats what i say, rules... I like the current state because for me is more logic, if we let them free, we many lose some dedicated players, players come for fun, score and rank. As i said i repeat, some rules may be broken from time to time, is all about how you the admins decide the enviroment to be, don't get loose, but don't stay on the head of the players, for this isn't needed a rule, it has to be transmited by owners to all the admins.
  22. A good leader will always have a better team, because his duty is to ensure such so. Let's do it. A new life on a new path ?
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