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Everything posted by Ares

  1. ❤️  Christmas Time  ❤️  





    Thanks to all members who voted me last year, being ADMINISTRATOR & UPLOADER OF THE YEAR 2019. Respect & thank you all from the bottom of my heart and thank you again for who voted me in this year gala season ❤️ 💪


  3. NOMINALIZARI STAFF (Emblema de profil) Administrator of the Year ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers Global Moderator of the Year ➤ - Moderator of the Year ➤ @YaKoMoS NOMINALIZARI PROIECTE (Emblema de profil + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @King_of_lion Gambler of the Year ➤ - Dealer Of the Year ➤ - Journalist of the Year ➤ - Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @Dante ღ VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ - Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ - NOMINALIZARI MANAGERI (Emblema de profil + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @[D]ROSEL ♚♚♚ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - NOMINALIZARI GRUPE SPECIALE (Emblema de profil + 2500 CSBD Points) Cel mai vechi Ex-Staff ➤ @Lunix I Best V.I.P. ➤ @HellFir3 NOMINALIZARI TEAMSPEAK 3 (Iconita TS3 speciala + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ - Cel mai activ TS3 user ➤ - Userul care a cerut cel mai mult grad ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Sebby The best TS3 Administrator ➤ - Cel mai AFK user ➤ - NOMINALIZARI SERVERE (Semnatura speciala cu numele serverului) Server of the Year ➤ NEWLIFEZM Cel mai activ (32/32) server ➤ - Cel mai tare Zombie server ➤ - Cel mai tare Classic server ➤ - Cel mai tare Respawn server ➤ - NOMINALIZARI MEMBRII (2000 CSBD Points) Cel mai activ membru CsBlackDevil (+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @myCro Banned of the Year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ Visatorul la grade ➤ Spammer of the Year ➤ Cel mai social membru ➤ Cel mai frumos membru ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers Cel mai apreciat membru ➤ Cel mai enervant membru ➤ Cel mai iubit membru ➤ Cel mai bogat membru ➤ @YaKoMoS Membrul care a ajutat cel mai mult ➤ @Mr.Sebby Membrul cu cele mai bune topicuri/posturi ➤ Cel mai prietenos membru ➤
  4. @Mr.Love  The Polar Challenge !!! <3 <3 <3 



  5. Good morning guys & a strong weekend i wish to you all ❤️ 



  6. jZCc4Cz.jpg

    1. Mr.Sebby


      Thx! ❤️❤️

    2. vagabondl.


      La multi ani ! 🎂🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻

  7. Ares


    1. myCro


      Hello neggro, how are you?

    2. Ares


      Chillin fatso😅

  8. Ares


    1. Aysha


      Good Morning' 🥺

  9. Good morning you lovely people 😄 

  10. Buna dimineata / Good morning 



    1. R e i

      R e i

      wow somebody alive.Come back.AHAHAHAH 2pac loser

  11. Its good to be back home !

    🙏Thank you for some of the members that they never forgot me, after all what happend in the past !🙏

    And thank you for the bipedal rats, because of you guys, i am another man, even in the gaming world, even in the real life !




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ares


      @axelxcapo no i won't come back as CSBD Staff.

      @YaKoMoS thanks man, doesn't matters what was the reason about "banned" , is all in the past.


    3. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Hai salut și Bine ai revenit! 

      Știi vorba aia, e bine sa învățăm din greșeli, parcă așa era 🤔


      În fine. 



    4. Rayan™


      we had the opportunity to speak more than once .. the truth is that you are a conscious and social person 👌 so you are more than just red color ☺

      Keep positive 💪 GL

  12. Ares

    Cum ii vremea in vale? ❤️ 😂

    1. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Unde e valea asta ? 🤔

      Apropo, vezi ca nu poate lumea sa posteze pe profilul tau, sau asa ai setat tu ? @Ares

    2. YaKoMoS


      Legends NEVER Die!,missed u a lot bro

  13. Big happy family (did the surgery, all well, lost 30kg) -> life is great Now entering in beast mode 😄
  14. At the gym (lost 30 kg)
  15. Rest in Peace Downloads Project (2019-2020) ? 

    Legends never die ? 



  16. Work & Playing WOT?


    1. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      what if your boss come and sees you playing videogames ?


    2. Master_Kill


      xD ce mai faci ma i traiesti ?❤️ ? 

    3. Ares


      I am the boss :))))))

      Traiesc, traiesc. In afara de munca/acasa si miscare in curte :)) restu ok 

  17. WTF i have the grade Uploaders ???

    i didn't asked for it and wasn't asked about it !




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ares


      Just enter the forum and woke up with the grade :)))

      I don't remember to be notified about this or talk with someone about this !

    3. Ares


      Perfect, tks @Mr.Sebby for a good and fast job ! ? 

  18. Good morning !



    1. Master_Kill


      Good Morning Mr. Ares ? Have Nice Day

    2. R e i

      R e i

      wowowowwow look who is back with 3 girls behind.Your words make scared xd

      Dog Eating GIF by MOODMAN

  19. Legends never die ! ?

    Good bye brother and thank you for all you did in the past !

    I will never forget you ? 




  20. Ooh Mr.Shovel, you came back? ? ? ? 

  21. Hello CSBD and i wish you all a pleasant night ! ? 

    Hola CSBD y les deseo a todos una agradable noche! ? 


    @Work @NightShift @FeelingBetter @GYM Powah !




  22. Another glorious day at the gym finished perfectly?


    1. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      work hard go pro

    2. Ares


      When i will recover my spine, this i will do  ❤️ 

  23. Ares

    Welcome back brother?

    1. Reus


      thank you bro ❤️

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