Everything posted by Mr.Love
Walkingdead was deleted today by 4 times! 4 times! Can you understand what means 4 times?
And this *** came so angry to me with reason "problem of maps". Are you seriously??????
<22:55:04> "# Z E R O ™": i dont do anything
<22:55:05> "# Z E R O ™": dude
<22:55:15> "# Z E R O ™": addnos no deleted
<22:55:48> "# Z E R O ™": dude
<22:55:54> "# Z E R O ™": sv stopedSuddenly
<22:55:59> "# Z E R O ™": sv stoped Suddenly
<22:56:04> "Mr.Love": can you hear me?
<22:56:18> "# Z E R O ™": my mic bad
<22:56:36> "# Z E R O ™": addnos not remove
<22:56:40> "# Z E R O ™": problems of maps
<22:56:41> "# Z E R O ™": only
<22:56:56> "# Z E R O ™": i cant listen u
<22:56:58> Your chat partner has disconnected. -
It's enough for me. These palestine people everytime make problems. I never saw people more idiots than they.
Everytime they share passwords
Everytime they lose accounts
Everytime they lose passwords of servers
Everytime they ARE HACKED
How so?
I have my account from 12 may 2012, why I never was hacked? Think about!
I AM NOT RACIST! I AM NOT RACIST! I AM NOT RACIST! But 95% from palestine people are idiots!
- Show previous comments 22 more
@SKYPpER XxL O.M.R (KATo) beware of what u said
any way he is not talking about yourself
So do not review your damned abilities here
@x_LorD i dont talk for myself for palestinan like racist said and beware for what not your bussniess please
wait for Mr.Love Answer afaird ? or no word from him :/
Frozen notifications? We are waiting for the new update from IPS COMMUNITY. Be patient!
@Profesoru you must to be happy
Multiple accounts!
We will play a game. Tell us which is your main and you will not be punished [ likes removed, content count 0, account banned ]
- @Ga[M]eR. / @RK.BOSS / @.BOSS. / @BOSS_Is_BaCk
- @^_^LoaDinG^_^ / @SpIDeR MaN / @VoDaFoNe. / @kapo / @H@CK / @droga / @lionn / @FeNoMeNaL. / @|DoM!n4T3|lr3zIsT!B!L|
<18:00:12> "#[L]MoneR": Me.love
<18:00:41> "#[L]MoneR": i want buy Helper in ts and V.I.P
<18:00:53> "#[L]MoneR": how much ?
<18:01:00> "#[L]MoneR": tallk to me
<18:01:06> "Mr.Love": VIP in forum - 5 euro per month
<18:01:15> "Mr.Love": Helpe rin ts3 - 15 euro permanently
<18:01:58> "#[L]MoneR": i want buy vip and helper 15 euro
<18:01:59> "#[L]MoneR": ?
<18:02:14> "#[L]MoneR": tallk to ne
<18:02:16> "#[L]MoneR": me
<18:02:17> "#[L]MoneR": ?
<18:02:38> "#[L]MoneR": i want buy vip and helper 15 euro
<18:02:44> "#[L]MoneR": i want buy vip and helper 15 euro
<18:02:47> "#[L]MoneR": i want buy vip and helper 15 euro
<18:02:51> "#[L]MoneR": ??
<18:03:11> "#[L]MoneR": what what ?
<18:03:26> "#[L]MoneR": tell me
<18:03:27> "#[L]MoneR": now
<18:03:30> "#[L]MoneR": fast
<18:03:33> "#[L]MoneR": fast
<18:03:40> "#[L]MoneR": i want out
<18:03:47> "Mr.Love": <183:10> "Mr.Love": Helper = 15 euro
<18:04:00> "#[L]MoneR": i want buy vip and helper 15 euro
<18:04:06> "#[L]MoneR": ??
<18:04:22> "Mr.Love": <1816> "Mr.Love": VIP in forum - 5 euro per month
<181:15> "Mr.Love": Helpe rin ts3 - 15 euro permanently
<18:04:50> "#[L]MoneR": buy i dont buy it 20 euor
<18:04:52> "#[L]MoneR": bay
<18:05:02> "#[L]MoneR": 15 or ........
<18:05:06> "#[L]MoneR": ??
<18:05:24> Your chat partner has disconnected.<18:05:24> "#[L]MoneR" was banned for 1 day from the server by "Mr.Love" (fucking idiot poor homeless rat spammer)
That moment when you go to the shopping with your wife
Pray for me please
The accounts of some members were upgraded to VIP today. I'm here to remind you all benefits of VIP ACCOUNT
Quote- Special design of the group you are part;
- A forum section dedicated to VIP members that only they (and CSBD team) have access to be able to see and use;
- Channel permanent official server TS3 community: TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM in VIP category CsBlackDevil - Channels;
- VIP server grade official community TS3: TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM with multiple benefits;
- Full access for customizing your account;
- Store messages up to 500 MB;
- Change own name every 7 days
- Access to delete your own post / topic for an indefinite period of time;
- Access to close / unlock own topic for an indefinite period of time;
- Access to edit your post up to 7 days;
- Using BUMP 10 times a day;
- Change your own topic for an indefinite period of time;
- Using an avatar to 1 MB;
- Using multiple images own signature, size (sq) unlimited image;
- Sync avatar, status via FaceBook / Steam;
- Notifications unlimited;
- Technical support quickly;
- NEW: PROFILE SONG! Check Mr.Love or Sethhh profiles.
- NEW: Acces to WHO WAS ONLINE in the last 24 hours - http://imgur.com/a/2oOW1
- NEW: Acces to BLOGS - every VIP can start a BLOG with his friends.
Cativa membrii au primit astazi VIP in cadrul forumul nostru. Doresc sa va reamintesc beneficiile unui CONT VIP.
Quote- Design aparte al grupului din care faceti parte;
- O secțiune pe forum dedicată membrilor VIP, pe care doar aceștia (precum și echipa CSBD) au accesul să o poată vedea și folosii;
- Channel permanent pe serverul oficial TS3 al comunitatii : TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM, in categoria VIP CsBlackDevil - Channels;
- Grad VIP pe serverul oficial TS3 al comunitatii: TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM, cu multiple beneficii;
- Acces deplin pentru personalizarea contului;
- Stocarea mesajelor până la 500 MB;
- Schimbarea propriului nume o dată la 7 zile;
- Accesul de a șterge propriul post/topic pe o perioadă nedeterminată de timp;
- Accesul de a închide/debloca propriul topic pe o perioadă nedeterminată de timp;
- Accesul de a edita propriul post până la 7 zile;
- Utilizarea funcției BUMP de 10 ori pe zi;
- Modificarea propriului topic pe o perioadă nedeterminată de timp;
- Utilizarea unui avatar până la 1 MB;
- Utilizarea mai multor imagini în semnătura proprie, dimensiune (m²) imagine nelimitată;
- Sincronizare avatar, status via FaceBook/Steam;
- Notificări nelimitate;
- Suport tehnic rapid;
- NOU: PROFILE SONG! Verifica profilul lui Mr.Love sau Sethhh
- NOU: Acces la blockul WHO WAS ONLINE in ultimele 24 ore - http://imgur.com/a/2oOW1
- NOU: Acces la BLOGS - fiecare membru VIP poate detine un BLOG alaturi de prietenii sai.
Be ready for more offers to win VIP free!
All the best,
Love - your administrator
Thank you for your feedback, was a good help.
In exchange, here are your gifts:
- @Spy^ = +45 days VIP ( he found 3 profiles )
- @Eduardo# = +15 days ( 1 profile )
- /\issa♕ = +45 days ( 3 profiles )
- @[N]audy = +75 days ( 5 profiles )
- @SteveN™️ = +15 days ( 1 profile )
- @-Dark ✖ = +15 days ( 1 profile )
- @StefaNN. = +60 days ( 4 profiles )
- @#Viceroy - #Lunatic fringe = + 15 days ( 1 profile )
- Show previous comments 6 more
i send you link of legends before @-Dark ✖ AND you gave him check replys please and time loool
Working to Support - 15 tickets remaining.
Chance to win some VIP days
!!! If you find one member with profile song activated, you will receive 15 days VIP.
So: 2 members = 15 days + 15 days
3 members =15+ 15+ 15
A small update in our forum RULES:
Quote1.6 It is forbidden to share your account password to other members /visitors or to sell your account.
Un mic update in regulamentul forumului:
Quote1.6 Este strict interzisă partajarea parolei contului dvs. altor membrii /vizitatori sau punerea in vanzare a acestuia.
- I will not add any backups if your category will be deleted. Please be very carefull with your managers.
- Any request of DNS to afiliate zombie servers with low average will be rejected. We will try to avoid work in vain.
Problem with Zmoldschool category was solved.
New profile song
Goog night brothers! Kisses!
] amx_who
-----[17]VIP GOLD-----
Mr.Love ;xWho is the VIP GOLD there? Meee!
One awesome access on the best classic server: FUN.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM!
For more informations about VIP payments on the FUN server, contact @blonda
<15:28:54> "Defend- World": I want a Grade Here or Forum
<15:29:06> "Mr.Love": good
<15:29:14> "Mr.Love": i want a new car
<15:29:24> "Mr.Love": lets write a letter to Santa Claus
<15:29:43> "Defend- World": Santa Claus!
<15:29:53> "Defend- World": No Need<15:30:29> Your chat partner has disconnected.
- Show previous comments 7 more
dont worry for that , bcs i have been prepare for evrything just send that ticket to Santa Claus if he will accepted that i would be glad <3 and that's is my dream bcs lastnight i got to much fun on my dream , and on that dream there was 10 girls which i loved , and i was just touched them was a good feeling but i got stopped :/ , i week up on that moment so i hoppe to see that again , if not in real life , maybe Santa Claus can do that for me again to i see on dream
These days I”ll make some changes in staff area!
Stay in touch!
Again for 1000rd time, some members started to advertise their new community here.
!!! All these members who advertise any sites here will be banned permanently! The fee of unban will be not less than 30 euros per account!
Don't risk anything! Don't make Mr.Love rich!
- Show previous comments 4 more
Dont be bost or you will be the downer
and do the best to be the best @Mr.Love Good Luck
- Today i found members with more that 10 multi-accounts. All were deleted and main account banned.
A small advice: you wil "work" in vain! In the end you will be banned. Don't try this!
- About missing likes! Yesterday we met a recount of likes. This problem didn't happened just to you, or you, or you. We all met this problem, including i.
Doesn't matter, because likes are for design. If you want to become a staff member, you must show your BRAIN, not some poor likes.
In every day i give likes in facebook to every shit posted by my neighborhood but this doesnt mean i like what they share. Is just...because we know eachother.
Roger that!
How many from you was damaged with minus likes?