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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. Hello Zed, Krond server 32 slots - 23 euro per month. Payment method: - Western Union - Money gram - Bank Transfer
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  3. 20 : 00 PM ( Romanian time ) - Meeting with ThunderZm Staff.

    All admins should be there!

    I will be!

  4. CSBD in maintenance! :yuhu:


    New suprises :D

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. JoLLY


      We are waiting for new things  :facebook-eyes-symbol: :maniac: :mad:

    3. Mr.SnaPeR
    4. -DarkJesús-


      We are prepared for this surprise.!

  5. They think I am rich :)))))

    Who is this guy?


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. {S[@]IF}
    3. .SekA.


      i need help
      spongbob is ban me and im admin
       and he slay all admins and all player
       pleas help me

    4. ✘ PsychO™✘

      ✘ PsychO™✘

      cmon man,

      just bugatti's tires enough for me


    RedStarMulte se spun despre legendarul domn Love… că la naștere ar fi recitat trei strofe din Baudelaire și ar fi protestat vehement împotriva alimentației lipsite de diversitate, că la cinci ani ar fi făcut prima declarație de dragoste și că la aproape nouă i s-ar fi propus să joace pentru Real Madrid, echipa mică.RedStar


    RedStar CSBLACKDEVIL COMMUNITY [www.csblackdevil.com] RedStar


    TeamSpeak3 Server: ts.csblackdevil.com - Love's Desk (channel)
    E-mail address: ady_csbd@yahoo.com / csbdcommunity@gmail.com
    Skype: love_cs16
    Forum profile: http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/profile/11-mrlove/


    RedStar I'm the enemy of private profiles
    RedStar I'm a sociable guy and more open than the gates of heaven


    RedStar The CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world with a very high potential, where those who join us will become legends. The CsBlackDevil Community has over 50.000 members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world. For this reason we consider ourselves, an international community where members have the opportunity to know and interact with each other. 

    To our community belong different Counter Strike 1.6 servers, official and affiliated also listed in gametracker. We offer a wide range of CS 1.6 servers and modes such as: classic, respawn, zombies and fury. We are always looking for servers to join us as affiliate servers but also those who search of buying a new server from us - hosted by KROND SOLUTIONS[ csblackdevil.com], considered official, will receive the necessary support from us. 

    We also provide a forum section in our community where you have full moderation rights. Our administrator team will be available in case of any emergency and you will always receive the needed help. A modern forum for discussing various topics about games, lifestyle, media, technology, fashion not missing of course championships between players and the best and the latest innovative communication through TeamSpeak3 - http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ . 

    Also, the servers who belong to our community are always in top 10 on gametracker, considered the best among all Counter Strike servers in the world. 
    Being part of a community means to belong to a group where the server that you have will become known sooner than if you choose not to collaborate with anyone.RedStar


    Copy from My steam Info Box

    Link http://steamcommunity.com/id/love_csblackdevil/

    +REP ? :HB:

  7. Who can give me a photo or a video with our forum from 2 years ago or more?

  8. Samsung Galaxy A5 ( 2016 ) just born :yuhu::yuhu::yuhu:



    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. _Klay_
    3. ʋσʀтεx™♛


      i have it from long time and its realy good choice ;)

      its only for special people :D

      any way Congrats

    4. PreN't


      Nice :yuhu: 

      GL. :D 

  9. "Version 4.1.18 of the IPS Community Suite is now available." - and applied on our forum :yuhu:

  10. Disappointed by the reactions of friends :mad: but we must learn to assume all our decisions.

    In the coming weeks, will be a period when all you'll need to have patience. I will rebuild our staff and the positive thing is that we have a lot of members.


    Be yourself! 


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. _Klay_
    3. % N0 NeeD %

      % N0 NeeD %

      Hy I m New Member Of Ur Community !!

      I m Here For Help :)

      Just Like Your Friend :) 

  11. Hi staff,

    Today i have to say good bye, i have to left this for personal reasons, was good be part of staff, thanks you dears! 

    With all respect - hNk


    Request accepted!

    If somebody want to be removed we are here to accept all your requests. Thank you!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. *CaRtoo'N™


      bye friend :unsure:

      We will miss you alot ._.

      Te deseo Buena suerte.

    3. MSi


      Good bye, Pro. Good luck in your life. :)

  12. <02:06:35> "Prince": Thank you for agreeing to become part of your staff.
    I tell you this tonight, I will resign as the global-moderator of community.
    If you will need for the reason, I feel unnecessary for this community, if can say like this and I hope I am doing good thing for myself and also for the community. To give a chance to others to continue my job.

    Have a good night!
    <02:09:57> "Mr.Love": You want to be removed?
    <02:13:51> "Prince": Exactly!
    <02:14:12> "Mr.Love": Are you sure?
    <02:14:26> "Prince": Yes.
    <02:15:12> "Mr.Love": Ok Prince
    <02:15:34> "Mr.Love": I am agree with your decision



    As i said HERE i will not accept anymore this kind of reactions. His request was accepted. 

    Thank you!


    1. vIs^♚


      I think that this is the reason that some of them had been appointed by the administrator and some do not, for example *Ha(C)kEr'S* and -DarkJesús-.
      I think it is plain jealousy.

    2. asdasdads Prince

      asdasdads Prince

      @Mr.Love Really, you did it this! You're so ruthless.

      @vIs^♚ Plain jealousy? Both administrators are my friends.

      It's something you can't understand it now!

      But yeah.. you can think what you want.. jealous or something else.


      "As i said HERE i will not accept anymore this kind of reactions. His request was accepted."

      Mister, there was a reply from @DaNGeROuS KiLLeR where it is? Because I am not seeing it... I and all are not seeing the truth!

  13. If you will make a lot of account BE SURE that we will find all and you will be banned directly.

    Your work will be in vain!


    1. ReDeR


      Good bro u are my brother is 

      - Reneton -  account banned 

  14. Be very sure that we do not encourage the creation of multiple accounts.
    Never will NOT offer degrees depending on the number of likes or posts.

    Be very sure of that! :angry:


  15. Conclusion about last meeting and staff upgrades just HERE :yuhu::rambo:

    1. _Klay_


      Congrats to them

    2. ʋσʀтεx™♛


      Congrats to all of them :)

      CSBD !

    3. CumnaTu :x

      CumnaTu :x

      Congrats to all of them :) CSBD !

  16. International TeamSpeak Server: TS3.CsBlackDevil.Com :yuhu:

    Give us a LIKE =>>> 


    Thanks to @More, @Sethhh., @BoRINg, @HellFir3 and many others :HB:

  17. Take advice:

    • Check your INBOX weekly and delete all your PMs! :mad:



    Have a nice day :D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Spy^


      Looking pro :D 

    3. Wanted :x

      Wanted :x

      héhéhé mg1 xD

    4. À la youv

      À la youv

      it was you must call #Sethhh. to teach them how  to play   -.-  i will give you 4 / 10  for your playing

  18. Hello guys,


    In the next 30-60 days we will upgrade our staff ( new moderators will be added :YD: )

    VIP members has more chances to be upgraded to moderator :HB::yuhu:

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Showt Time

      Showt Time

      good luck to all :)

    3. Lexman™
    4. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      Nice Thought 


      C = Chance To win

      S= Share experience

      B= Best Of All

      D= Deals On Deals 

      We Make a Huge Family , Linked with there Heart And Gaming skills .

      GoOd Luck All :)

           Make Huge , Make Love ;)

  19. Merry Christmas my gamer friends :Santa-claus-symbol-for-facebook::Santa-claus-symbol-for-facebook::Santa-claus-symbol-for-facebook::wub::Santa-claus-symbol-for-facebook::Santa-claus-symbol-for-facebook::Santa-claus-symbol-for-facebook:

  20. The user UnKnown csbd got warned on 12/18/16 11:41 PM by - hNk. Reason: Spamming/off-topic/post-hunt/dublu post Note for member: Topic considered: Warn issued via post. Punishment: - Points: 2 (will expire on 12/25/16 11:41 PM) PLEASE READ THE RULES TO AVOID PUNISHMENT!
  21. The user turguti got warned on 12/18/16 11:39 PM by - hNk. Reason: Utilizarea excesivă a colors/smiley/fontsize Note for member: Topic considered: Warn issued via post. Punishment: - Points: 3 (will expire on 12/23/16 11:39 PM) PLEASE READ THE RULES TO AVOID PUNISHMENT!
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