Everything posted by Mr.Love
Internet connection down...by 6 hours ago. X(
Pray for my internet please :(
Good night! :(
5 members were rewarded with VIP for 30 days on the LAST POLL.
Also we made a small meeting in ts3:
- 5 members were rewarded with VIP for 30 days.
- 1 member was rewarded with VIP for 60 days
Congratulations for everyone! For more details check the CAREER topic HERE
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Lol cs go is life
@*Ha(C)kEr'S* i got scamm again i lost my acc "_"
Walkingdead.CsBlackDevil.Com - reinstalled!
ZmOldSchool.CsBlackdevil.Com - reinstalled!
WTFzm.CsblackDevil.Com - working in progress!
If you ask me about messages in chat...you can edit yourself from this address:
PLEASE: Dont share the password of your server to every idiot. I said by many times that I will not reinstall for free your server if is your fault and will come a day when I will do that.
Back in business from today!
- Career category updated! - all old VIPs removed!
I'll be back with more updated in this status...
Stay close
I received a lot of messages from you in the last days but unfortunetly i couldn't answer because of many reasons. "Mr.Love" had a lot of work but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. From Monday I'll be again online for gaminggggg and for other unresolved issues like servers / payments / hooks etc
So 3 more days and done! Thank you!
<15:40:27> "DeViL^": Love
<15:40:34> "DeViL^": sa facut update la forum ?
<15:40:49> "Mr.Love": da
<15:40:57> "DeViL^": e cam aiiurea
<15:41:05> "DeViL^": la mine se vede amestecate
<15:41:19> "Mr.Love": Pentru ca fieca update vine cu bug-uri
<15:41:25> "DeViL^": hmmm
<15:41:26> "Mr.Love": Pe care incercam sa le rezolvam cat mai rapid
<15:41:30> "Mr.Love": fiecare*
<15:41:42> "Mr.Love": Ai doua optiuni:
<15:42:17> "Mr.Love": 1. Iei o pauza si nu te mai conectezi pe forum ca sa nu iti vina a vomita, si automat nu mai stresezi nici staff-ul ( pentru ca nu esti singurul care face asta)
<15:42:35> "Mr.Love": 2. Te conectezi pe forum, iti continui treaba in liniste si calm, fara sa deranjezi pe nimeni
<15:42:38> "Mr.Love": Ce zici?With other words: please be patient, every update come with some bugs, and we are working to resolve all these. Thanks
CsBlackDevil Community is being upgraded!
Please be patient!
Your number of like was recount to 0.
If you will not stop to request likes from members, your account will be suspended!
<16:38:23> "Jinx-": hello
<16:38:33> "Mr.Love": hi
<16:38:40> "Jinx-": how are you
<16:38:56> "Mr.Love": how can I help you?
<16:39:14> "Jinx-": are you looking for moderatores of forum?
<16:39:50> "Mr.Love": yes in the future
<16:39:59> "Jinx-": time
<16:40:17> "Mr.Love": time?
<16:40:51> "Mr.Love": 01-12-2020, 20:30 PM Romania hour
<16:41:00> "Xayah":
<16:41:03> "Xayah": xdPoker face :|
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@Jinx™, U have great english!
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Dear @Lunix see in Mr.Love status your name in image so that solved give him banned
Introduce Yourself - model was updated. I saw your replies but unfortunetly this time nobody came with a good model [ a lot of useless questions ]
You have my example here
Thank you!
P.S: Be ready to be a part of our staff! We are looking for new moderators!
01 : 52 AM here Who is zombie like me? :)))
I'm in ts3...playing Fortnite
As you can see our model from Introduce yourself is so weird. Reply here with your own model and let's make it better ( more professional ).
¤ Name in game:
¤ Age:
¤ Name:
¤ City:
¤ Country:
¤ Favorite Games:
¤ A short description about you:
¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil:
¤ Server preferred (server only community!):
¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):Who know...maybe someone will win 30 days VIP for his help.
Dupa cum puteti vedea modelul din categoria Prezinta-te este destul de aiurea. Lasa un reply cu un model pe care il consideri mult mai ok.
¤ Nume în joc:
¤ Vârsta:
¤ Nume:
¤ Oraș:
¤ Județ:
¤ Țară:
¤ Jocuri preferate:
¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine:
¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil:
¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!):
¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi):Cine stie..poate cineva va castiga 30 zile VIP pentru ajutorul sau.
LIKE & FOLLOW pleaseeee
Have somebody any details about this DANY and his account here?
Is forbidden to use old Zombie Plague addonss [6.0 / 6.2] in your own server without the permission of CSBD Staff. [ big font for blind people]