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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2020 in all areas

  1. a guy named "tareq samy" who is blacklisted on ThunderZM - an absolute idiot :)) Photos:
    6 points
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  3. I see many people requested for avatars and they didn't use one from the designers works! Cmon guys if u're not gonna use it ,then why we're wasting our time? ._. You will see urself in the blacklist soon.
    3 points
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  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. guys let's destroy That COMMUNITY REPUTATION AT 840 (+200) To Open Topic for Those Steam Accounts: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Inova-Suspect1995 https://steamcommunity.com/id/AlbertGift FIRST LINK GAMES: CS1.6 , CSS , L4D2 .etc (LVL 10) VAC BAN GAMES: CS:GO (reason: fake friend using wh) SECONDE LINK GAMES: CS1.6.etc ( LVL 8 ) VAC BAN GAMES: None When I reach 840 (+200) Community Reputation I Will Open Topic GiveAway randomly to this Accounts please let's your friends knows about this awesome GiveAway Good luck to Everyone.
    2 points
  8. OldSchoolZM.CsBlackDevil.com is back with Zombie Plague 6.0 join us ... CLICK HERE TO GET MORE INFO...OLDSCHOOL WITH Z.P 6.0 IS BACK!!! We are looking for admins that can stay connected See ya!
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Clientes actuales: 300 / 512 (-1 reserved) Canales actuales: 266
    2 points
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  13. This is my last review until Saturday, due to studies, I hope you like it!
    1 point
  14. ────────────────────────────────────────── Minimun To Play: → OS: Windows XP SP2 + → Processor: i5-4690 + → Memory: 2 GB of RAM → Graphics: GTX 660+ → DirectX: Version 9.0 → Storage: 2 GB of available space ──────────────────────────── About The Game Glorious Companions is a turn based tactical RPG set in an original fantasy world of Navaroth where you craft your own journey as a leader of a mercenary company. You’ll spend most of your time training and equipping your companions to become an unstoppable force on the battlefield, ready to take on wild beasts just as well as war parties. We’ve come up with this idea back in 2009, and throughout many iterations and attempts it’s flourished into what it is currently. Keep in mind that the current version is still far from our goal and the game is under heavy development as you can see in our news section. The Valrenay were the last to join the war that’s been consuming the islands for centuries. Up until recently they only kept to themselves, developing their technology in peace. Now they’re fighting for their piece of the cake, fielding troops equipped with firearms and steam-powered body enhancements. Scarres were getting the short end of the stick for quite some time, until the new generation of Shamans was born. Under their leadership they began to take back lands that were once theirs. Scarres control the dangerous Blood Magics to wreck havoc on the battlefield. Their units get more powerful as their allies get withered or die near them due to their unique faction rule called "Vengeance". More playable races will be revealed as the development progresses. Custom and gritty combat system: no one is invincible as a single well-aimed strike can take out a careless warrior. No battle is truly over until it’s over: eliminate the enemy captain to win the battle, but be careful as it works the other way around too! Tried and proven formula: the world of Navaroth has its roots in an original pen-and-paper RPG system featuring a science based magic system. Pick your side: become an ally to the vengeful Scarres or join the ranks of the wise Valrenay militia. More factions will be revealed during the development. Take care of your men: keep their morale high by serving them luxury food and alcohol, train them at special facilities when they gather enough experience and crucially - don’t let them bleed out after a tough battle. No two soldiers are ever the same: play to your units natural predispositions, train and equip them to your liking. New world on each playthrough: the continent and its political climate are procedurally generated at the beginning of every journey. World Map 2.0 Update - this will be a major overhaul of the world map’s looks, the whole island will be split into smaller regions, we’ll introduce a resource-based economy, as well as more things to do outside of battles. New, climatic soundtrack - with the visual overhaul that the WM2.0 Update will bring we’ll also introduce a new and fitting soundtrack into the game. Cities Update - you’ll be able to besiege cities, take control over them and manage them as you please. Build new constructions, set the taxes, upgrade the garrison or city walls. The cities will also receive new models and the interface will change altogether. New playable races - we plan to bring Anderia (well organized human army) and Trigoths (wild tribesmen / savages) into the game. Fog of War - it’ll be added to both the battles and the world map. Dungeons - they’ll require more resource management to go through successfully as there’ll be no downtime between the encounters to heal up your party. Dialogue System & Politics - we plan to greatly improve the current way of interacting with other lords. You’ll also be able to talk to your companions and NPCs in towns. Ancient Guardians - they’ll be the end-game threat that will bring chaos onto the islands. Improved enemy AI - we’re constantly working and tinkering with our AI to make it as human-like as possible. Steam Achievements & Trading Cards - we’ll implement them for the full release of the game. We’re a small indie developer from Poland and we’re working hard to realize our dream project. We specialize in mechanics-heavy games for the PC, we only work on games that we want to play ourselves, and we’re all PC gamers at heart. With Glorious Companions we’re inspired by both video game classics such as Mount & Blade and Heroes of Might and Magic series, but also by an array of miniature wargames and pen-and-paper RPGs that we love to play in our free time. What's New? Here come the Scarres! Big Update & -50% Weeklong Deal Creator Say: We’re happy to announce that the new playable race, the Scarres, has been added to the game in the biggest update since our Early Access release! To celebrate this we’re launching a Weeklong Deal that puts Glorious Companions at 50% off until Feb 24th. This is the biggest discount so far and the price won’t drop this low for quite some time, so get the game cheap while you can! The Scarres took us longer to develop than we initially thought, but in the end we didn’t want to launch them too soon, without dedicated Captain Calls or fully working special abilities for each one of the red lizardmen. Unfortunately the changes in this patch will require you to start over from the beginning. To sweeten that we’ve added some features and tweaks that will improve the initial campaign experience. If you want to learn more about the new race check out our special Scarres Steam Guide here -> Scarres 101 Guide Anyways, let’s dive into what the update brings into the game: Scarres - the New Playable Race Some of you might know that in theory some Scarre units were already in the game. However, they all used outdated models that were made some 7 years ago, they didn’t have any abilities nor all the weapon animations, and on top of that, they didn’t even have dedicated armor models. They were also not a playable race, in the sense that you couldn’t pick them when you’re starting the campaign. All this changes with the Scarres Update. The old content was scrapped entirely and we’ve redesigned the whole race, their play style, unit types and skills from the ground up. Scarres come with their own resource called Vengeance, which they need to use their special abilities. Contrary to the Valrenay that start each battle with their resource bars filled up, Scarre units start battles with no Vengeance and replenish it when their nearby allies receive damage or die, making them stronger as the battle progresses. Scarres will have 5 classes of their own, each with 4-5 special abilities (out of the 10-12 planned for the full version) to wreck havoc on the battlefield. They will introduce the fantasy element back into the game that was up till now overshadowed by steampunk themes. The Red Lizardmen use blood magic instead of technology, which will introduce a few pretty cool spells. Special Abilities We’ve made a lot of fixes and balance changes to the already existing abilities. Additionally, the Tooltips System has received a small rehaul and we will finally be able to show more information about the skills your companions use. On top of that, we’ve finally enabled AI to use some of the spells (mostly single-target abilities at the moment), so don’t get caught surprised when an enemy unit pulls out a Master Ability on your captain. Goals System We’ve been getting a lot of feedback about the lack of direction at the beginning of the game. To combat this, we’ve implemented an Overarching Goals System that will always give you something to do. Right after the first battle, you’ll be able to choose your first Goal. We’ve made a whole tree of goals and you can expect different progression based on your choices. Misc As for the smaller stuff, as always we’ve spent some time fixing quite a few nasty bugs, both the ones that we discovered on our own and the ones the community has reported. The AI has received another batch of changes too, though it’s still nowhere near the state which we intend for the full game to feature. We’ve added thin HP bars for the shields as it’s honestly pretty weird that we hadn’t thought of this one earlier. And finally, we’ve made some important fixes / changes that should get rid of the frequent crashes, or at the very least minimize the issue. We’ll investigate it further to see if the problem was successfully eradicated. Warning: Old saves won't work after this update! Content: New playable race of Scarres featuring Acolyte, Scarrling, Warlord, Shamaness and Avenger. Four to five abilities for each Scarre unit. Captain Calls for Scarres. New Captain Call for the Trapper. Changed the Gunner's Captain Call. Enemy AI can now use some special abilities. Overarching Goals System. Shield HP bars. Improved Ability tooltips that show more info. Small Main Menu overhaul. Displaying a success chance % when using abilities. Balance: Enemy Captain AI tweaked. Tweaked the enemy party balance. Applied an uniform distribution of buildings across the island's cities. Added a unit number limit in Custom Battle modes. Bug fixes: Fixed 'Tough' trait bug. (reported by lordnivek1) Fixed the bug with bindings not saving after restarting the game. (reported by TheRealHoseHead) Lots of bug fixes for the Valrenay abilities. Fixed a bug with ranged projectiles not disappearing and the camera going too far. Fixed a leak that caused the game to crash. Fixed a lot of Camping related bugs. Fixed a few bugs with the Esc menu. Fixed a few bugs with time flow and targetting on the World Map. Fixed the invisible tutorial wolves bug. Fixed a bug with ability fx glitches when used for the first time. Fixed Blade Dancer's fingers glitching through shields. Fixed unit HP bars displaying incorrectly at low camera angles. Fixed a leak when selecting abilities in Custom Battle. Fixed a bug with training the captain unit and Hunger. Polished scene loading. + Get Disccount Now
    1 point
  15. Dozens of Israeli soldiers have had their smartphones hacked by the Hamas militant group posing as women seeking attention, Israel's military says. A spokesman said the soldiers were sent fake photos of young females and lured into downloading an app without knowing it could access their handsets. He said there was no "significant breach of information" before the scam was foiled. Hamas, which controls Gaza, and Israel view each other as mortal enemies. It is the third such attempt in recent years by Hamas to infiltrate Israeli soldiers' phones, but was the most sophisticated yet, according to Lt Col Jonathan Conricus. "We see that they're of course learning and upping their game," he said. Col Conricus said the hackers had masqueraded as young women with imperfect Hebrew, claiming to be immigrants or to have visual or hearing impairments, in order to appear convincing. After striking up friendships, the "women" would send links which they said would enable them to exchange photos, but which in reality caused the soldiers to download malware - programmes that can attack smartphones or computer devices. Once the link was opened, the programme would install a virus which would give the hacker access to the phone's data, including location, pictures and contacts. It could also remotely mani[CENSORED]te the phone, using it to take photos and recordings without the owner's knowledge. Col Conricus said the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) had uncovered the plot several months ago but had let it continue under surveillance until they shut it down. The IDF has previously warned soldiers about the need for vigilance when using smartphones and issued guidelines to try to prevent hacking attempts. Israel and Hamas are in a permanent state of conflict and both are engaged in intelligence gathering against one another as part of their ongoing hostilities.
    1 point
  16. Hello World: We are Searching for better users can we get them? you can reply here anywhere anytime ? good luck to everyone.
    1 point
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  18. Name:Zex Date&time: 17/02/2020 - 20:19:2 Screenshoot:
    1 point
  19. Fast... it's this a good deal? https://www.fanatical.com/en/bundle/killer-bundle-12 it's not publicitaire, just a question...
    1 point
  20. ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.com [6.0] is back !! ( old staff ) join us .. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/15156-zombie-oldschoolzm/ we are searching also for admins !! go go go go waiting for you !
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. and look whos back to blue colour ? wlc baby ❤️
    1 point
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  24. ""Corona Virus will spread world wide and kill in millions Few More Months"" Eat roasted Garlic pieces without skin do salt water gargle To avoid it very simple Good Night all
    1 point
  25. 1 point
    1 point
  27. Pro For Helper I See U Activiti is God + Pass/Key Is Corect Good Loock !!! Rei™ Read Rules Please U Cann Get Warning For Not Respect/Know Rules !! Lets Us Vote Pro/Or/Contra !! And Wait 24h !! For Closed Topic
    1 point
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  30. Hello guys sry for inactivity Hulk will be back ASAP Love all?
    1 point
  31. Nu inteleg ce zici te rog incearca pe romana. Multumesc
    1 point
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  33. RIP 15,000 points ?? I bet for ronaldo that he will mark a goal ,and he didn't even play in the match ._.
    0 points
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